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Psalms 22

Psalm 22
From Suffering to Praise
For the choir director: according to “The Deer of the Dawn.” A psalm of David.
1My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?#Mt 27:46; Mk 15:34
Why are you so far from my deliverance#Ps 10:1
and from my words of groaning?#Ps 32:3; 38:8
2My God, I cry by day, but you do not answer,
by night, yet I have no rest.#Ps 42:3; 88:1
3But you are holy,
enthroned on the praises of Israel.#Ps 99:3
4Our ancestors trusted in you;
they trusted, and you rescued them.#Ps 107:6
5They cried to you and were set free;
they trusted in you and were not disgraced.#Ps 25:2; 31:1; 71:1; Is 49:23
6But I am a worm and not a man,#Jb 25:6
scorned by mankind and despised by people.#Ps 109:25; Is 53:3
7Everyone who sees me mocks me;
they sneer#22:7 Lit separate with the lip and shake their heads:#Mt 27:39; Mk 15:29; Lk 23:35
8“He relies on#22:8 Or Rely on the Lord;
let him save him;
let the Lord#22:8 Lit let him rescue him,
since he takes pleasure in him.”#Mt 27:43
9It was you who brought me out of the womb,
making me secure at my mother’s breast.#Ps 71:6
10I was given over to you at birth;#22:10 Lit was cast on you from the womb
you have been my God from my mother’s womb.#Is 46:3; 49:1; Gl 1:15
11Don’t be far from me, because distress is near
and there’s no one to help.#2Kg 14:26; Ps 71:12; Is 63:5
12Many bulls surround me;
strong ones of Bashan encircle me.#Ps 68:30; Am 4:1
13They open their mouths against me —
lions, mauling and roaring.#Ps 10:9; 17:12
14I am poured out like water,#Jb 30:16
and all my bones are disjointed;#Jb 4:14; Ps 6:2; 32:3
my heart is like wax,
melting within me.#Nah 2:10
15My strength is dried up like baked clay;#Ps 38:10
my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth.#Lm 4:4
You put me into the dust of death.#Ps 104:29
16For dogs have surrounded me;#Ps 59:6,14
a gang of evildoers has closed in on me;
they pierced#22:16 Some Hb mss, LXX, Syr; other Hb mss read me; like a lion my hands and my feet.#Jn 20:25
17I can count all my bones;
people#22:17 Lit they look and stare at me.#Lk 23:35
18They divided my garments among themselves,
and they cast lots for my clothing.#Mt 27:35; Lk 23:34; Jn 19:24
19But you, Lord, don’t be far away.#Ps 10:1
My strength, come quickly to help me.#Ps 70:5
20Rescue my life from the sword,#Jr 39:18
my only life#22:20 Lit my only one from the power of these dogs.
21Save me from the lion’s mouth,#Ps 35:17; 2Tm 4:17
from the horns of wild oxen.
You answered me!#22:21 Or oxen you rescued me
22I will proclaim your name to my brothers and sisters;
I will praise you in the assembly.#Ps 40:10; Heb 2:12
23You who fear the Lord, praise him!#Rv 19:5
All you descendants of Jacob, honor him!
All you descendants of Israel, revere him!#Ps 135:20
24For he has not despised or abhorred
the torment of the oppressed.#Ps 69:33
He did not hide his face from him#Ezk 39:29
but listened when he cried to him for help.#Ps 28:2
25I will give praise in the great assembly
because of you;#Ps 35:18; 40:9–10
I will fulfill my vows
before those who fear you.#22:25 Lit him#Ps 61:8
26The humble will eat and be satisfied;#Ps 107:9
those who seek the Lord will praise him.
May your hearts live forever!#Ps 40:16; 69:32
27All the ends of the earth will remember
and turn to the Lord.
All the families of the nations
will bow down before you,#Ps 2:8; 86:9
28for kingship belongs to the Lord;
he rules the nations.#1Ch 16:31; 2Ch 20:6; Mal 1:14; Rv 15:3
29All who prosper on earth will eat and bow down;
all those who go down to the dust
will kneel before him —
even the one who cannot preserve his life.#Is 45:23; Rm 14:11; Php 2:10
30Their descendants will serve him;
the next generation will be told about the Lord.#Ps 102:18,28
31They will come and declare his righteousness;
to a people yet to be born
they will declare what he has done.#Ps 71:18; 78:6

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Psalms 22: CSB





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