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Search results for: 1 samuel 17

Bible Adventures: 1 Samuel 17

5 Days

 Bible Adventures: 1 Samuel 17
This Bible adventure tells us about the story of David and Goliath. Through David, we learn about faith, courage, and commitment to God.

1 Samuel

42 Days

1 Samuel
Picture this: a nation chosen by God; a prophet from an unlikely background to help show God’s ways to His people; a king whose fear and unfaithfulness bring disaster; and a man after God’s own heart who changed the nation of Israel forever. This is a story of God’s reign and rule, Israel’s choices and consequences, and two men’s different responses to God.

Book of 1 Samuel

10 Days

Book of 1 Samuel
This devotion (taken from 1Samuel) will equip you with biblical truths, and guide you to practice it daily as you continue your walk of faith in Christ.

1 Samuel - The Coming King

31 Days

1 Samuel - The Coming King
1 Samuel charts the rise and fall of several of Israel’s leaders. You’ll meet the notoriously arrogant king Saul and see the ascent of the man after God’s own heart – David. You’ll read of dangerous battles, murder plots, giants and even more surprises in this book.  You’ll see that despite turbulence in leadership, seemingly strong enemies and spiritual decay God is very much at work orchestrating the fall of the proud and the rise of the humble. What an encouragement for us today when we are faced with challenges not too dissimilar to these! 

Anointed: A Study in 1 Samuel

34 Days

Anointed: A Study in 1 Samuel
1 Samuel records the transition from the time of the Judges to the time of the monarchy. Although they were both selected by God and anointed by Samuel to be king, the divergent paths of King Saul and King David demonstrate that faithfulness and obedience to God are far more important than title or position.

Bible Explorer for the Young (1 Samuel)

15 Days

Bible Explorer for the Young (1 Samuel)
This plan guides young readers through the Bible daily with a concise and child-friendly devotional designed to reveal new understanding. Children learn that every part of the Bible is meaningful and relevant to their lives. Ultimately, this devotional guides them to live daily in God's way.

Anchoring Time - 1 & 2 Samuel

55 Days

Anchoring Time - 1 & 2 Samuel
What is an Anchoring Time? It's time spent focused on encountering God through reading the Bible. Join us as we read through 1 & 2 Samuel! This Old Testament book is filled with stories of God's faithfulness and bold examples of faith.

The Life of David Pt1 - 1 Samuel

31 Days

The Life of David Pt1 - 1 Samuel
The books of 1 & 2 Samuel tell the stories of three broken heroes used by God to establish a kingdom for His people: Samuel, the revered last judge; Saul, the impressive first king of Israel; and David, the flawed poet-warrior. Beyond the page-turning adventures, battles, and political gamesmanship lies the story of a greater King—the true and forever reigning son of David, Jesus.

Jesus in All of 1 Samuel - A Video Devotional

11 Days

Jesus in All of 1 Samuel - A Video Devotional
1 Samuel is all about Jesus! This 11-day plan will walk you through the book of 1 Samuel by reading just a chapter or two a day. Each day is accompanied by a short devotional and video that explains what’s happening and shows you how each part of the story points to Jesus and his Gospel.

Book By Book 1: Genesis To 2 Samuel

89 Days

Book By Book 1: Genesis To 2 Samuel
This part of the reading plan includes selected chapters from each book of the Bible from Genesis to 2 Samuel. Reading some of each book will give us insight into all of the Bible. We will discover that it contains both stories and instruction and will help us understand God and ourselves better.

Last Will & Testament: The Last Apostle | John 15:1-17

6 Days

Last Will & Testament: The Last Apostle | John 15:1-17
Near the end of his life, John was the last of the living apostles and wrote a story about Jesus. It’s his testimony of who Jesus is, what he said, what he did, and who he claimed to be. Jesus has a story. He invites us to make it our story. When we make Jesus’s story our story, we have life in his name. This plan focuses on Jesus’s final moments and words with his disciples, preparing them for his crucifixion to come. It is Jesus’s last will & testament. This plan focuses on the first half of Jesus's words in John 15 and is part of an ongoing series.

I Am the True Vine: Bible Commentary on John 15:1-17

12 Days

I Am the True Vine: Bible Commentary on John 15:1-17
Jesus said, “I am the vine, and you are the branches.” Study this famous passage from the Gospel of John with the Enduring Word Bible Commentary by David Guzik. This 12-day plan discusses how to abide in Jesus, how NOT to abide, and what bearing fruit looks like for the follower of Christ. Be encouraged by God’s Word as you remain in Jesus, the true Vine!

