Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to 1 John 4:18

From Spark To Flame
3 Days
How would you describe your faith journey? Is it a well-established fire? Is it warming? Comforting? Does it push away darkness? Or is merely a spark? Not quite yet a flame? Hardly casting a shadow. These guided audio meditations will help recognize a spark from an encounter with God. And watch the spark turn to flame. Pushing out fear and darkness.

God's Calling // Recharged for a Purpose
3 Days
One way we know we're living in line with God's will is the sense of peace that comes with it. Yes, we may be tired, but we are also restored. Yes, we may be sad, but we are also comforted. This plan reminds us of the deep joy that is found in living in God's will. May it be an encouragement to you!

When Falsely Accused
3 Days
This may be hard, but take a moment to recall how you react emotionally when falsely accused or criticized unfairly. The theme for these guided audio meditations is finding the love of God in the face of false accusations and then meditating on God’s peace so we know how to respond when criticized. And, finally, a meditation to help reflect God’s grace, so others see Him in all you do.

The Way of Love
3 Days
“If only.” Are there words any more defeating? “If” implies chance and “only” diminishes the goal. What if you could reach higher than “if only.” Achieving the heights of true love and the way of God. The first guided audio meditation theme is calling for the way of love. The second meditation is on motivation and God’s reward of love. And finally, a reflection on learning to love without ceasing.

Untamable God
3 Days
Untamable God is a devotional that will lead you through 3-days of rediscovering the beauty and majesty of God. Each day will comprise of a lesson to allow his grace to empower you, his love to move you and his word to shape the way you see him. Upon completion, you will discover the raw, untamed nature of the Almighty creator, conforming you more into the image of Christ.

Opening The Door To Your Dream
3 days
One of the preeminent barriers toward living out your dream is a door that only you can unlock. Let NY-Times best-selling author Bruce Wilkinson serve as your personal dream-coach in this 3-day reading plan.

9 Common Lies Christians Believe: Part 2 Of 3
3 days
Maybe God isn’t who you think He is. Maybe He’s much better. This devotional will help identify some Christian clichés we’ve all heard that are actually unbiblical lies. These clichés may seem innocent, but are harmful to our faith and keep far too many believers stuck in spiritual immaturity. Learn to encounter these lies with the truths about God in the Bible, to bring encouragement and freedom to our lives.

There Is No Fear in Love
3 Days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this heart-transforming devotional. God’s Love has no fear. There is no fear in God. His Love is Perfect. His Love is kind. His Love is mature. His Love has no end. There are no strings attached to His Love. There are no restrictions in Him. His Love has no boundaries. His Love is complete. His Love will make you whole.

Love God, Love Others
3 Days
Infinitum is a way of life centered on following Jesus by loving God and loving others through an emphasis on the habits and disciplines of surrender, generosity, and mission. We aim to see the Bible and also the world through these Jesus-colored lenses. This short reading plan is based on the theme, ‘Love God, Love Others’.

Fear Is Kryptonite to Business
3 Days
To succeed in the business that God has placed in our hearts, we must have faith. However, the enemy of faith is fear. Both cannot be in us at the same time. In this three-day devotional we will examine some scriptures about fear so we can kick it out of our lives. When fear is gone, faith can come so we can succeed in life.

Loving Like Jesus
3 Days
What is your understanding of God’s love? What’s the basis of your love towards yourself and others? Jesus said the greatest commandment is to LOVE the Lord our God and to love others the way we love ourselves. The 3-day plan will help refine the depth of your love for God, your ability to love yourself, and the measure in which you love others.

3 Prayers to Ward Off Panic
3 Days
If you are overwhelmed and panicking, pray through these three Bible promises, and the Lord will comfort you. He will take care of you and protect you, no matter what your situation!

Trusting God During Marital Hardship
3 Days
This plan encourages wives dealing with marital hardship to surrender and trust God even when their marriage is tested. Have you been praying about this season of hardship? It seems the more you pray, the further away God feels. I'm here to tell you God is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. His word provides comfort and instructions, even during uncomfortable times. God isn't silent.

What Is My Value?
3 Days
What is my value? Where do I find worth? In a world full of misguided values, your true worth is only found in one place. Your value is in the Creator of the Universe, God Himself. Discover how precious you are in His sight.

Learning to Be Loved
3 Days
Based on the new book "Learning to Be Loved," this three-day plan will help you learn how to move from merely knowing about God’s love to truly experience it in your heart. Through practical steps and honest reflections, authors David Bowden and Mart Green will teach you to embrace the truth that God loved you first. Open yourself up to the profound, unconditional love God has for you. Start today and learn what it means to be truly loved.

Overcoming Procrastination
3 Days
Time is a gift from God, and we are called to manage it well. That’s why it’s important to discuss one of the biggest hindrances to good time stewardship: procrastination. God cares about how we spend our time. Discover the underlying factors driving procrastination and how to overcome it.

4 Days
On February 29, 1948, Richard Wurmbrand was arrested by the secret police. His crimes? Leading Christian worship and witnessing—both of which were illegal under the atheistic Communist regime of Romania. Because of his faithfulness to Christ, he endured 14 years of prison and torture. His wife, Sabina, suffered two years of forced labor. They emerged, not with melancholy or a bitter spirit, but with a story of victorious faith .

Demonstrating God's Love In Business
4 Days
Kingdom entrepreneurs have the unique opportunity to represent God’s love in the marketplace and minister into the lives of people who may otherwise not encounter the radical love of Jesus Christ. This 4-day reading plan provides scripture and guidance for demonstrating God’s love through the work you do as a business owner.

4 Days
Spend just a few minutes on any of the major social media platforms and you’ll find that women are longing for encouragement, hope, purpose, connection and acceptance, but yet, they’re not finding that. As women of faith, we have an online responsibility. We can choose to #BeWorthFollowing and in turn, be different and influence the many lives we encounter online, on a daily basis.

Overcoming Fear
4 Days
Jesus came to set us free from fear and sin. He gives us four weapons to combat our fear: truth, love, prayer, and plans. He is the Truth, His perfect love casts out fear, and He helps us prayerfully rely on Him and His plans to overcome the fears in our lives.

UNAFRAID: Freedom From Fear Forever
4 Days
Fear is no small thing, not to you, not to God. We might live in a fear-filled world, but we don’t have to live a fear-filled life. God wants us to be free from fear—forever! In this four-day devotional, we’re going to talk about the SEVEN ways fear torments people, and how to be free from fear forever. Let’s go!

4 Days
This devotional is based on the ICF Worship EP "Fearless". The themes of the four songs on the EP have been turned into a four-day devotional.

Knowing God’s Heart
4 Days
We can easily fall into believing things about God that aren’t true. At times, we see things on social media or the news that make us question Him. So, what is true about God? Does He know what He's doing? Is He really loving and kind, even when things don't seem to be going well? In this 4-Day Bible Plan, let’s learn how we can know God’s heart together.

You Can Be Fearless!
4 Days
There’s plenty to be afraid of in today's world, and fear can be paralyzing. It can keep from you from experiencing all God’s blessings, and from being all He’s created you to be. But you can be free from fear. Let these four lessons inspire your faith and help to make you fearless!

Rebuilding the Wall: Walking in Your Assignment
4 Days
What is your assignment? Once we understand THE purpose, we must learn how it looks to fulfill it daily through our assignments. Nehemiah was a cup-bearer, so why was he building a wall? This devotional will help you gain a better understanding of the difference between THE purpose and your assignment and how we can be an active participant in the work God wants to fulfill on the earth.