DIY for the SoulSample

When it comes to providing for my family, that is something that has always been a source of stress and concern. Owning my own business, there have been plenty of times where on paper, I had no idea where the money to pay the bills would come from.
This verse is such a source of comfort and peace to my soul. I know that no matter what is going on, from financial crisis, family deaths, to health issues, that God is going to be with me through these times.
The beginning of this verse rings such truth because it says “do not be anxious about anything”. Well, figuring out where money is going to come from and trying with everything I can to make money, I have to trust Him.
Looking back over 15 years, there has never been a moment where we have gone without. Times are tough and stressful, but in the midst of those moments, the peace that transcends all understanding has taken over my soul.
What areas of your life are you worrying about? What areas of life do you need to find rest in Jesus?
About this Plan

2020 has been an incredibly challenging year. If you're like me, you're exhausted, a little on edge and uncertain about the future. You may look ok on the outside, but how are you doing on the inside? Most importantly, how's your soul? Many of our souls are damaged, neglected or unhealthy. DIY for the Soul focuses on renovating and caring for the most important aspect of our lives, our souls.
We would like to thank Stonecreek Church for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: