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Search results for: titus 3:10

The Life of Jesus, Part 3 (3/10)

5 Days

The Life of Jesus, Part 3 (3/10)
Come on a journey with me and learn more about the life of Jesus. Together we watch a short clip of the movie The Life of Jesus and reflect on what we see. Discover who Jesus really was and what He can mean to you. This reading plan is the third of 10. You can read each plan separately but we challenge you to complete the whole journey.

People of Light, People of Darkness: The Last Apostle | 1 John 3:1-10

5 Days

People of Light, People of Darkness: The Last Apostle | 1 John 3:1-10
Near the end of his life, John, the last living apostle, wrote a Gospel. And it seems some people were distorting it. John writes to believers caught in the aftermath, bringing clarity and commentary on what he wrote. He shows them what it looks like to be people of light and life instead of people of death and darkness. This plan takes us through 1 John and how to live in the face of distorted Christianity.

Be Ready: A Study in Titus

3 Days

Be Ready: A Study in Titus
The last of the pastoral epistles, the book of Titus, was written to help establish elders and churches on the island of Crete. Paul encourages Titus to cultivate both right beliefs through sound doctrine and right behavior through godliness. Titus encourages believers to “be ready for every good work” (Titus 3:1) so that we might show “the goodness and lovingkindness of God our Savior” (Titus 3:4).

Sisters in Christ

9 Days

Sisters in Christ
Join Amorita Weaver for a short study inviting Christian women to live Titus 2:3-4.

Dealing With Me

5 Days

Dealing With Me
This 5-day reading plan is a power-packed boot camp that will help you learn how to deal with yourself. Each day you will read Bible passages that will strengthen your biblical view on marriage, forgiveness, and controlling your tongue. As a bonus, short devotional teachings from Denise Renner are included too. Denise’s loving approach and commitment to Titus 2:3-5 shines through her loving instruction and encouragement in this Plan.

The Psychology of Tithing: How Tithing Shapes Our Minds and Lives

3 Days

The Psychology of Tithing: How Tithing Shapes Our Minds and Lives
Tithing changes us. This 3-day Plan explores shocking research on how simply giving 10% boosts purpose, gratitude, and joy. I believe God knew we actually need regular giving to thrive as followers of Jesus. See you on the inside!

Joshua - Warcry

7 Days

Joshua - Warcry
Joshua's warriors had a warcry: Rak – only do what follows. Chazak – be strong, act like a man. Amats – take courage, make secure, be obstinate. Rak Chazak Amats "Only be strong and courageous" This in-depth stand-alone plan is also part 3 of a 10 part series.

Joshua - VS the Deceiver

7 Days

Joshua - VS the Deceiver
Joshua encountered 3 enemies in the Promised Land. This week we will learn about Joshua’s third enemy - the deceiving Gibeonites. The discipline of Bible study is our weapon against the deception of our enemy - satan. This heavy-duty stand-alone plan is also part 7 of a 10 part series.

Jesus in All of 1, 2, & 3 John - a Video Devotional

10 Days

Jesus in All of 1, 2, & 3 John - a Video Devotional
1, 2, & 3 John are all about Jesus! This 10-day plan will walk you through the books of 1, 2, & 3 John by reading just a chapter or two a day. Each day is accompanied by a short devotional and video that explains what’s happening and shows you how each part of the story points to Jesus and his Gospel.

The Nature Of The Prophetic

10 Days

The Nature Of The Prophetic
What does it mean to be prophetic? How do we recognise the voice of the Holy Spirit and communicate Him effectively to others? Take time aside to grow in wisdom, develop your spiritual gifts, and learn about the essential qualities you need to live a prophetic life. This 10-day devotional plan is based on James 3:17 from the book, The Nature of the Prophetic, by Sally McCracken.

Disconnect - Unplug From the Noise

10 Days

Disconnect - Unplug From the Noise
Have you ever had a poor signal on your phone, when you can’t hear what the other person is saying? This happens because of the noise around you or because of where you are positioned. To hear God we sometimes need to disconnect from the noise around us. Over the next 10 days we will use Colossians 3 to disconnect from busyness, mute the noise and connect to God.

