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Plantation SDA Church

Deeper Season 3 Episode 12: Will the Evil Burn for Ever?

Deeper Season 3 Episode 12: Will the Evil Burn for Ever?

Join us as Pastor Joseph Salajan continues Season 3 of Deeper. Deep study into the book of Matthew

Locations & Times

Plantation SDA Church

400 NW 118th Ave, Plantation, FL 33325, USA

Wednesday 7:30 PM

Deeper Theme: God is not a cruel monster; eternal punishment is not everlasting punishing.
Social Media Tags to Share with Friends

#hell #fire #torment #torture #consume #punish #forever #devil #angels #inheritance #sin #evil
What kingdom was prepared “from the foundation of the world” to be inherited by the righteous?

•Blessed are the meek, For they shall inherit the earth… (Matt. 5:5 NKJ)

• Foundation of the world is before the foundation of the earth…
Doesn’t this sound like “salvation by good works”?

• Salvation is by grace, accepted by faith; it is not obtained by good works, or sound doctrine

• Salvation is expressed by good works…
Can the “everlasting” or “eternal” fire come to an end?

• …but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire." (Matt. 3:12 NKJ)

• Nobody can put it out until it completely consumed its fuel
Isn’t God the eternal fire that consumes the evil?

• "Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? Who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings?" (Isa. 33:14 NKJ)

• 29 For our God is a consuming fire. (Heb. 12:29)
Does the “everlasting” fire prepared fore the devil and his angels last for ever?

Aionios (gr.)/holam (hebr.)

• Everlasting, eternal or forever in the Bible: as long as it lasts…
Is the everlasting punishment something that happens continually for ever?

• The everlasting punishment is not everlasting punishing…!

• The everlasting punishment is the 2nd death, not everlasting life!!!
Take Away

• There is no fire prepared for those who are saved and practice the Gospel toward “the least.”

• The is such thing as everlasting punishment but not everlasting punishing! (God is not cruel!!!)