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Search results for: Ephesians 2:10

Ephesians: A 10-Day Reading Plan

10 Days

Ephesians: A 10-Day Reading Plan
We are the church. Jesus didn’t come to start a building campaign; He came to build a family. He set us free from sin and give us a relationship with God. The same way that we don’t stop being related to our families when we leave the house, Ephesians reminds us that our relationship with God is not limited to gathering on Sunday.

The Life of Jesus, Part 2 (2/10)

5 Days

The Life of Jesus, Part 2 (2/10)
Come on a journey with me and learn more about the life of Jesus. Together we watch a short clip of the movie The Life of Jesus and reflect on what we see. Discover who Jesus really was and what He can mean to you. This reading plan is the second of 10. You can read each plan separately, but we challenge you to complete the whole journey.

In This Together: 10 Devotions on the Book of Ephesians

10 Days

In This Together: 10 Devotions on the Book of Ephesians
Discover the timeless importance of the book of Ephesians. Today's church, much like the first-century church at Ephesus, is a diverse blend of backgrounds and ideas. Through this reading plan, uncover how Paul’s teachings on unity and fellowship can empower us to build deeper, more fulfilling connections with Christ and each other in our own communities.

1–2 Peter: A 10-Day Devotional Reading Plan

10 Days

1–2 Peter: A 10-Day Devotional Reading Plan
Over the course of 10 days, alongside passages from 1–2 Peter: Living Hope in a Hard World by Lydia Brownback, dig deeper into the books of 1–2 Peter and learn how God uses hope, humility, and holiness to prepare believers for their final home in heaven.

Who Am I? Finding Myself in the Fullness of Christ: A Study in Ephesians 1-2

6 Days

Who Am I? Finding Myself in the Fullness of Christ: A Study in Ephesians 1-2
Who am I? What am I doing? Whether we’re facing a season of change, pain, loss, or just the regular hard stuff of life, we want certainty and solid footing in answering questions about our identity and purpose. In Paul’s letter to the church in Ephesus, he firmly roots our being and our doing in the person and work of Jesus so that we can answer those big questions.

Life lessons from Corrie ten Boom - Part 2

7 Days

Life lessons from Corrie ten Boom - Part 2
Corrie came from a Bible-believing family. The Bible had a central place in their lives. The Living Word of God: the Lord Jesus Christ, spoke to them through the written Word of God. They read the Bible on a daily basis and knew many Bible verses by heart. These devotionals may help you to see the significance and application of these verses in your own life as well.

10 Commandments: My Life With My Neighbor (Part Two)

6 Days

10 Commandments: My Life With My Neighbor (Part Two)
The second part of the Ten Commandments deals with a very important word: "neighbor." For us, that means: how does our love for God show up in our relationship with our neighbors?

It's a Puzzle: A 10-Day Devotional About... Life

10 Days

It's a Puzzle: A 10-Day Devotional About... Life
Life is a puzzle—the biggest you’ll ever have to tackle. And everyone gets their own unique puzzle, which comes with some... interesting pieces. But there are instructions available from the One who created every puzzle out there (Ephesians 2:10). In this 10-day devotional, you’ll see how you’re not doing this thing called life alone.

Biblical Success - Running the Race of Our Lives

5 Days

Biblical Success - Running the Race of Our Lives
Based on Hebrews 12, this plan compares running a literal race with the spiritual race that is “set before us.” It discusses the training disciplines, challenges, and what winning looks like based on Who set the race according to Ephesians 2:10.

Accomplishing Your Kingdom Assignment (Nehemiah)

11 Days

Accomplishing Your Kingdom Assignment (Nehemiah)
Ephesians 2:10 tells us that God has good works that He prepared for us to do. Often, we can still go through life wondering what those good works are and how to accomplish them. But with fresh eyes, we’ll look at the Old Testament character Nehemiah and discover the NINE STEPS he took to not only find but to accomplish all that God put in his heart.

God's Masterpiece

5 Days

God's Masterpiece
Ephesians 2:10, For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works. This Bible plan is created to provide encouragement to women on what God declares about us. Today, there are many influences that try to dictate how we should look, our value, and our purpose in life. With this Bible plan, you will be inspired to seek God to discover who you are, His Masterpiece.

