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Christ Wesleyan Church

September 25, 2022

September 25, 2022

Join us for our primary worship service each weekend.

Locations & Times

CWC Milton: The Auditorium

363 Stamm Rd, Milton, PA 17847, USA

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:45 AM

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The Church in Laodicea | Revelation 3:14-22

A. The State of the Culture in Laodicea
1. A chief city of Phrygia
2. Famous for:
a. Finance and banking
b. Fashion (black wool)
c. Medicine
3. Situated midway between Colossae and Hierapolis
B. The State of the Church in Laodicea
1. Jesus defines Himself to Laodicea.
a. I am the Amen.
1) We can trust His promises.
2) We need to heed His warnings.
b. I am the Faithful and True Witness.
1) To miss Christ is to be doomed.
2) Jesus is why we are acceptable to God.
c. I am the Creator of the Universe.
1) Jesus is the source of all.
2) The church’s wealth and prosperity are meaningless and useless apart from being completely centered in Christ.
2. Jesus’ condemnation of the church
a. Neither cold, nor hot, but lukewarm
b. Poor, blind, and naked
C. The Remedy to the State of the Church in Laodicea
1. Buy spiritual gold from Christ. (1 Peter 1:6-7)
2. Buy white clothing from Christ. (Revelation 19:8)
3. Buy spiritual eye salve from Christ. (2 Corinthians 4:6)
D. We Have Ears, Let Us Listen
1. The standing Christ
“Here I am! I stand at the door…” Revelation 3:20a (NIV)
2. The knocking Christ
“…and knock.” Revelation 3:20b (NIV)
3. The pleading Christ
“If anyone hears My voice and opens the door…” Revelation 3:20c (NIV)
4. The life-changing Christ
“…I will come in…” Revelation 3:20d (NIV)
5. The relational Christ
“…and eat with that person, and they with Me.” Revelation 3:20e (NIV)
A Picture of a Lukewarm Church
1. Half-committed: Stressing ritual, ceremony, and programs as ways to being accepted by God. Luke 9:23
2. Half-committed to proclaiming that Jesus is the Son of God. 1 John 2:22-23
3. Half-committed to teaching the Word of God. 2 Timothy 3:16
4. Half-committed to evangelism, discipleship, and missions. Acts 1:8
5. Half-committed to stressing holy and pure living, a.k.a. dead moralism. 1 Peter 1:16
6. Half-committed to the church. Hebrews 10:25
7. Half-committed to witnessing. Matt. 28:16-20
8. Half-committed to a daily walk with Jesus. Luke 9:23
Bottom Line:
Half-hearted effort does not produce half results; it produces no results.
To begin a relationship with Jesus…
Text: IChooseJesus (all one word) to 570-273-0088
Giving & Attendance Update
Giving last Sunday: 65.4%
Giving year to date: 93.6%
Last Sunday weekend attendance: 1,848
Salvations to date: 98 | Baptisms to date: 21

Upcoming Happenings

September 27: 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting | September 30: The Isaacs & The Martins Concert | October 28: Trunk or Treat

Ready to make a decision to follow Christ?

To begin a relationship with Jesus...Text: I Choose Jesus to 570.273.0088 or visit this link

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Prayer Requests

Need prayer support? Our prayer team prays for your requests throughout the week. We love to hear how God has answered prayer! If you have a praise that God has answered a prayer and worked in incredible ways, share it with us.