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Search results for: Matthew 5:16

"You Changed My Name" 5-Day Devotional by Matthew West

5 Days

"You Changed My Name" 5-Day Devotional by Matthew West
The “You Changed My Name" 5-Day Devotional walks us through stories of sinners and the moments when the Lord saved them. He takes the ones who seem too far gone in their shame and grief, and graciously restores them with words of love and encouragement. - Matthew West

Matthew 5-7: The Way of the Kingdom

22 Days

Matthew 5-7: The Way of the Kingdom
In part two of our Matthew devotional, we'll explore Matthew 5-7, where we find Jesus' most famous message, the Sermon on the Mount. Learn where real happiness comes from through the Beatitudes, and discover what true kingdom living looks like.

Gregg Matte - 5 Steps to Take During a Storm

7 Days

Gregg Matte - 5 Steps to Take During a Storm
This plan is a continuation of Gregg Matte's devotional, Courage In The Storm. When you're going through a storm, Jesus can show up when you least expect it and do what you could never imagine. Through this plan, Pastor Gregg Matte goes through 5 steps that can encourage you in your walk with the Lord and strengthen your faith during the storm.

Me on Your Mind - a Five-Day Reading Plan by Matthew West

5 Days

Me on Your Mind - a Five-Day Reading Plan by Matthew West
God has your progress on His mind today. Follow in Paul’s footsteps and make the choice to be “single-minded” in your pursuit of knowing Jesus more each day and not beating yourself up for being a work in progress. God loves you and will continue to make you more like Him as long as knowing Him is your heart’s true pursuit. Let's go through scripture together. -Matthew West

Made To Shine: Enjoy & Reflect God's Light

10 Days

Made To Shine: Enjoy & Reflect God's Light
Made to Shine is based on Jesus’ instructions in Matthew 5:16 to reflect the light of Jesus in all that we do. Focusing on key Scriptures that associate light with the character and person of Christ, the ten devotions for women in this uplifting plan are meant to empower YOU to creatively carry His light wherever YOU go.

Faith - Can Mine Move Mountains? - Disciple Makers Series #16

6 days

Faith - Can Mine Move Mountains? - Disciple Makers Series #16
Matthew writes to God’s people and walks them on a journey that will take them from where they are to be Disciple Makers. This is 16 of 27 devotional plans walking us through the book of Matthew.  This portion talks about faith, and in many different ways. Watch how faith gets challenged, stretched, refined and exposed – then ask whether our faith matches theirs!

The Freedom of Serving Others

3 Days

The Freedom of Serving Others
Serving others is the medicine that heals our sickness of self-love. As Jesus reminds us in Matthew 16:25, "For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it." Lose your life in service, for it is the path to abundant life!

Birth of Jesus - The Video Bible

3 Days

Birth of Jesus - The Video Bible
The story of the birth of Christ read and illustrated directly from the pages of Scripture. Plan starts in Luke 2:1-17 then transitions to Matthew 2:1-12. The plan ends with Christ's teachings found in Matthew 11:28-30 and John 3:16-18. This plan is illustrated scripture courtesy of The Video Bible, read by actor Max McLean with permission by Biblica.

The Nature Of Christ

5 Days

The Nature Of Christ
It is of the greatest importance for every follower of Christ to know who and what Jesus is. Why? Because Jesus said so! In Matthew 16, He asks His disciples who He is. Walk with us through a few simple devotions and learn about the nature of Christ as you grow in faith, knowing who He is. Be blessed!

Made to Shine

10 Days

Made to Shine
Did you know that YOU were made to shine? The Bible says that God made you in His image (Genesis 1:27). You are a unique image-bearer of God and He has planned good things for you to do with your life (Ephesians 2:10). That’s right! You were made to shine (Matthew 5:16)! In this study, we will look at different character qualities that can be used to shine God’s light and share God’s love with the world.

Anchoring Time - Jonah & Matthew (Part 1)

49 Days

Anchoring Time - Jonah & Matthew (Part 1)
What is an Anchoring Time? It's time spent focused on encountering God through reading the Bible. Join us as we read through Jonah and Matthew 1-16. Learn about who Jesus is, what He taught His followers, and how to live more like Him!

