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Good Shepherd Community Church

The House of God - 1 Timothy, Part 3: Undistracted Men and Women in the Household of God

The House of God - 1 Timothy, Part 3: Undistracted Men and Women in the Household of God

Locations & Times

Good Shepherd Community Church

28986 SE Haley Rd, Boring, OR 97009, USA

Saturday 5:00 PM

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:45 AM

Big Idea
We are called to be undistracted men and women in the Household of God, praying for all people and faithfully living out our appointed roles as the image of God.
I. The household of God must pray for all people - 1 Timothy 2:1-7
a. The church is to be a place of prayer.
b. We are to pray for all people because God desires all people to be saved.
c. We are to pray for government officials to be saved, that we may have the freedom and peace that is optimal for godly living on mission with Jesus.
d. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are the only way to salvation and have done everything necessary to save all people.
e. God has appointed leaders in the church to teach us.
2. Men and women in the Household of God must not be distracted from the message, mission and example of Jesus - 1 Timothy 2:8-10
a. The hearts and lives of men should be filled with faith, love and holiness instead of anger and quarreling.
b. The hearts and lives of women should be filled with modesty, self-control and godliness instead of pursuing unhealthy attention and power.
3. Men and women must faithfully live out their appointed roles in the Household of God - 1 Timothy 2:11-15
a. Women are called to LEARN and TEACH
i. Matthew 28:20, Colossians 3:16, Titus 2:3-4, Acts 18:26
b. The teaching being forbidden to women in 1 Timothy is limited to a certain kind of authoritative teaching (i.e. teaching as an exercise of authority).
i. Exercising authority in the church, including teaching with authority, is the role of church elders (1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9).
ii. Women are not permitted to be elders.
c. Male and female roles in the family and the church are designed to image the Trinity (Genesis 1:27, 1 Corinthians 11:3)
i. Godly headship initiates love, sets the example, and gives instruction for it.
ii. Godly submission receives love, imitates the example, follows the instruction for it, and shares it with others.
d. Men and women alike are saved through the birth and death of Jesus.
i. "saved through THE childbearing"
With God, With Others, On Mission Takeaways:
With God:
- Devote significant time to praying for lost people this week, including governing authorities.
- Identify ways you have been distracted from message, mission and example of Jesus. Confess this to God and ask for His help to refocus.
With Others:
- Adopt an attitude of humility and submission in the Lord toward the leaders God has appointed in your life (at home, at work, at school, in government and in the church).
- If you have been appointed by God to a leadership role in any sphere of life, follow the example of Jesus and His love in your leadership.
On Mission:
- Focus on faith, love, holiness, modesty, self-control and godliness in all your interaction with lost people in your life, so they can see the image of Jesus in you and be drawn to Him.
- Intentionally share the good news about the life, death and resurrection of Jesus with the people in your life so they can be saved.