Cross Bridge Church - A Church of the Nazarene

The Map - Part 10: Crossing The Jordan River
Our mission is helping people move from where they are to where God wants them to be.
Locations & Times
Cross Bridge Church
651 Barnes Blvd, Rockledge, FL 32955, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
Geography of Salvation: Two Stages of the Christian Life
He brought us ________ from there to bring us ________. ·
These two stages can be located geographically on the map of salvation at the __________________ and the __________________________.
Deuteronomy 6:23 (NIV)
What is involved in crossing the Jordan?
Not a formula, but four principles:
Clarifying the __________________. What is Canaan like?
What does the deeper life look like?
Three important truths about what God has prepared for us “over there.”:
The abundant life is a place of ____________.
To live in Canaan, you must be a soldier of the ________ on a crusade of ___________.
The abundant life is a place of _____________.
The fruit of the ____________
The fruit of _________________ and evangelism.
The abundant life is a place of __________.
Here, our labors cease to be ____________.
___________________ or ___________________ yourself.
A deeper level of ____________________.
A deeper level of ____________________.
Cross over. We tend to say if God will part the waters, then I’ll ____________ _________________.
What happens first when we cross?
Joshua 5:2-9
We are __________________.
God rolls away our _________________.
Geography of Salvation: Two Stages of the Christian Life
He brought us ________ from there to bring us ________. ·
These two stages can be located geographically on the map of salvation at the __________________ and the __________________________.
Deuteronomy 6:23 (NIV)
What is involved in crossing the Jordan?
Not a formula, but four principles:
Clarifying the __________________. What is Canaan like?
What does the deeper life look like?
Three important truths about what God has prepared for us “over there.”:
The abundant life is a place of ____________.
To live in Canaan, you must be a soldier of the ________ on a crusade of ___________.
The abundant life is a place of _____________.
The fruit of the ____________
The fruit of _________________ and evangelism.
The abundant life is a place of __________.
Here, our labors cease to be ____________.
___________________ or ___________________ yourself.
A deeper level of ____________________.
A deeper level of ____________________.
Cross over. We tend to say if God will part the waters, then I’ll ____________ _________________.
What happens first when we cross?
Joshua 5:2-9
We are __________________.
God rolls away our _________________.
Spiritual growth happens when we receive new knowledge and then apply it to our lives. This always happens best in the context of community. Take time this week and engage in these additional scriptures and questions on your own. Then, discuss them with your Small Group.“As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend” Proverbs 27:17
What stood out to you most this week? What did you learn? If you decide to cross the Jordan and ask the Lord to fill you with the Holy Spirit, talk about your experience.
Read Romans 7:14-20 & 8:1-6. Which chapter do you most relate to, the desert of mediocrity (chapter 7) or the life of victory (chapter 8)?
How is it possible to rest and fight at the same time? Talk as a group about the reality of battles in Canaan, but also the REST of knowing that God is with us.
Has there been a “crisis moment” in your life when God helped you “cross over” into a deeper experience of God’s grace? Talk about how it happened and what life has been like since.
Discuss the significance of the three truths about Canaan: warfare, fruitfulness, and rest. How do these apply to our lives today?
Reflect on the idea of "crossing over" and the necessity of taking the first step before seeing the way open. How does this apply to your faith journey?
If someone in the group wants to cross over the Jordan and has not taken that step of full surrender, pray in your group for them to take that step.
Spiritual growth happens when we receive new knowledge and then apply it to our lives. This always happens best in the context of community. Take time this week and engage in these additional scriptures and questions on your own. Then, discuss them with your Small Group.“As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend” Proverbs 27:17
What stood out to you most this week? What did you learn? If you decide to cross the Jordan and ask the Lord to fill you with the Holy Spirit, talk about your experience.
Read Romans 7:14-20 & 8:1-6. Which chapter do you most relate to, the desert of mediocrity (chapter 7) or the life of victory (chapter 8)?
How is it possible to rest and fight at the same time? Talk as a group about the reality of battles in Canaan, but also the REST of knowing that God is with us.
Has there been a “crisis moment” in your life when God helped you “cross over” into a deeper experience of God’s grace? Talk about how it happened and what life has been like since.
Discuss the significance of the three truths about Canaan: warfare, fruitfulness, and rest. How do these apply to our lives today?
Reflect on the idea of "crossing over" and the necessity of taking the first step before seeing the way open. How does this apply to your faith journey?
If someone in the group wants to cross over the Jordan and has not taken that step of full surrender, pray in your group for them to take that step.
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