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Search results for: sons of God

Of Fathers and Sons

7 Days

Of Fathers and Sons
Are you a father? Want to know more about God, your heavenly Father? I’d love to share with you some recent lessons I learned from interacting with my young son. If you’re a dad yourself you’ll probably relate to these stories. As you read, you’ll see the analogy in each story and feel the power of God as your Father. Then let the daily Bible readings drive the lessons home.

Echo of God

8 Days

Echo of God
God's greatness echoes in his creation. And in you, his creative power. This Bible reading plan is about how this echoes in your life. You are created in his image. That makes you unique in this world.

Lamb of God

7 Days

Lamb of God
Through the Old Testament, we learn that people would take their lambs as a sacrificial offering to cover up their sins. Jesus came to take away the sin of the world. As followers of Christ, if we place our trust and faith in Him, our sins are forgiven and forgotten. We now can live righteously through Jesus!

God Of Creation

11 Days

God Of Creation
God chooses to reveal himself to humanity through both his word and his world. The skies declare his glory and the ground produces life only by his grace. Over the course of 11 days, we will examine scripture that illustrates the Immensity, Intelligence, Intricacy, and Intimacy of our Creator!

Man Of God

9 Days

Man Of God
You don't have to be “perfect” or “ideal” to be a man of God. In the devotions that follow, Dr. Charles Stanley describes for you seven characteristics of the total, spiritual man and how understanding these characteristics and adopting them into your life will help you become the man of God, husband, and father you were always meant to be. 

Gift of God

7 Days

Gift of God
You are a gift from God! You were made in His image and you are a wonderful creation. This 7-day devotional, written by Emily Dickinson, explores your unique gifts and inspires you to live confidently through His generosity and wisdom.

More Of God

5 Days

More Of God
Do you want more OF God? Or more FROM God? In this 5-day devotional, renowned theologian and author R. T. Kendall challenges you to seek the Benefactor, not just the benefits. Learn to desire more of God, not for personal gain, but for an enriched relationship with Him.

Child of God

10 Days

Child of God
We have so many titles, but which is most important? Child of God, right? Do you ever get overwhelmed by all of the other titles you hold? Being a child, parent, student, sibling, employee, or athlete brings busyness. This plan will look at ways to keep God in the #1 spot while juggling so many other responsibilities.

Favour Of God

5 days

Favour Of God
Will I ever experience a change in my life? Can I be a success in life? Shall my dreams ever come true? Do I have God's favor on me? How can I avail God's favour? Find answers to these questions by joining Ps. Damien Antony on a study on 'The Favour Of God’.

God Of Tomorrow

5 Days

God Of Tomorrow
Whatever your political or theological beliefs, I’m sure we can agree that today’s world isn’t the world we grew up in. But we don’t need to fear what is happening in our society. We can learn from Jesus, who faced similar moral issues when He walked this earth. Yet He chose to invest in others rather than fear the future. We can do the same—because the God of tomorrow is here with us today.

Heirs of God

6 Days

Heirs of God
What does it mean to be an heir with Christ? Why is it important to not work for the flesh? This six-day plan explores what it means to be a co-heir with Jesus through the Apostle Paul’s writings in Romans 8:12–17.

Promises Of God

27 Days

Promises Of God
While others may make promises and break them, God never does, because He is the Ultimate Promisekeeper. What He promises, He fulfills. In this four week study on the promises of God, we will look at how God promises to be with, guide, help, and sustain you. Because God is holy, it is not hard for Him to keep His promises which are unfailing, unchanging, and true.

God of Justice

7 Days

God of Justice
God does not merely choose to act justly – He is justice. His decisions are not swayed by external pressures or personal biases (Which Sign Will You Choose? – Dwayne Jeffries). As you follow this plan, be encouraged and empowered to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly every day (Micah 6:8), just as Jesus did.

God of Wonders: 5 Days of Awe in the Presence of God

5 Days

God of Wonders: 5 Days of Awe in the Presence of God
Scientific research has shown that to live in awe means to live in health—and to face stress, anxiety and fear with peace of heart and mind. The God of awe leaves invitations to wonder in your daily path. These miracles of life whisper hope and release healing. Encounter the God of awe during this 5-day reading plan. He is waiting for you in the wonder!

The Will Of God

7 Days

The Will Of God
God’s will for you doesn’t have to remain a mystery. Whether facing a major life decision or simply trying to walk with the Lord each day, your heavenly Father wants to reveal the plans He has for you. Join Dr. Charles Stanley as he teaches you about the will of God, how to discern it, and steps to take when walking in His will for your life.

Armor of God

7 Days

Armor of God
We are instructed to put on the armor of God which includes faith, righteousness, salvation, truth, and peace. We are not required to produce it but are directed to wear it. This armor is God’s provision to every believer. Every Christian has the armor of God, but not every Christian wears it. Armor doesn’t work if it’s not worn.

God of the Impossible

7 Days

God of the Impossible
In the God of the Impossible Plan, Dr. Marsha Smith offers biblically based steps readers can use to overcome life’s detours, through faith and an understanding of God’s purpose for their lives.

The Grace of God

5 Days

The Grace of God
The grace of God is a never ending supply of His favor, love, and kindness to us. Even though we’ve done nothing to deserve it, it’s available to the entire world through Jesus. No matter how good or bad our choices may be, we’re all in need of God’s grace. In this Plan, we’ll learn more about how to live grace-filled lives.

Fear of God?

3 Days

Fear of God?
What is the fear of God, and is it a good thing for me to be fearful of Him? In this 3-day devotional by beloved pastor, R.T. Kendall, you will encounter the presence of God in new and exciting ways as you delve into true reverence for God. Learn how the fear of God can play a powerful role in growing your relationship with Christ.

The Favor of God

3 Days

The Favor of God
What does it mean to have the favor of God on your life? In this 3-day devotional, you’ll discover what the favor of God looks like from a biblical standpoint and how specific key elements will completely change your outlook and understanding of God’s abundant favor.

The God of Miracles

3 Days

The God of Miracles
Can we really count on God to do miracles? In this 3-day devotional by Michelle McClain-Walters, you’ll look at the miraculous power of God demonstrated through the prophet Elijah and how the Lord still works in these vast and glorious ways today.

The God Of Hope

3 Days

The God Of Hope
Share this College Devotional with others as Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this life-changing devotional. Have you lost hope? Have you lost hope in any area of your life? Maybe, failure and defeat has strangled your hope. Maybe, you’ve lost hope for something and you can’t figure out why. God is the Author and Architect of Hope. Surrender to Him as you read this life-transforming message.

The Armor of God

5 Days

The Armor of God
Every day, an invisible war rages around you—unseen, unheard, yet felt throughout your life. A devoted, devilish enemy seeks to wreak havoc on everything that matters to you: your heart, your mind, your marriage, your children, your dreams, your destiny. His battle plan depends on catching you unaware and unarmed. If you're tired of being pushed around and caught with your guard down, this study is for you.

The Ways of God

5 Days

The Ways of God
God’s ways are not our ways. He does not adjust His ways over time nor accommodate them to our feelings or preferences. But He is willing to reveal them to us. They are found in His Word, and they haven’t changed. Never be satisfied merely seeing the acts of God. In this five-day devotional by Richard Blackaby, explore Scripture to move from seeing God’s actions to being intimately familiar with His ways.

The Names of God

3 Days

The Names of God
What do the names of God mean? Do they have a purpose? In this 3-day devotional by Rabbi Kirt A. Schneider, discover the power behind some of God’s most fantastic names and how they apply to your daily living.

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