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Isaiah 2

The City of Peace
1The vision that Isaiah#2Kg 19:2; 20:1; 2Ch 26:22; 32:20; Is 1:1; 13:1 son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem:
2In#Mc 4:1–4; Rm 2:20 the last days#Nm 24:14; Dt 4:30; Ezk 38:16; Hs 3:5
the mountain of the Lord’s house#2Ch 33:15; Is 27:13; 66:20 will be established
at the top of the mountains
and will be raised above the hills.
All nations will stream to it,#Ps 22:27; Is 56:7; Zch 14:10
3and many peoples will come and say,
“Come, let’s go up to the mountain of the Lord,
to the house of the God of Jacob.#Is 29:23; 45:23; 60:13; 66:18
He will teach us about his ways
so that we may walk in his paths.”
For instruction will go out of Zion
and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.
4He will settle disputes among the nations
and provide arbitration for many peoples.
They will beat their swords into plows
and their spears into pruning knives.#Is 11:6–9; 32:17–18; Jl 3:10
Nation will not take up the sword against nation,
and they will never again train for war.#Ps 72:3,7; Is 9:7; Hs 2:18; Zch 9:10
The Day of the Lord
5House of Jacob,
come and let’s walk in the Lord’s light.#Ps 27:1; 43:3
6For you have abandoned#Dt 31:17; Ps 94:14; Is 1:4 your people,
the house of Jacob,
because they are full of divination from the East
and of fortune-tellers#Lv 19:26; Dt 18:10–14; 2Kg 21:6; 2Ch 33:6; Jr 27:9; Mc 5:12 like the Philistines.#Jdg 14:3; 1Sm 6:2; 2Kg 1:2–6
They are in league#2:6 Or They teem, or They partner; Hb obscure with foreigners.
7Their#2:7 Lit Its#2:7 = the house of Jacob land is full of silver and gold,
and there is no limit to their treasures;
their land is full of horses,
and there is no limit to their chariots.#Dt 17:17
8Their land is full of worthless idols;#Is 10:10–11; 19:1–3; 31:7; Jr 2:28
they worship the work of their hands,
what their fingers have made.#Is 41:21–29; 44:9–17
9So humanity is brought low,
and each person is humbled.
Do not forgive them!#Ex 34:7
10Go into the rocks#Rv 6:15
and hide in the dust
from the terror of the Lord#1Sm 11:7; 2Ch 14:14; 17:10; 19:7; Is 2:19,21
and from his majestic splendor.#2Th 1:9
11The pride of mankind#2:11 Lit Mankind’s proud eyes will be humbled,#Ps 18:27; Is 2:17; Mc 2:3; 2Co 10:5
and human loftiness will be brought low;
the Lord alone will be exalted on that day.
12For a day belonging to the Lord of Armies is coming
against all that is proud and lofty,#Mal 4:1
against all that is lifted up — it will be humbled —
13against all the cedars of Lebanon,#Ps 29:5; Is 14:8; Hs 14:5
lofty and lifted up,
against all the oaks of Bashan,#Ezk 27:6; Zch 11:2
14against all the high mountains,#Is 40:4
against all the lofty hills,
15against every high tower,#Is 25:12; Zph 1:16
against every fortified wall,
16against every ship of Tarshish,#1Kg 10:22; Is 23:1,14; 60:9
and against every splendid sea vessel.
17The pride of mankind will be brought low,
and human loftiness will be humbled;
the Lord alone will be exalted on that day.#Mt 25:13
18The worthless idols will vanish completely.
19People will go into caves in the rocks#Is 2:10
and holes in the ground,
away from the terror of the Lord
and from his majestic splendor,
when he rises to terrify the earth.#Ps 18:7; Is 13:13; 24:1,19–20; Hg 2:6–7; Heb 12:26
20On that day people will throw
their worthless idols of silver and gold,#Is 30:22; 31:7
which they made to worship,
to the moles and the bats.
21They will go into the caves of the rocks
and the crevices in the cliffs,
away from the terror of the Lord
and from his majestic splendor,#Is 2:10
when he rises to terrify the earth.
22Put no more trust in a mere human,
who has only the breath in his nostrils.#Ps 39:11; 144:4; 146:3; Jr 17:5; Jms 4:14
What is he really worth?

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Isaiah 2: CSB





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