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Search results for: we all are sheep gone astray

[Unboxing Psalm 23] Still Waters

3 Days

[Unboxing Psalm 23] Still Waters
Each verse of Psalm 23 is fraught with richness for us to discover and make our own. The very notion that God is our all-knowing Shepherd, and that we are His sheep, brings us a peace of mind and heart that only He can bring. Let’s take the next step of our journey with Pastor Mark Rae to unpack all these blessings that are already ours!

For the One

7 Days

For the One
In Luke, Jesus tells a story about a man who leaves behind 99 sheep to search for one that had gotten lost. We all have friends who are lost - that need Jesus. We are to share Jesus with them - not just with our words but also with our actions. *This plan was written by one of the students at LCBC Church!

Navigating Uncertainty

16 Days

Navigating Uncertainty
During and after the Pandemic, we have found ourselves in uncertain waters. Familiar landmarks are gone, the surroundings have changed, and everything we thought would never change has had to change. How do we cope with all this uncertainty? These 16 devotions offer a couple of perspectives.

Nothing Else Matters

5 Days

Nothing Else Matters
The Nothing Else Matters devotional is about pulling away from all of the distractions, the noise, the busyness of life, and connecting with God.  No matter how broken we believe we are or how far we have gone from God, we can always connect with Him, knowing that He will meet us just where we are and touch our hearts. 

Just Breathe: Hope And Help For Those Drowning In The Pain Of Addiction

16 Days

Just Breathe: Hope And Help For Those Drowning In The Pain Of Addiction
All stories redeemable. All brokenness repairable. All addictions breakable. Using the acronym BREATHE, Keith Repult provides practical tools for reflection, hope, and help for those drowning in the pain of addiction. This plan is a reminder that we’ve never gone too far to be made new by the big grace of God. Keith’s powerful story of finding freedom from addiction and practical tools are found in the book, Just Breathe.  

How Can I Trust God When...

10 Days

How Can I Trust God When...
We’ve been told our whole lives we’re supposed to trust God, but do we know how to really and truly do it…and make it a part of our daily lives? If you’re facing heartaches and suffering, changes and disappointments, daily worries and concerns, or maybe it seems God has gone silent, this 10-part study will help you learn how to completely trust Him in everything…at all times.

Our Faithful God

5 Days

Our Faithful God
We all get derailed, distracted, discouraged at times. Some days it feels like everything has gone wrong. Sink into this devotional’s reminder of God’s promises. His plan to bring light, beauty, and new life is evident from the first verses of Scripture in Genesis through Jesus’s birth, death, and resurrection, and into Revelation’s hope for the time when tears are no more.

He Calls Us By Name

5 Days

He Calls Us By Name
Humans are a lot like sheep. Just like sheep, we need a shepherd to guide us on the paths of life. Jesus is our Good Shepherd. He calls us by name, leads us out of bondage, finds us when we’re lost, knows us intimately, and keeps us from harm. He not only leads us, He loves us. Jesus laid down His life for us. Join me in this five-day study as we explore different ways Jesus shepherds us.

[Unboxing Psalm 23: Treasures for Every Believer] Paths of Righteousness

3 Days

[Unboxing Psalm 23: Treasures for Every Believer] Paths of Righteousness
In this third message of our series on Psalm 23, we reflect on the wonderful care our great Shepherd provides His sheep. Whether we are cast down, wandered off, or are burned out, we can have confidence that in Christ we are made complete, find rest, restored, and made righteous.

Between Calamity & Calling

6 Days

Between Calamity & Calling
The Bible says we are all called to be disciples. How do we live in the fullness of that calling without the calamities around us leading us to despair? How do we stay hopeful in a world filled with so much hurt? This reading plan will take you into the heart of Jesus's biggest calamity – the night He spent in the Garden of Gethsemane. The goal is to learn from Jesus how to wrestle through the calamities of life whilst remaining faithful to our calling.

The Generous Entrepreneur: A 3-Day Devotional on Serving Others With Joy and Generosity

3 Days

The Generous Entrepreneur: A 3-Day Devotional on Serving Others With Joy and Generosity
Resources are scarce. Each day, I’m keenly aware that I only have a limited supply of energy, money, knowledge, and time. Thus, as a business owner, I’m tempted to hold and hoard these resources closely because once they are gone . . . they are gone, never to return again. Or are they? In this devotional we will discuss how we can invite God into our entrepreneurial journey through generosity.

Praying With Eyes Wide Open

7 Days

Praying With Eyes Wide Open
My passion is to see ordinary followers of Jesus grow into natural prayers who talk to God, listen to God, and interact with God at all times, in all places, through all circumstances. To do this, we will all need to learn how to pray with our eyes wide open, our ears wide open, our hearts wide open—our lives wide open! Come spend seven days learning how.

