Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Matthew 23:23

Authentic Purity
3 Days
This generation is longing for authenticity. God’s perfect will for you is to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ. Jesus tells us to not be hypocrites like the Pharisees, but to live a life that backs up what we preach. God desires for us to stay on a path of purity.

Tithing: What Jesus Said About Tithes
3 Days
Ever wonder what Jesus said about tithing? Is this still something new covenant believers should do? We can learn a lot by digging into the Bible to see what Jesus did and didn’t say about tithing and generosity, and that's what we are going to do in this plan.

The 3 Types of Tithing, and the 2 You Should Avoid
3 Days
Did you know there are actually 3 distinct approaches to tithing in the Bible. And as new covenant believers, according to the Bible I believe we should be avoiding two of them. In this short plan we explore these 3 different types of tithing and how we as Christians should be giving and tithing in the most God-honoring way.

Tithes and Tithing: Every Verse in the Bible About Tithing
4 Days
As long as I have been a Christian, I've heard people arguing and debating about tithing. Some say Tithing was only an Old Testament Law that doesn’t need to be followed as believers under the New Covenant, while some say that tithing is just as relevant to New Testament Christians. In this plan, we will go directly to the source to see everything the Bible says about tithing.

Living Like Jesus
5 Days
If we want to share Jesus with others, we’ve got to live like Him, love like Him, and listen like Him. In this 5-day Plan, we’ll take a closer look at the life of Jesus to discover how we should live our lives.

A Gentle Answer
5 Days
In a defensive and divided era, how can followers of Jesus reveal a better way of living, one that loves others as God loves us? How can Christians be the kind of people who are known, as Proverbs puts it, to "turn away wrath"?

Because We Care – Conversation in a Hostile Environment
5 Days
“I am sending you out like sheep among wolves…be as shrewd as snakes…innocent as doves” Matthew 10:16. Culture is ever-changing, meaningful conversations can become more difficult as hostility increases. This plan will encourage you to learn from Jesus example as he engaged with the interested, only sought to intrigue the disinterested, and deflected the hostile. He both thrived and achieved his purpose on earth despite hostility, and so can we!

Getting Good With Money
5 Days
This 5-day plan will inspire, encourage, and equip readers to achieve their financial goals and be good stewards of what they have. It does more than just tell you "how to budget" book, this is the start of a comprehensive roadmap to financial freedom. Based on the book Getting Good with Money by Jessi Fearon.

The Essential Jesus (Part 9): The Sermons of Jesus
5 Days
In 100 carefully selected passages from the Bible, you will discover who Jesus is and why he is so significant – even life-transforming. Through both Old and New Testament readings, you will discover why God sent Jesus, what Jesus taught, how he treated people, why he did miracles, the meaning of his death, the significance of his resurrection, and what the Bible says about his second coming.

Watch With Me Series 4
5 Days
Watch With ME Seeking the perspective of Jesus... Rocky Fleming is a father, husband, minister, and author, with 40 years of experience making disciples. Join Rocky as he reflects on everyday opportunities to see God working, through situations, to make Himself known, and to change our hearts.

Justice: Standing in the Gap
5 Days
Although it’s an unfortunate reality, injustice seems to be everywhere we look. However, we can stand in the gap and be forces for good by following the example of Jesus. In this 5-day plan, dive deep into the Bible’s definition of justice and learn how to live justly within your community.

Acts 7:54-8:3 | Imitating Jesus
5 Days
Following Jesus means becoming like Jesus, especially in the face of evil. Stephen in the book of Acts gives us a picture. This 5-day plan continues a journey through the book of Acts, the Bible’s gripping sequel of Jesus at work in the life of his followers as he expands his Kingdom to the ends of the earth. It’s a journey on what it means to be a Christian. It’s a story in which you have a role to play.

True Virtue: Recentering on What Matters Most
6 Days
Feeling like your life is stuck on autopilot? It’s time to recenter on the things that matter most. In this 6-day Bible Plan accompanying Pastor Craig Groeschel’s message series, True Virtue, we’ll discover how to move beyond empty virtue signaling into real living that honors God and inspires others.