Freedom From Porn Begins Here

30 Days

Freedom From Porn Begins Here
This biblically based and scientifically informed approach to porn addiction recovery/discipleship helps you renew your mind with God’s truth. The challenge is to go 30 days without porn or other sexual sin while addressing the roots of addiction. The 10 minutes or less of content each day will include at least one of the following: (1) A video and reflection questions (2) A scripture meditation (3) A devotional/testimony

Old Testament Overview

104 Days

Old Testament Overview
This plan is designed for families (our girls were under 10 when we used it); it can also be used for personal devotion. Each day uses the same 3 questions to explore the text. The plan provides a comprehensive "bird's eye view" of the Old Testament; the aim is to understand the first phase of God's salvation plan through the Covenants (relationships) which He established with His people.

Through the Bible: Titus

3 Days

Through the Bible: Titus
After being released from his first Roman imprisonment, Apostle Paul wrote three known Pastoral Epistles to prepare next-generation leaders, one of which was addressed to Titus. Paul charged Titus to “put in order what was left unfinished” among the fledgling churches in Crete. Paul’s exhortation in the letter is relevant for churches today: “teach what accords with sound doctrine” and help people to “devote themselves to good works”.

A New Heart: A Study in Ezekiel

48 Days

A New Heart: A Study in Ezekiel
An exile himself, Ezekiel prophesied to a people whose blindness and hard-heartedness had caused their own destruction. As the Lord’s glory leaves the temple (Ezekiel 10:1-3), we are reminded of the tragic consequences of Israel’s disobedience. Israel’s story, however, will not end in exile and judgment. Ezekiel prophesies of the day when God will cleanse his people of their sin, give them a new heart, and fill them with His Spirit (Ezekiel 36:25-27).

Character Calling: Connected

3 Days

Character Calling: Connected
This week we finish our journey through the Ten Commandments and how they inform the way we shape our character to reflect Jesus and love others. This plan is part 3 of 4 from the Feed Catechism's Character Calling series.

I Shouldn't Feel This Way by Dr. Alison Cook

5 Days

I Shouldn't Feel This Way by Dr. Alison Cook
Drawing from over twenty years of research and clinical practice, Dr. Alison guides you through a groundbreaking 3-step process that has helped tens of thousands of people find emotional freedom and surprisingly simple breakthroughs.

As He Spoke to Me I Was Strengthened

3 Days

As He Spoke to Me I Was Strengthened
This is a three-day plan of encouragement for people diagnosed with a chronic disease. Daniel chapter 10 is a picture of our spiritual renewal in the strengthening power of God's Word. We can trust Him through challenges to our physical health as we obtain a clearer picture of our eternal health.

How to Find a Godly Mate

3 Days

How to Find a Godly Mate
Finding a godly partner involves seeking God's guidance, discernment, and aligning one's values and beliefs. In this 3-Day plan, we will explore ten practical steps and Biblical insights to help you find a partner who shares your faith and values.

Called to Shine

3 Days

Called to Shine
All of us are responsible for being lights for Christ, but we each do so uniquely. You will discover how to stand out and shine in the dark in just three days if you spend 10 minutes per day with God and His Word. Participate in this strategy and learn how we might shine for Christ.

Finding the Light in Self-Harm

7 Days

Finding the Light in Self-Harm
Finding The Light in Self-Harm takes a deeper look into the lies and the truth about self-harm through a study of 2 Corinthians 4:6-10. Find Biblical truth in three minutes a day for one week in this study on Self-Harm.

Joshua - VS the Flesh

7 Days

Joshua - VS the Flesh
We have three enemies: the world, the flesh, and the deceiver. The world is like Jericho - a fortified wall around us. The flesh is entrenched inside of us. As we see victory over the foe outside, we begin to understand the enemy within. This in-depth stand-alone plan is also part 6 of a 10 part series.

Moses: A 3-Day Journey From Bondage to Promise

3 Days

Moses: A 3-Day Journey From Bondage to Promise
Join pastor and best-selling author Colin Smith on this "flyover" intro to the life of Moses. This 3-day devotional will help you gain a fresh understanding of God's faithfulness. Imagine soaring alongside Moses as he witnesses the Red Sea parting, the Ten Commandments being delivered, and the Israelites wandering in the wilderness.


3 Days

God forgave our sins and ordered us to constantly forgive those who have wronged us in some way. You can learn about the significance, pattern, and benefit of forgiveness in just three days by spending 10 minutes every day alone with God and His Word. Join this plan and discover the blessings behind forgiveness.

Why Pain?

3 Days

Why Pain?
The area you are struggling with today will be the same area God will use you tomorrow. In just three days, for 10 minutes each day alone with God and His Word, you will learn about why God allows pain and suffering in our lives. Join this plan and discover the hidden plans behind the pain.

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