Chosen: A Study in Ephesians

6 Days

Chosen: A Study in Ephesians
Written by Paul in prison, Ephesians beautifully describes the vast reality of the gospel. Chosen before the foundation of the earth, God’s eternal plan of redemption takes spiritually dead men and women and raises them to life in Christ. Ephesians reminds us the gospel is all of God, all of grace, and all purposed “to show the immeasurable riches of His grace towards us in Christ Jesus” (Ephesians 2:7).

Suddenly Unemployed – Take It to the Lord in Prayer

7 Days

Job loss is stressful and scary. You question your security and significance. “How will I pay the bills, get health care, find a new job? Do I still have what it takes? Where is God in all this?” Be encouraged. He still has “good works” for you to do (Ephesians 2:10). Let Jesus guide you through the Lord’s Prayer on your way to getting back on your feet again!

Good News Today

4 Days

Good News Today
There is enough bad news in the world. Today, we need Good News that doesn't just help our future but changes today. Jump into this 4-day reading plan through Ephesians 1-2.

Armed and Dangerous, a Study in God's Armor for Men

10 Days

Armed and Dangerous, a Study in God's Armor for Men
Men like to feel “dangerous.” Men want to be armed and ready. When we are fully devoted to Christ, we are armed, dangerous, and a threat to the devil's schemes. Let's get equipped with God's Armor through this 10-day study in Ephesians 6:10-20.

Made to Shine

10 Days

Made to Shine
Did you know that YOU were made to shine? The Bible says that God made you in His image (Genesis 1:27). You are a unique image-bearer of God and He has planned good things for you to do with your life (Ephesians 2:10). That’s right! You were made to shine (Matthew 5:16)! In this study, we will look at different character qualities that can be used to shine God’s light and share God’s love with the world.

Ephesians Bible Study

6 Days

Ephesians Bible Study
This plan is intended as a guide to discovering the message of Ephesians for yourself! Grab a notebook to jot down your thoughts as you are led through a process of: 1) Observing the text of Ephesians 2) Interpreting its original message to the Ephesian church in the first century 3) Applying the letter’s timeless truths to your life today.

Thirty-One Truths: Who We Are in Christ

33 Days

Thirty-One Truths: Who We Are in Christ
A snapshot look at how Ephesians 1-2 portrays our new identity in Christ. This plan from Thistlebend Ministries will spur us on to live in the new identity we have been given in Him.

Thirty-One Truths: Who I Am in Christ

58 Days

Thirty-One Truths: Who I Am in Christ
A snapshot look at how Ephesians 1-2 portrays our new identity in Christ. This plan from Thistlebend Ministries will spur us on to more fully live out this new identity we have been given in Him.

Seven Facets of Salvation

7 Days

Seven Facets of Salvation
If you need help explaining to others why people need salvation, join us in walking through some scriptures that are filled with comforting words you can share. We’ll take a look at seven facets of the gift of salvation that God has provided for us, focusing primarily on Ephesians 2.

Women of Valor: The Spiritual Battle

11 Days

Women of Valor: The Spiritual Battle
The Spiritual Battle has raged from before recorded history until the present moment. Suit up for the battles you face with this 11-day Plan reflecting on the armor of God in Ephesians 6:10-20, along with contemporary artwork inspired by this Scripture.

Daily Discipleship With Chip Invisible War

12 Days

Daily Discipleship With Chip Invisible War
In this 12-day challenge in Ephesians 6, Chip takes just 10 minutes a day to reveal what God has to say about Satan’s goals and tactics, the spiritual armor God offers us, and the confidence we can have about our sure victory over the Enemy.

Suit Up: The Spiritual Battle

11 Days

Suit Up: The Spiritual Battle
The Spiritual Battle has raged from before recorded history until the present moment. Suit up for the battles you face with this 11-day Plan looking at the armor of God in Ephesians 6:10-20, along with contemporary artwork inspired by this Scripture.

KNOW Ephesians

4 Days

KNOW Ephesians
This plan will explore what the letter of Ephesians can teach us in four areas. 1) WHO GOD IS: God’s character and nature 2) WHO WE ARE: the identity of humanity and/or believers 3) WHAT WE BELIEVE: core Christian doctrines 4) HOW WE LIVE: putting faith into action

Amazing Grace and Loving Aging Adults

7 Days

Amazing Grace and Loving Aging Adults
Caring for aging adults is an honor and a privilege with challenges and opportunities. Ephesians 6:2 - 3 shares this: “Honor your father and mother – the first commandment with a promise – so that it may go well with you...” Some aspects of elder care bring great joy. Others are disorienting. This plan encourages you to lean into the Lord and embrace the time with those you love.

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