Revelation Explained Part 5 | Wrath & Mercy

7 Days

Revelation Explained Part 5 | Wrath & Mercy
How do you reconcile the wrath of God with the mercy of God? The Bible presents both, and nowhere is the contrast more striking than here in Revelation. So how do you respond? In Part 5 of Revelation Explained, Kris Langham guides us through chapters 13-16, as judgment and salvation are poured out in equal measure. Join us for clear, insightful teaching in just 5 minutes each day.

Romans - Part 5: ELECTION

35 Days

Romans - Part 5: ELECTION
This plan is an overview of the unashamed wonder and power of the gospel (Romans 1:16). In this plan, Part 5 of our six-part series through the book of Romans, we will learn about the mystery of election!

Life's Healing Choices

25 Days

Life's Healing Choices
Join Pastor Rick for this series of broadcasts on “Life’s Healing Choices” as he walks through the Beatitudes from Matthew 5, which are the eight steps to physical, emotional, social, financial, and personal health.

Because We Care – Conversation in a Hostile Environment

5 Days

Because We Care – Conversation in a Hostile Environment
“I am sending you out like sheep among wolves…be as shrewd as snakes…innocent as doves” Matthew 10:16. Culture is ever-changing, meaningful conversations can become more difficult as hostility increases. This plan will encourage you to learn from Jesus example as he engaged with the interested, only sought to intrigue the disinterested, and deflected the hostile. He both thrived and achieved his purpose on earth despite hostility, and so can we!

The Sermon On The Mount

10 Days

The Sermon On The Mount
This series will take a look at the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew. 5 - 7). It will benefit readers by helping them to better understand the content of the Sermon and also to understand its relevance and application today.

The Law in a New Light

11 Days

The Law in a New Light
Chapter 5 is the centre point of Matthew’s presentation of the sayings of Jesus, particularly as it relates to the Law. I hope you are as taken by the words and authority of Jesus as I have been. This is nothing less than our manifesto – kingdom behaviour, ethics, and call, all in these verses. What Jesus says is pure genius. How Matthew puts it together is inspiring.

The Nine Beatitudes of Jesus

10 Days

The Nine Beatitudes of Jesus
God has ordained you for greatness. But some attitudes ought to be developed in you before you can get to that height of greatness God purposed for you. In this plan, I’ll help you cover all the nine beatitudes Jesus spoke about in Matthew 5:1-12.


7 Days

ACT LIKE MEN is a study designed to inscribe the 5 markers of Godly manhood into men, these markers are found in 1st Corinthians 16:13-14. We will also recall some of our nostalgic boyhood memories, all the while, pulling on theological truths from Scripture that will sharpen and mold us to be more of the men of God we are called to be.

How to Keep Going When I Fail

5 Days

How to Keep Going When I Fail
God is perfect and we are not. How do we continue to strive toward being more like Christ when we know we will continually fail? Let's look at Matthew 4 and 5 in the Streetlights New Testament.

Good Mourning

3 Days

Good Mourning
"Blessed are those who mourn..." (Matthew 5:4, NIV) How is that supposed to work? Throughout Scripture, we are encouraged to have joy in all circumstances. Could there be a link between joy and mourning?

Perseverance: A Study in Jude

3 Days

Perseverance: A Study in Jude
Written by the half-brother of Jesus, Jude is a strong rebuke against false teachers and their influence in the church. The letter encourages believers to stand firm in their faith and persevere against those who seek to divide the church and distract from the gospel. Just like in the Old Testament (Jude 5-16), false teaching in the church is a deadly disease that requires constant vigilance from God’s people.

Peacemaking 101

7 Days

Peacemaking 101
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God" (Matthew 5:3, NLT). If peace is something that needs to be made or created, how do we do it? In this Plan, we will take a systematic approach to learn how to bring peace to the world around us.

The Upside Down Kingdom: An 8 Day Study Through the Beatitudes

8 Days

The Upside Down Kingdom: An 8 Day Study Through the Beatitudes
In the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:2–12), Jesus urges us to set ourselves apart from the world, living in a counterculture with a new identity rooted in him. The Upside Down Kingdom examines this counterintuitive wisdom and explores its relevance for today.

The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached

26 Days

The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached
Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount is one of the best-known sermons ever preached. This 26-day study through Matthew 5–7 gives you an in-depth look at Jesus’ teaching on what it means to be a Christian, how to live for God’s kingdom in a fallen world, what relationship Christians have to God’s law, and more.

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