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Apocalipsis 1

Te bila ya yac' ta na'el stojol te Jesucristoe
1Jich ay te bila la yac' ta na'el Dios ta swenta te Jesucristoe, swenta yu'un jich me ya yac'bey sna' te abatetic yu'une, ja' te bila ya xc'ot ta pasel ta ora naxe. Ta swenta te ch'ul abat yu'un te Jesucristoe, la yac'bey sna' stojol te Juan te ay ta abatinel yu'une. 2Ja' la yal ta testigo te Sc'op Diose. Ja' testigo yu'un uuc te Jesucristo ta swenta te bila ac'bot yile.
3Bin nax me yutsil te mach'a ya sc'opon in jun to, soc te mach'a ya yaiybey stojol te sc'op te j'alwaneje, soc te ya yac' ta yo'tan te bila ts'ibubile, te melel nopol te ya xc'otix ta pasel.
Spatjibal yo'tan te jucchajp jch'uunjeletique
4Jo'on Juanon te ya jpatbeyex awo'tanic ja'ex te jucchajp jch'uunjelex te ayex ta sq'uinal Asia. Ac'a yac'beyex bayal yutsil yo'tan, soc lamaluc me q'uinal ya awaiyic yu'un te mach'a stalel aye, te ay ta namey tele, soc te mach'a talelixe,#Ex 3.14. soc uuc te juqueb espirituetic te ayic ta yelaw te muc'ul nactijibale,#Ap 4.5; Is 11.2. 5soc uuc te Jesucristoe te jun yo'tan ay ta testigoe,#Is 55.4. te ja' sbabial cha'cux tel yu'un te mach'atic lajemique,#Hch 26.23; Col 1.18. te ja' Muc' Ajwalil te cajal yat'el yu'un te muc' ajwaliletic ta balumilale.#Sal 89.27. Ja' te mach'a c'uxotic ta yo'tan, soc te la spocbotiquix loq'uel spisil jmultic ta xch'ich'ele, 6soc la yac'otiquix ta ajwalil soc ta sacerdoteil te jich ya yabatinotic te Diose, ja' te Stat te Jesucristoe.#Ex 19.6; Ap 5.10; 20.6. Jelawenuc me yutsilal soc ayuc me tulan yat'el sbajt'el q'uinal stuquel. Jichuc.
7¡Ilawilic! ¡Te Cristoe, ya me xtal ta tocal!#Dn 7.13; Mt 24.30; Mr 13.26; Lc 21.27; 1 Ts 4.17.
Spisil ants-winiquetic ya me yilic ta sitic,
soc uuc te mach'atic la slowique.#Zac 12.10; Jn 19.34,37.
Spisil ta jchajp lumetic ta balumilal
ya me yoq'uetay sbaic yu'un, te c'alal ya yilique.#Zac 12.10; Mt 24.30.
Jichuc, ac'a c'otuc ta pasel.
8“Jo'on Alfaon, jo'on Omegaon#Is 41.4; 44.6; Ap 1.17; 22.13.; ayon ta xjajch'ibal soc ta slajibal”, xi' te Cajwaltic te Spisil ya xju' yu'une. Ja' te mach'a stalel aye, soc te ay ta namey tele, soc te mach'a jtalelixe.#Ex 3.14.
Te Juane ac'bot yil yutsilal te Nich'anile
9Jo'on Juanon te awermanoon te pajal ay ta jwentatic te woclajele soc te pajal ay ta jwentatic ya jointic ta ajwalil te Cristoe. Tey ac'bilon ta bay ch'in q'uinal te ay ta yolil mar te Patmos sbiile, ta scaj te sc'op Diose soc te jamal la cac' ta na'el te sc'oplal te Jesucristoe. 10Te bit'il ayon ta wentainel yu'un te Espiritue, ja' c'ot ta pasel a te bi c'aalil yu'un te Cajwaltique. Jich la caiy stojol te ay mach'a tulan yac ta c'op ta jpat. Jich sc'op la caiy te bit'il sc'op te oq'uese. 11Jich la yal:
—Jo'on Alfaon, jo'on Omegaon, ayon ta xjajch'ibal soc ayon ta slajibal. Ts'ibuya ta jun te bila ya awile, soc ticuna bael ta bay te jucchajp jch'uunjeletic te ayic ta sq'uinal Asia: Ja'ic te lum Éfeso, te lum Esmirna, te lum Pérgamo, te lum Tiatira, te lum Sardis, te lum Filadelfia, soc te lum Laodicea —xi' la caiy.
12La jsujt'es jba quil te mach'a la sc'oponone. Tey chican la quil a jucch'ix xtuchtijib c'ajc' te pasbilic ta oroe. 13Soc la quil ta yolil te jucch'ix xtuchtijib c'ajc' te ja' pajal yilel soc te Nich'anile.#Dn 7.13. C'alal ta lum te snajt'il c'u' slapoje. Te xchujq'uil xch'ujt'e pasbil ta oro soc chucul c'alal ta yo'tan.#Dn 10.5. 14Te sjole soc te stsotsil sjole mero sac jich bit'il buen sac te stsotsil chije#Dn 7.9. soc jich bit'il buen sac te bate. In te site jich yac ta tilel te bit'il yat c'ajc'. 15Te yacane pajal soc bronce te xlememet nax te lecubtesbilix ta c'ajq'ue.#Dn 10.6. C'ax tulan te sc'ope, jich bit'il ya xc'opoj bayal te snojel ja'etique.#Ez 1.24; 43.2. 16Ta swa'el sc'ab sloch'oj juqueb eq'uetic. Soc yac ta loq'uel puñal ta ye te xcha'jejch'el ay yee. Te sit yelawe xlememet nax xojobil jich bit'il c'aal te bayal yip ya xtile.
17Te c'alal la quile, t'uxajon coel ta yacan. Jich c'oon te bit'il animae. Ja'uc me to, la scajanbon swa'el sc'ab ta jol. Jich la yalbon:
—Ma me xiwat. Jo'on ayon ta xjajch'ibal soc ta slajibal.#Is 41.4; 44.6-8; 48.12; Ap 1.8; 2.8; 22.13. 18Jtalel cuxulon. Lajon, ja'uc me to, cuxulonix sbajt'el q'uinal. Jichuc. Quich'oj te sllaveil te lajele soc uuc te stsojbjibal animaetique. 19Jich yu'un ts'ibuya spisil te bila la awilixe, soc te bila ay ta ora to, soc te bila ya xc'ot ta pasel ta patile. 20Jich ay sc'oplal te muquen c'op te juqueb eq'uetic te ay ta swa'el jc'abe soc te jucch'ix yawil c'ajc' te pasbilic ta oroe: Te juqueb xtuchtijib eq'uetique, ja' sc'oplalic te juctul ch'ul abatetic te ayic ta bay te jucchajp jch'uunjeletique, soc te jucch'ix xtuchtijib c'ajc' te la awile, ja' sc'oplal te jucchajp jch'uunjeletique —xi' la caiy.

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Apocalipsis 1: TZOXCH





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