Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Genesis 1:27

God's Good Idea: Work
3 Days
In Genesis, we see that work was God's idea from the beginning. We also see God’s original commission to people to work alongside him, to participate in God's own work. This reading plan is from The High Calling and Theology of Work Project.

Same Kind of Different As Me
4 Days
A 4-day devotional inspired by the movie, SAME KIND OF DIFFERENT AS ME, releasing on October 20. Written by Mark Mittelberg.

The Book Of Mysteries: The Final Mystery
3 Days
"It didn't happen often, but when it did, it was dramatic." Based on the New York Times best-selling book The Book of Mysteries by Jonathan Cahn, these powerful daily readings take you on a journey through desert plains and ancient secrets. Includes audio recordings.

The Mind of Christ
3 Days
Christian mindfulness is the state of being conscious and aware of the Divine always present in your life. The first guided audio meditation will help you concede your life to the sufficient care found in the mind of God. The second meditation will adjust your old desires to align with the desires of God. Finally, a reflection on being aware of God’s creation in the present moment.

Looking Like Jesus
3 Days
In this 3-day plan we will discover that God has created us to look like Him. He made us 'in His image'. We will discover what Jesus' sacrifice on the cross has to do with looking more like Him. We will see more and more what God wants for our lives.

Release To Realise Your Destiny
3 Days
A born-again believer is initiated into this new journey heading to a new destination with old ways of thinking, feeling and acting. The plan exhorts believers to release and re-align the mind of a believer in 3 significant areas, namely Identity, Attitude & Problem Solving. This will help him progress in this journey successfully, not stressfully!

The Good In Our Desire To Be Great
3 Days
Everyone is born with a desire for greatness. But given the rampant abuses of power we see in our world today, it can be easy to believe that our desire for greatness is inherently sinful. As this three day plan will show, Jesus offers an alternative perspective, showing his disciples and us the good in our desire to be great.

You Are God's Masterpiece!
3 Days
If you have ever struggled with your worth, this plan is for you. Why? Because this plan focuses on God’s good purpose and design of you. You are uniquely gifted. You are an original, made to succeed in fulfilling God’s good plan for your life. Fix your heart and mind on what God calls you. He calls you His poetry, workmanship, handiwork, prized possession, and masterpiece. You are special!

Goodbye, Yesterday!
3 Days
Bestselling author and empowerment specialist, Cindy Trimm, equips you with three laws to activate boundary-defying faith.

Tony Evans Explores Racial Reconciliation
3 Days
Instead of unity, many people merely tolerate other races. They simply put up with others without any desire to actually enter into a relationship with them. In this 3-day reading plan, Dr. Tony Evans will help us move away from racial tolerance and move towards reconciliation. We will discuss the keys to authentic biblical reconciliation and why it is absolutely crucial for true unity within the body of Jesus Christ.

The Courage To Create
3 Days
At times, the world can seem like it is full of uncertainty, anxiety, and fear. As humans, we are never really in control of our circumstances. Amidst all this uncertainty, how can we Christ-followers find the courage to work and create boldly? That’s the question we’ll answer in this three-day plan.

Shine Your Light in Darkness
3 Days
In this inspiring and life-changing three-day devotional, you will learn the truth that your ultimate turnaround is on its way as you shine the light of God’s Word in the midst of darkness. Your path is getting brighter and brighter, day by day!

Christian Discernment
3 Days
We live in a time where the church speaks the same language, uses the same jargon, and spouts the same perspectives as a world in darkness. The evangelical church has often been willing to reevaluate what it has long believed in response to the world’s social consciousness and moral outrage; yet the world has proven it has no conscience nor respect for what is genuinely moral according to Scripture.

Beloved Martha, It's Okay To Rest!
3 Days
If you’ve ever felt bad about having a Martha episode, I have good news for you! God loves His Doers! We are His good idea. Wanting the best for us, God wants our doing to flow from a mindset of rest in His desire and ability to empower and replenish us. Doing God’s way advantages and anchors us. Beloved Doer, It’s Okay To Rest In God!

A Christian Marriage
3 Days
Marriage is viewed differently by different people. However, God established the biblical covenant of marriage from the beginning of time. This three-day study guides you through the meaning and biblical points of marriage, guiding principles, and the divine intent behind it while encouraging you to regard God even as you strive to love your spouse.

Overcoming Negative Body Image
3 Days
Do you suffer from negative body image? Many of us, whether male or female, live constantly dissatisfied with ourselves and how we look. We buy into lies from society and the Enemy. Yet, God desires to free us. This 3-day devotional plan will help you identify these lies, their sources, and step into what God says about you.

Broken Into Beautiful: A 3-Day Devotional
3 Days
Based upon the Redemptive Story of Scripture, "Broken Into Beautiful" looks at the way God reveals, restores and redeems beauty in our lives. We will explore how it is that we can be His Masterpiece and a Work In Progress all at the same time. How we can find beauty in the ashes of our brokenness, and how we can trust that God can and is creating beauty from those ashes. "Broken Into Beautiful" is our Redemptive Story… Written by Hannah Hobbs with Catrina Henderson.

What Is the Purpose of My Life?
3 Days
The meaning of life has had philosophers and fictional supercomputers scratching their heads for centuries, but the Bible was written by people with an unshakable sense of meaning and purpose. If all things are created for a purpose, what’s the purpose we were made for? Join us in this three-day plan as we explore three aspects of our purpose: love, caring for the world, and God’s glory.

Overcoming Anger
3 Days
Anger can be all-consuming. It robs us of joy, can destroy relationships, contributes to health problems, and even addiction. But it is possible to gain victory over anger. This 3-day devotional plan will show you how. You don’t have to stay grumpy or lose your temper. With God’s help, you can learn how to overcome anger.

God Fills in the Gaps
3 Days
Have you ever felt empty? What are the current gaps in your life? What do you feel? Do you think God can fill those gaps? This devotional reading plan will help you understand that the emptiness of your life can only be filled by the presence of God.

Independence Is Impossible With Judah Lupisella
3 Days
Independence is impossible because you’re always depending on something: water to hydrate you, food to nourish you, and God to hold all things in the world together. You were created to be dependent. You must realize that you can do absolutely nothing without Christ—you need God. If you’re open to learning what it looks like to depend on God fully, then this plan is for you!

3 Days
According to Global Suicide Stats, An estimated 703,000 people die by suicide worldwide annually. This is one person every 44.8 seconds. We live in a day of confusion, loss of hope, and a world filled with problems. There are many factors to consider, but to me, showing God’s love would help individuals know they matter! This last in a series reveals important truths about suicide.

I Am a Beloved Daughter of God
3 Days
Precious daughter of God, do you struggle with feeling unimportant? If so, I remind you that you matter to God. You’re His child and good idea. He knows you completely, accepts you wholeheartedly, loves you unconditionally, and delights in your unique representation of His goodness in this world. Let God’s steadfast love empower you to live a life of belonging and purpose. You’re His daughter, and you’re beloved.

Narnia and Genesis
3 Days
The books of Narnia have many Biblical teachings. In this three-day devotional, you will see the book of Genesis in a new way and learn a little about the literary wealth of C. S. Lewis.

Chosen - Unveiling the Woman in Christ
3 Days
As women, we often find ourselves juggling many different roles in life. But in the midst of this busyness, it's important to remember who we are at our core: God's Chosen Women, or the Woman in Christ. This identity is the foundation of our lives, shaping our relationship with God and others. Join us over the next three days as we explore this identity in more depth!