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Filipenses 4

Ayuc me sbujts' co'tantic spisil ora ta swenta te Cajwaltique
1Jich yu'un, quermanotac te c'uxex ta co'tane, ma xch'ayex ta co'tan. Ja'ex ya awac'bon sbujts' co'tan, soc ja' jcoronaex. Junajuc me awo'tanic ta xch'uunel te Cajwaltique, ja'ex te c'uxex ta co'tane.
2Ya calbey wocol te Evodiae soc te Sintiquee, junuc me yo'tan sbaic ta swenta te Cajwaltique. 3Ja' nix jich te ja'ate, te jun awo'tan joinej jbatic ta at'ele, ya calbat wocol te yacuc acoltaybon in cheb quermanotactic antsetic to. Melel pajal woclajon soc ta yalel te lec yach'il c'ope, soc uuc te Clemente soc te yantic jo'tactic ta at'ele, te nacal sbiilic ta jun yu'un Dios swenta cuxinel.
4Soc ya calbeyex: Ayuc me bayal sbujts' awo'tanic spisil ora ta stojol te Cajwaltique. Soc ya calbeyex xan: Ayuc me sbujts' awo'tanic.#1 Ts 5.16.
5Ac'a me chicnajuc ta ilel xc'uxul awo'tan ta stojol spisil te mach'atic ayex ta balumilal soque. Yu'un nopol xtalix te Cajwaltique.#Sal 119.151. 6Ma me ayuc bila ya awac' woclajuc awo'tanic yu'un xujt'uc. Ja' ya sc'an ya ac'oponic Dios yu'un ta spisil. C'anbeyaic Dios te bila ya sc'an te awo'tanique, soc albeyaic me wocol yu'un.#Col 4.2-7; 1 Ts 5.17-18. 7Te lamal q'uinal yu'un te Diose, c'ax jelawen yutsil stuquel a ta spisil te bila ay ta nopele, ac'a me scanantaybeyex awo'tanic soc te bila ya anopic ta swenta te Cristo Jesuse.
Ja' me xbajt' ta awo'tanic sna'ulayel te bila leque
8Quermanotac, slajibalix ya calbeyex in to: Ja' me xbajt' ta awo'tanic sna'ulayel spisil te bila melele, spisil te bila lec nax ta aiyel stojole, spisil te bila toj ta pasele, spisil te bila ma capaluc ta mulile, spisil te bila ay yutsile soc spisil te bila lec ac'oplal yu'une. Ja' me xbajt' ta awo'tanic sna'el spisil te bila leque soc spisil te bila t'ujbile. 9Ja' me xapasic spisil ora te bila cac'ojbeyex anopique, soc te bila la cac'beyex ach'uunique, soc te bila la calbeyex awaiyique, soc te bila la cac'beyex awilique. Teme jich ya apasique, ya me sjoinex spisil ora te Diose, te ay lamal q'uinal ta swentae.
La yaq'uic smajt'an Dios te filipoetique
10Bayal sbujts' co'tan ta swenta Cajwaltic yu'un te bit'il la ana'onic xan yan buelta. Ma yu'unuc ya cal te ch'ayemon ta awo'tanique. Melel jna'oj stojol te yu'un ma wejt' awu'unic te bit'il ya ataonic ta coltayele. 11Soc ma xcal te yu'un ay jwocol ta me'bale. Melel jnopoj ta co'tan te lec ayon ya caiy soc te bila ay cu'une. 12Quilojix te me'bale, soc quilojix te ay bayal bila ay cu'une. Nopbilix cu'un te bit'il jun co'tan ya x'ainon, chican bi quilel ayon, teme nojel te jch'ujt'e o teme ayon ta wi'nale, teme ay bayal cu'un o teme ma'yuc xujt'uque. 13Spisil ya xju' cu'un ta swenta Cristo te ya yac'bon yip co'tane. 14Ja'uc me to, lec te la ana'onic te bit'il ay jwocole.
15Melel ana'ojic stojol te ja'exe, filipoetic, ma'yuc yan jch'uunjeletic te la scoltayon a te c'alal jajch' ta puquel te lec yach'il c'ope. Ja'ex nax atuquelic te la aticunbonic jcoltayel te c'alal la quijq'uitay jilel te sq'uinal Macedoniae. 16Soc te c'alal ayon ta lum Tesalonicae,#Hch 17.1. ma junuc nax buelta la aticunbonic tel te bila tuun cu'une.#2 Co 11.9. 17Ma yu'unuc ja' nax ay sc'oplal ta co'tan te ya jta jmajt'ane. Ja' bayal sc'oplal ta co'tan te yacuc x'esmajuc sit ta atojolique. 18Te bila la aticunic tele la quich'ix ta spisil. C'ax bayalix a. Ma'yuquix falta ya caiy a te bit'il la quich'ix te la aticunbonic tel soc te Epafroditoe. Te majt'anil la aticunbonic tele, xuq'uet nax sbujts' ta stojol Dios, jich bit'il milbil majt'anil te bin nax yo'tan yu'un te Diose.#Ex 29.18. 19Te Dios cu'untique, ya me sjeltaybeyex spisil te bila ya xtuun awu'unic ta swenta te yutsil sc'ulejal te ay ta swenta te Cristo Jesuse. 20Wocol yalbotic te Jtatic Dios yu'un te jelawen ay yutsilal sbajt'el q'uinal stuquele. Jichuc.
Spatjibal-o'tanil ta slajibal
21Ya jticunbey spatjibal yo'tanic spisil te mach'atic ch'ul lum yu'un Dios ta swenta Cristo Jesús. Soc ya sticunbeyex spatjibal awo'tanic uuc te quermanotactic te sjoinejonic li'to. 22Soc ya sticunbeyex spatjibal awo'tanic uuc spisil te mach'atic ch'ul lum yu'un te Diose. C'axem to xan ya spatbeyex awo'tanic te mach'atic ayic ta sna te muc' ajwalil Cesare.
23Ich'beyaic yutsil yo'tan ta apisilic te Cajwaltic Jesucristoe. Jichuc.

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Filipenses 4: TZOXCH





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