Cross Bridge Church - A Church of the Nazarene

The Map: Desert University - You are What You Eat
Our mission is helping people move from where they are to where God wants them to be.
Locations & Times
Cross Bridge Church
651 Barnes Blvd, Rockledge, FL 32955, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
The Hanoi Hilton
You can’t choose what happens to you,
but you can choose how you respond!
· The Bible is a food-driven book.
The Hanoi Hilton
You can’t choose what happens to you,
but you can choose how you respond!
· The Bible is a food-driven book.
Salvation hinges on one simple question:
Is my appetite stronger for the meat pots, leaks, onions, garlic, and melons of Egypt or the milk and honey of Canaan?
Is my appetite stronger for the meat pots, leaks, onions, garlic, and melons of Egypt or the milk and honey of Canaan?
Though the Hebrews have gotten out of Egypt, they still have Egyptian appetites.
Complaining, or grumbling, murmuring, griping, belly-aching is a condition that:
-Is based on the (false) assumption that my inner happiness is determined by my outward circumstances.
Complaining is because we believe, “I deserve better than this”
Our complaining may be aimed against leaders, spouses, neighbors, adversaries, etc.. But in reality, all complaining, according to Exodus 16:8, is complaining against the LORD.
-Is contagious.
Complaining, or grumbling, murmuring, griping, belly-aching is a condition that:
-Is based on the (false) assumption that my inner happiness is determined by my outward circumstances.
Complaining is because we believe, “I deserve better than this”
Our complaining may be aimed against leaders, spouses, neighbors, adversaries, etc.. But in reality, all complaining, according to Exodus 16:8, is complaining against the LORD.
-Is contagious.
Grumbling Is curable… but this may take some time!
Are You Spiritually Hangry - Yes or No?
What are you hungry for? – Choose One
· Leaks, onions, and garlic (the food of this world)
· Milk and honey (the bread of heaven)
Are You Spiritually Hangry - Yes or No?
What are you hungry for? – Choose One
· Leaks, onions, and garlic (the food of this world)
· Milk and honey (the bread of heaven)
· “The greatest enemy of hunger for God is not poison, but apple pie” (John Piper, A Hunger for God, 14).
Have you learned to feed yourself – Yes or No?
Have you learned to feed yourself – Yes or No?
When do you eat? – Choose One
· Daily, Weekly, Monthly, I am already dead!
Do you have a spiritual eating disorder – Yes or No?
· Anorexia (I don’t eat at all, but I keep this a secret)
· Bulimia (I binge and purge)
· Obesity (I overeat and don’t exercise I am not doing anything)
· Other Common signs of eating disorders include:
· Skipping meals, Obsessing on how one looks, Overeating to the point of sickness, Excessive exercising, Dieting by day and bingeing by night, Chewing on non-food items
6. Who is your trust in?
Myself Moses (the government) God Other
· Daily, Weekly, Monthly, I am already dead!
Do you have a spiritual eating disorder – Yes or No?
· Anorexia (I don’t eat at all, but I keep this a secret)
· Bulimia (I binge and purge)
· Obesity (I overeat and don’t exercise I am not doing anything)
· Other Common signs of eating disorders include:
· Skipping meals, Obsessing on how one looks, Overeating to the point of sickness, Excessive exercising, Dieting by day and bingeing by night, Chewing on non-food items
6. Who is your trust in?
Myself Moses (the government) God Other
Spiritual growth happens when we receive new knowledge and then apply it to our lives. This always happens best in the context of community. Take time this week and engage in these additional scriptures and questions on your own. Then, discuss them with your Small Group.“As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend” Proverbs 27:17
Open the group time with praises, what can we celebrate together?
From this weekend’s sermon, which statement, point, or insight was most helpful, challenging, or even confusing to you personally?
Attitude Reflection: Reflect on a time when you found yourself complaining or grumbling. What were the circumstances, and how did you handle it?
Nourishment Sources: What are some examples of "junk food" that you find yourself consuming? How do these choices affect your spiritual appetite and growth?
Faith and Provision: Share an experience where you had to trust in God's provision despite uncertain circumstances. How did that experience strengthen your faith?
Dependency on God: In what areas of your life do you struggle to fully trust God? What steps can you take to surrender those areas to Him more completely?
How did you do on THE TEST? Do you have any plans to change your test score, if so will you share them with the group knowing that sometimes verbalizing plans helps us move out of theory into action?
How can the group pray for you this week?
Spiritual growth happens when we receive new knowledge and then apply it to our lives. This always happens best in the context of community. Take time this week and engage in these additional scriptures and questions on your own. Then, discuss them with your Small Group.“As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend” Proverbs 27:17
Open the group time with praises, what can we celebrate together?
From this weekend’s sermon, which statement, point, or insight was most helpful, challenging, or even confusing to you personally?
Attitude Reflection: Reflect on a time when you found yourself complaining or grumbling. What were the circumstances, and how did you handle it?
Nourishment Sources: What are some examples of "junk food" that you find yourself consuming? How do these choices affect your spiritual appetite and growth?
Faith and Provision: Share an experience where you had to trust in God's provision despite uncertain circumstances. How did that experience strengthen your faith?
Dependency on God: In what areas of your life do you struggle to fully trust God? What steps can you take to surrender those areas to Him more completely?
How did you do on THE TEST? Do you have any plans to change your test score, if so will you share them with the group knowing that sometimes verbalizing plans helps us move out of theory into action?
How can the group pray for you this week?
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