Kill the Noise
7 Days
Too many people are playing at being Christians, and some haven’t yet taken even the first step of belief. No matter where you are in your spiritual walk, Jesus wants you closer. He’s got a perfect plan for your life – a plan for purpose, peace, joy, and eternal life. All it takes is you deciding that the poser life is not for you. You’re going to be fully committed!

The Lukewarm Deception
7 Days
Half-hearted, lazy, who cares? Don’t you hate that attitude? Jesus hates it more, as He declared in Revelation 3:16; but how easily we fall into the deception that makes Him want to vomit us out of His mouth! Let’s look at ways we become lukewarm without realizing it, and how to move with our whole hearts into the joy and security of knowing and being known by Him.

God of Justice
7 Days
God does not merely choose to act justly – He is justice. His decisions are not swayed by external pressures or personal biases (Which Sign Will You Choose? – Dwayne Jeffries). As you follow this plan, be encouraged and empowered to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly every day (Micah 6:8), just as Jesus did.

Busy Resting
7 Days
Do you struggle to enjoy the weekly rest day the Lord wants for you? Do your rest days sometimes end up being more exhausting than work days? In this plan, we will look into ways to rest intentionally as per God’s desire for us.

Testimony and Tolerance
7 Days
Sharing the Gospel message today is challenging due to several obstacles. We are accused of being intolerant when the message hurts people's feelings, condemns certain attitudes and actions, and talks about sin. When we want to declare the truth, we risk being conditioned to soften the edges of the Gospel. Jesus is considered a defender of tolerance, while evangelicals are labeled as bigots and intolerant! What steps can we take to be faithful and effective witnesses today? Let’s learn from the examples of Jesus and Paul found in the New Testament.

Holy Week
8 Days
Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday and ends with Easter Sunday. By following Christ's footsteps through daily scripture readings, take your own spiritual journey and prepare your heart for honoring him this Easter.

Christ the Lord of All | Holy Week Devotional
8 Days
We pray the One who walked the dusty roads of Judea during his humiliation, the One who is now exalted at the right hand of the Father—Christ the Lord of All—will meet you as we together celebrate Holy Week. Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church 2023 Holy Week Devotional.

Charles Spurgeon on How to Read the Bible
9 Days
This 9-Day devotional is compiled by Dr. Jason Allen, President of Spurgeon College, from a sermon preached by Charles H. Spurgeon. He makes a powerful case for a steady diet on the Word of God and to put your full trust in it. As he wrote, "Oh, cling to Scripture. Scripture is not Christ, but it is the silken clue that will lead you to Him. Follow its leadings faithfully."

God Sees Me!
9 Days
Do you care about being seen by others? Perhaps you use social media to share your experiences and to post your best selfies online — photoshopped or not. Do you also care about being seen by God? Or does this thought make you feel uncomfortable? This reading plan is about God seeing and knowing you as you really are. Will you read along with us?

Are We Pharisees?
9 Days
James wrote: "... if you listen to the word and don’t obey, it is like glancing at your face in a mirror. You see yourself, walk away, and forget what you look like.” (James 1:23-24 NLT) The Pharisees thought they were obeying the word. I wonder, could this be us? Are we Pharisees? You’re invited to gaze afresh, ditch religion, and grow in the childlike intimacy God desires and adores.

What Made Jesus Mad?
10 days
For years Christians have asked, "What would Jesus do?" But what if we asked a better, more illuminating question: "What Made Jesus Mad?" Jesus didn't cringe at the sinners; rather, he cringed at the religious phonies, arrogant judges, and hypocrites. What if, by coming to understand God’s holy anger, we come to know a savior we never knew before? Take the first step in this 10 day plan.

10 Day Challenge - A Hope-Filled Introduction to the Christian Faith
10 Days
This 10 Day Challenge devotional is for those who are investigating, or new to the Christian faith. The discipleship series includes concise videos with each devotion, covering some of the foundational beliefs and practices of the Christian faith in a fresh and practical way. Share this with your friends, or go through it together with them.