Called To Influence

5 Days

Called To Influence
Have you ever considered that God’s missional plan for you most likely sits in your everyday life, which includes the many hours spent at work? Only a small percentage of Christians are called to full time church ministry but we are all instructed to ‘go and make disciples’. Wherever God has positioned you, this is where you are called to influence. You may ask, “Who am I to influence?” and “How do I do this in practice?” Let’s explore these questions together over the next 5 days.

Daily Devotionals - June

30 Days

Daily Devotionals - June
Devotionals available daily so that God speaks in our hearts! We all need time spent with Him.

Real Hope: Weariness

5 Days

Real Hope: Weariness
At times, life can be hard and full of twists and turns. Unexpected events, difficult situations, pandemics, relationships, and the daily grind can sometimes lead to a weariness beyond tired or exhausted. A weariness that caffeine and endorphins can’t fix. It’s a soul weariness. We hope in this plan that your soul will be nourished, your spirit renewed, and your heart filled.


4 Days

Does life seem exhausting? Do you need to reboot, either physically or spiritually? We've all experienced exhaustion in this crazy busy world, but how often do we refuse to rest because we think it's unimportant or even considered being lazy? God prioritized rest after He created the world, and Jesus promises to give you rest when you come to Him. Jesus invites you to rest now.

The 40-Day New Testament Challenge

40 Days

The 40-Day New Testament Challenge
What if you spent the next 40 days walking alongside Jesus, listening to His life-changing teachings, visiting churches with Paul, and falling more in love with God with each turning page? You’re invited to read through the entire New Testament in 40 days—with a Sabbath rest each week. Our prayer is that at the end, you’ll feel so spiritually full you’ll never want to live on empty again.

Real Hope: Thanksgiving

5 Days

Real Hope: Thanksgiving
It’s safe to say that this year has not gone according to plan. However, despite all the turmoil and uncertainty, God is still at work. We still have so much to be thankful for. Take time this week to reflect, consider and be thankful for all that God has done this year, all that He has bestowed upon you, and for the people He has surrounded you with.

Live a Full Life Today

7 Days

Live a Full Life Today
What is the recipe for a full life? The Bible has all the ingredients we need to live a full life, with joy, peace, and direction, knowing that our steps are guided by Jesus.

[#life Series] Parenting Part 2

10 Days

[#life Series] Parenting Part 2
Sometimes we can get lost in the everyday tasks of parenting. We need to remind ourselves that the only thing we should aim for is the heart of our kids. If we trust the Lord, and teach them to do the same, we will see the rewards He promises come through every time. Let’s place in their hearts the melody they would want to sing when we are gone.

All For Love by MOPS International

7 Days

All For Love by MOPS International
After a year spent hunkering down, living smaller, and experiencing a little more fear and anxiety than usual, we are declaring this is the year of going big. No longer will we wait to “get back to normal”; instead, we will start making space for the new things God has for us. We will become less guarded and more daring because this is our year to live All For Love.

Jonah : Knowing God's Heart

4 Days

Jonah : Knowing God's Heart
The book of Jonah teaches us profound truths about the character of God and his love for all people. His care extends beyond borders, cultures, and circumstances. He is merciful and forgiving despite our disobedience. As we read this book, may we not only gain insight into God's character but also be compelled to share His heart for every individual, embracing His call to extend love and grace to all.

Healing From a Past of Sexual Sin

5 Days

Healing From a Past of Sexual Sin
Jesus has made the way for COMPLETE forgiveness, healing, cleansing, and freedom from any past. Hear testimony of this freedom, and receive it for yourself. In Christ, we are New Creations - the old has gone, and the new has come! This is PART 2 of the PureHeart Challenge – a 5-Part Bible Plan for men and women on the topic of sexuality and purity.

Liturgies for Wholeness

5 Days

Liturgies for Wholeness
Liturgy reminds us that we are not alone. In this devotional, Audrey and Elizabeth offer original, pre-written prayers based on the comfort, truth, and wonder found in Scripture. If you’re at a loss for words, need fresh inspiration, or just feel exhausted, these liturgies about everyday experiences will give language to the wrestling in your mind, body, heart, and soul.

The Always God

5 Days

The Always God
We’ve all gone through times that cause us to question if God loves us—or even sees us. We try to believe that he is always there, but when our prayers go unanswered, our hearts and souls ache to know he is there. With us. In us. For us. This plan calls us to seek answers in Scripture about the God who is always reaching toward us with love.

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