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Mateo 8

O Jesus krell jekes sasto, koleskro mass tele merella
1Un o Jesus djas i berga tele, un bud menshe djan leske palla. 2Kote was i mursh pash leste. Koles his i djungelo nasslepen ap peskro mass. Un job witsras pes glan o Jesuseste tele ap i phub, un mangas lestar: “Rai, te kameh tu, nai kreh man sasto.”
3Un o Jesus tchiwas peskro wast ap leste, un penas: “Me kamau, te wess sasto.” Un ap jek kopo djas ko nasslepen lestar.
4Un o Jesus penas ap leste: “Shun, pen kekeske, hoi me tuke krom! Dja an o Debleskro baro kheer pash o rashajeste un sike leste, kai tiro nasslepen tutar djas! Un an kowa glan o Debleste, hoi o Mose penas#8:4 dik: 3. Mose 14:2-32, te djinenn i menshe, kai tu sasto wal.”
O pralstuno lurdo an o foro Kapernaum
5Un o Jesus djas dureder, un was an o foro Kapernaum. Kote was i pralstuno lurdo#8:5 Kowa his i Remari. pash leste, un mangas les:
6“Rai, miro budepaskro hi khere tchiddo, un hi bango, jaake te nai djal lo buder gar. Un les hi bare duka.”
7Penas o Jesus ap leste: “Me kamau tuha te djal, un kamau les sasto te krell.”
8Koi penas o pralstuno lurdo: “Me hom gar moldo, te wess tu pash mande. Te peneh tu jek lab, jaake well miro budepaskro sasto. 9Jaake har me ninna hunte shunap ap mire pralstunende, jaake hi man ninna lurde, kai hunte krenn, hoi me penau. Me te penau ap jekeste: Dja koi! palle djal lo. Me te penau ap i wawareste: Am kai! palle well lo. Me te penau ap miro budepaskro: Kre kowa! palle krell job kowa.”
10Har o Jesus kowa shunas, kras lo bare jaka, un penas ap kolende, kai leha djan: “Tchatchepah, me penau tumenge: Sawo patsepen hatsom pash kekeste an o tselo them Israel. 11Bud menshe wenna dran bud wawar themma pash o Debleste an o bolepen, un beshenn pen tele, te chan le o Abrahameha un o Isaakeha, un o Jakobeha khetne.#8:11 dik: Jesaja 25:6-9 12Un i biboldendar wenna bud an i kali rat win witsedo. Un jon rowenna, un dandrenn i danda i dukatar khetne.”
13Un palle penas o Jesus ap o pralstuno lurdo: “Dja khere! jaake har tu patsal, jaake well kowa.”
Un ap kau tsiro was leskro budepaskro sasto.
O Jesus hi an o Petreskro kheer
14Un o Jesus djas an o Petreskro kheer. Kote dikas lo koleskri romjakri dai. Joi his ap o tchiben tchiddo un lakro shero his tato. 15Un job tapras lakro wast, un ko nasslepen djas latar. Un joi stas pre, un anas lenge i chapen.
16Un har i rati was, anan le bud menshen pash leste, kai hi benga an lende. Un job rakras soreles ap i bengende, te djan le dran i menshende win. Un jon wan win. Ninna kras lo lauteren sasto, kai nasselo hi.
17Jaake was kowa tchatches, hoi o Debleskro rakepaskro, o Jesaja, glan i rah tsiro penas: Job las mare duka, un maro nasslepen mendar.#8:17 dik: Jesaja 53:4
Koon o Jesuseha djal, hunte dikell gar ap wawar koowa
18Un har o Jesus bud menshe trul peste dikas, penas lo peskre malenge: “Uleras ap i wawar panjeskri rig!”
19Koi was i biboldengro tchatchepaskro pash leste un penas: “Sikepaskro, me kamau tuha te djal, kai tu ninna djah.”
20Penas o Jesus ap leste: “I diwje djuklen hi i tchiben an i phub, kai sowenn le. Un i tchirklen hi tikne khera ap i ruka. Me, o Menshengro Tchawo, man hi tchi, kai nai tchiwap man tele, te sowap.”
21Un i wawar, jek leskre malendar, penas ap leste: “Rai, muk man khere te djal, te paskrap miro dades! Pal kowa wau tuha.”
22Penas o Jesus: “Muk i mule pengre mulen te paskrell! Dja tu mantsa!”
Ap o diwjo pani
23Un o Jesus djas an o bero#8:23 bero, ap gadjkenes: Boot . Un leskre mala djan leha. 24Har jon ap o pani his, phurdas ap jek kopo i baro sorelo ducho pral o baro pani. Un o pani was diwjo, un djas pre te tele, un djas pral o bero wergel. Un o Jesus sowas.
25Palle djan jon pash leste, djangran les pre, un penan ap leste: “Rai! Le men kate win! Mer tassah.”
26Koi penas lo: “Hoske trashenn tumer? Kai hi tumaro patsepen?”
Un job stas pre, un penas ap ko sorelo ducho, hoi phurdas pral o pani: “Atch kanna!” Un ap o baro pani penas lo: “Muk tele!”
Un o sorelo ducho phurdas buder gar, un o pani his buder gar diwjo.
27Un peskre mala kran bare jaka un putchan pendar: “Hawo mursh hi kowa! Ninna o sorelo ducho un o baro pani shunenn ap leste.”
O Jesus tradell i bengen dran dui murshende win
28Un jon wan ap i wawar panjeskri rig, an o them Gadara. Un dui mursha nashan dran i mulengre khera win, un wan pash o Jesuseste. Kolen hi benga an lende. Un jon hi jaake tchilatcho, te nai djas kek an lengro drom.
29Un jon dan gole: “Hoi kameh tu mendar, Debleskro tchawo? Wal tu pash mende, te dukress men tu glan o tsiro, kai rakrell o Dewel i phagi pral mende win?”
30Dur lendar his bud bale ap i berga.
31Un kol benga mangan les: “Tu te tradeh men dran kol murshende win, palle muk men an kol balende dren te djal!”
32Un job penas: “Djan tumenge!”
Un jon wan dran i murshende win, un djan an kol balende dren. Un kol tsele bale wan diwjo un nashan i berga tele, un stan an o pani, un tassan.
33Un kote his mursha, kai ap i balende jak denna. Kolla nashan an o foro, un penan kote halauter, hoi jon dikan, ninna, kai wan kol dui mursha sasto, kai benga an lende his.
34Un i tsele menshe djan dran ko foro win, un wan pash o Jesuseste. Un har jon les dikan, mangan le les, te djal lo dran lengro them win.

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Mateo 8: ROM6





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