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6 Biblical Traits Of A Godly DadSample

6 Biblical Traits Of A Godly Dad

DAY 2 OF 8

Day 2 The godly dad knows biblical truth.

We call them the five "big rocks" of a godly dad. Like a well-balanced diet, these five things are essential for the godly dad knowing biblical truth. 

1. The godly dad trusts God (Exodus 20:2-3).

The first of the Ten Commandments God gave us was that we put Him first, above everything and everyone else. When we get things out of order and make other things or other people more important than God, we make those things false gods or idols. 

Your role as dad isn't to point your child to you. The godly dad points his child to God.

2. The godly dad knows His Word (Proverbs 4:5).

Do you know God's Word? Like, do you have it in your heart so that it's not a forced thing when you try to apply it to situation? 

The Bible calls this "hiding God's Word in our hearts” (Psalm 119:11). When we do this, His Word will help us experience His ways in our own lives. Then, you can speak from experience and be good friends to those around you.

3. The godly dad prays fervently (Matthew 6:5-15). 

In Matthew 6:5-15, Jesus taught His disciples to pray. Jesus’ goal as He prayed was, “your will be done” (v. 10), not “here’s my list of what I want you to do for me, God.” 

This outline can help teach your child to pray:

• Come to God with the right attitude and heart.

• Begin by worshiping God.

• Have the right goal for your prayer.

• Ask for what you need, and trust God.

• Confess your sins and ask for forgiveness.

• Forgive others who have hurt you.

• Ask God to protect you and help you when tempted.

Teach your child how to pray simply by having an honest conversation with God. 

4. The godly dad builds relationships (Proverbs 27:17).

To be a godly dad, it’s going to take other people. You cannot go this road alone. Take time to invest in guys around you and seek them out. Become the guy who invests time and attention in relationships. We need strong, godly friendships in order to grow and live as followers of Christ.

5. The godly dad serves others (Proverbs 16:3).

What’s does it mean to commit whatever you do to the Lord? It means we do what we do for God, not for ourselves or others; and we depend on him for success. We are to live the lifestyle of a servant (Phil. 2:1-8). 

When we serve others we put into action what God is doing in our lives. The godly dad makes an impact on the people around him.

Ask yourself: Which of these five big rocks do you need the most help with?

About this Plan

6 Biblical Traits Of A Godly Dad

Most dads say they feel inadequate and don’t know where to start when discipling their children. This plan will help get you started with the six biblical traits you should model in your own life. Learn and practice these six (6) biblical traits of a godly dad in your own life and home—and you’ll be well on your way.


We would like to thank Manhood Journey for providing this Plan. For more information, please visit: