Hills Church | Laguna Hills CA

Hills Church | Sunday, March 24, 2019
HillsChurchOC.com Hills Church meets at 10 AM on Sundays | 26062 Merit Circle, Laguna Hills CA
Locations & Times
Hills Church
26062 Merit Cir, Laguna Hills, CA 92653, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
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> Examine It
> Fill It
> Examine It
> Fill It
When you see how much God is working in your life, the more you will love Him.
When you see how much God is working in your life, the more you will love Him.
Do you have a prayer request?
If you are in trouble, let us pray for you. If you are happy, let us rejoice with you. Prayer is an important and active ministry in our church’s life. We consider it a privilege to partner our faith with yours as God is invited into life’s circumstances.
http://hillschurchoc.com/need-prayer/prayer/Tithes and Offerings
Giving is an amazing reflection of our relationship with God. At Hills Church we believe that giving is also an integral part of our worship. We desire to both honor God and partner with him to be a blessing to the world around us. Give online securely via EasyTithe.
April 6 @ 8:30 AM