People of Light, People of Darkness: The Last Apostle | 1 John 2:3-17

5 Days

People of Light, People of Darkness: The Last Apostle | 1 John 2:3-17
Near the end of his life, John, the last living apostle, wrote a Gospel. And it seems some people were distorting it. John writes to believers caught in the aftermath, bringing clarity and commentary on what he wrote. He shows them what it looks like to be people of light and life instead of people of death and darkness. This plan takes us through 1 John and how to live in the face of distorted Christianity.

See the Big Picture. Dig In. Live It Out: A 5-Day Reading Plan in 1 Samuel

5 Days

See the Big Picture. Dig In. Live It Out: A 5-Day Reading Plan in 1 Samuel
The Holy Spirit uses God’s Word to grow believers in their faith and increase their passion for Jesus. Break down the book of 1 Samuel into the “Big Picture” of the passage, then “Digging Deeper” into that section, and then move into “Living Out” the lessons that are taught in the passage in this 5-day reading plan.

Hannah and Samuel

4 Days

Hannah and Samuel
A study of 1 Samuel 1-3. A look at Hannah and Samuel and how God used both of them to change a nation. Be encouraged that God is in control, encouraged that God’s plan is perfect and oftentimes beyond our wildest dreams, and encouraged to find the joy in the midst of the grief and sacrifice.

Work Through the Whole Bible: Part 3

6 Days

Work Through the Whole Bible: Part 3
Do you wonder if God has anything to say about your work? Explore key verses from each chapter of the Bible that offer wisdom, guidance, and purpose for everyday work. Part 3: 1 Samuel - 2 Chronicles

The Year That Changed the World

4 Days

The Year That Changed the World
One year can change the entire world, whether in the Bible or in our lives. Hannah’s blessing in the birth of Samuel manifested a miracle that would teach her important lessons in the process. These lessons are crucial for us to learn how to navigate the chaos, irritants, recovery pains, and deeper pains. 1 Samuel teaches us that worldly pain is a righteous pathway to God’s ultimate promise!

Christ, Our Greater Jonah: A Gospel View of Facing Our Storms of Life

5 Days

Christ, Our Greater Jonah: A Gospel View of Facing Our Storms of Life
Jonah 1:1-17 and Mark 4:1 & 35-41 give us a gospel view of first, the inevitability of our storms of life, second, the intensity of these storms, and third, how the identity of Jesus Christ, our greater Jonah, enables us to successfully face these storms of life.

The Life of David Pt2 - 2 Samuel

30 Days

The Life of David Pt2 - 2 Samuel
Books 1 & 2 Samuel tell the stories of three heroes God used to establish a kingdom for His people: Samuel, the revered last judge; Saul, the impressive first king of Israel; and David, the flawed poet-warrior. Beyond the page-turning adventures, battles, and political gamesmanship lies the story of a greater King—the true and forever reigning son of David, Jesus. Join us as we start these stories.

21 Days Prayer & Fasting "Alive in Calling"

21 Days

21 Days Prayer & Fasting "Alive in Calling"
1. To seek knowledge, understanding, and wisdom from God for the coming year (Daniel 1:17). 2. To dedicate everything we do in the coming year to Him alone. 3. To discipline our flesh and strengthen our spiritual life.

21 Days Prayer & Fasting "Alive in Clarity"

21 Days

21 Days Prayer & Fasting "Alive in Clarity"
1. To obtain knowledge, understanding and wisdom from God for the coming year (Daniel 1:17) 2. To dedicate everything we do at the beginning of the year unto Him alone 3. To discipline our flesh and strengthen our spiritual life

The Gospel of Mark (Part One)

15 Days

The Gospel of Mark (Part One)
Who is Jesus? It’s a question people have been wrestling with for 2,000 years with an answer that has the power to change your life forever. In part one of a seven-part devotional journey through the Gospel of Mark, we’ll examine Mark 1:1–2:17. Discover why it was said of Jesus, “We have never seen anything like this.”

Biblical Success - Running Our Race - the "D" Vine Strategy

5 Days

Biblical Success - Running Our Race - the "D" Vine Strategy
This study will focus on John 15:1-17 and Jesus' use of the Gardner, Vine, and how branches in a vineyard relate to our lives as Christ-followers and disciples in the context of our lives in the world with some emphasis on abiding and fruit-bearing.

After God's Own Heart

5 Days

After God's Own Heart
King David is described in the New Testament as a man after God’s own heart, meaning that he aligned his own heart with that of God’s. As we study David’s life, our goal for this series is to analyze the things David did in 1 & 2 Samuel in order to mold our hearts after God’s and resemble the same intensity of focus and spirit that David showcased throughout his life.

Connection with God

7 Days

Connection with God
As believers, we have the great privilege of living a life of constant, moment by moment connection with the Lord. In this 7 day devotional we will reflect on John 15:1-17 and explore some of the ways we can grow in this most precious relationship we have with Him.

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