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Search results for: John 14:26

Last Will & Testament: The Last Apostle | John 14:1-14

6 Days

Last Will & Testament: The Last Apostle | John 14:1-14
Near the end of his life, John was the last of the living apostles and wrote a story about Jesus. It’s his testimony of who Jesus is, what he said, what he did, and who he claimed to be. Jesus has a story. He invites us to make it our story. When we make Jesus’s story our story, we have life in his name. This plan focuses on Jesus’s final moments and words with his disciples, preparing them for his crucifixion to come. It is Jesus’s last will & testament.

The Way Forward: A Journey Through John 14

6 Days

The Way Forward: A Journey Through John 14
When Jesus only had a few short hours with His disciples before He would be arrested and crucified, He didn’t offer a plan of attack or simple clichés. Jesus offered His disciples peace, and He took one more opportunity to show them the heart of His Father. As we navigate an uncertain season, there’s hope to be found in the unshakeable words of Jesus.

The Last Apostle | John 14: The Way to the Father

5 Days

The Last Apostle | John 14: The Way to the Father
Near the end of his life, John was the last of the living apostles and wrote a story about Jesus. It’s his testimony of who Jesus is, what he said, what he did, and who he claimed to be. Jesus has a story. He invites us to make it our story. When we make Jesus’s story our story, we have life in his name. This plan focuses on John 14 and Jesus's words of encouragement in the face of suffering, death, and separation of what awaits. It is part of an ongoing series through John.

Continuity in Ministry: Reflecting on John 14:21-31

6 Days

Continuity in Ministry: Reflecting on John 14:21-31
Are you or someone you know going through a transition in ministry? Jesus’ discussion of his impending departure left the disciples troubled and with many questions. How he reassures and equips them provides valuable insights about a leader’s role in ensuring ministry continuity.

Last Will & Testament: The Last Apostle | John 14:15-31

6 Days

Last Will & Testament: The Last Apostle | John 14:15-31
Near the end of his life, John was the last of the living apostles and wrote a story about Jesus. It’s his testimony of who Jesus is, what he said, what he did, and who he claimed to be. Jesus has a story. He invites us to make it our story. When we make Jesus’s story our story, we have life in his name. This plan focuses on Jesus’s final moments and words with his disciples, preparing them for his crucifixion to come. It is Jesus’s last will & testament. This plan focuses on the second half of Jesus's words in John 14 and is part of an ongoing series.

God Conversations: 7 Days To Hearing God’s Voice

7 Days

God Conversations: 7 Days To Hearing God’s Voice
God promises to speak to us, but what does he sound like? How do we know it’s him? Jesus said that his people would be able to recognize his voice and follow (John 10:27). He sent his Spirit to remind of his teaching (John 14:26) and guide us in our lives (John 16:13). This 7-day video devotional will show you how to hear God’s voice for yourself.

John Explained Part 2 | Darkness Closes In

8 Days

John Explained Part 2 | Darkness Closes In
John’s gospel brings us some of the greatest stories and most compelling characters in the whole Bible. From the man born blind to Lazarus’ premature death to Mary anointing Jesus' feet, John brings us personal encounters with Jesus that change hearts and restore lives. Yet even as the miracles continue, the controversy over Jesus’ identity builds. Peyton Jones guides us with clear explanations and compelling narration through John 7-14.

The Gospel of Mark (Part Seven)

22 Days

The Gospel of Mark (Part Seven)
In the final part of this seven-part devotional journey through the Gospel of Mark, we'll examine Mark 14-16, continuing our verse-by-verse breakdown of Jesus' life and ministry, as told by John Mark. Here, we'll read through Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection!

Everyday Life in Revelation Part 8: Certain Victory

5 Days

Everyday Life in Revelation Part 8: Certain Victory
Revelation is not only for the future. It was used to speak to the church during John's day. It speaks to the church in our day. Revelation has a meaning and a message for us every day. This five day study will explore Revelation 14 and 15.

One: Praying With Jesus That the World May Believe

7 Days

One: Praying With Jesus That the World May Believe
What would it look like to be part of the answer to this prayer of Jesus in our generation: "that they all may be one"? What can we do to be one with God and each other? Join this seven-day devotion led by YMCA pastors as they explore what the prayer in John 17:20-26 can mean for us today so that the world may believe and know God's love.

I Love My Church

14 Days

I Love My Church
Want to experience the abundant life Jesus promised us in John 10:10? That life starts when we connect to Jesus and to His Church.  In this 14-day reading plan, Perry Noble, explains why no organization has more potential to change the world than the local church!

A Sustainable Life

5 Days

A Sustainable Life
Jesus said if we drink His life-giving water we will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within us, giving us eternal life.”” John‬ ‭4:14‬. This is a 5-day devotion that looks at the practical ways we can dig those wells for a spiritually sustainable life. ‬‬

God Is Truth

3 Days

God Is Truth
Feeling drowned in propaganda, existencial questions and doubts regarding your faith? With so many "truths" it's sometimes difficult to focus on God as our absolute truth. This plan will take you on a Biblical journey exploring John 14, in 3 days alongside Aaron Lopez from Streetlights. Here, Jesus presents Himself as the way, truth and life!

Bringing Calm into the Chaos of Your Home

5 Days

Bringing Calm into the Chaos of Your Home
Parents and kids are both stressed out. Anxiety, fear, and depression are on the rise, especially in the wake of the recent pandemic. While balancing work demands and the pressures of raising kids, how do parents provide a sense of calm? Jesus promised His peace (John 14:7). Discover in this devotional the transformational keys to experiencing peace and how to bring Christ’s calming presence into your home.

The Way, The Truth, And The Life: A 12-Day Reading Plan

12 Days

The Way, The Truth, And The Life: A 12-Day Reading Plan
Jesus made a lot of claims about Himself during His time on Earth. One of the most audacious claims Jesus made is that He is “the way and the truth and the life” (John 14:6). You’ve probably heard preachers say, “Jesus is the only way to heaven.” Why is that? Who did Jesus really claim to be? And what does it mean to make Him the standard for truth?

Welcome to the Neighborhood

21 Days

Welcome to the Neighborhood
When someone new arrives, everything changes. That was never truer than Christmas day, about 2000 years ago. When The Word became flesh and blood and moved into the neighborhood (John 1:14 MSG), everything changed for everyone. This Christmas, we’re going to take a few weeks to talk about what exactly this means for us.

Is Jesus The Only Way To God?

7 Days

Is Jesus The Only Way To God?
Our postmodern culture suggests that all religions lead up the same mountain to the same God. So long as you’re sincere in your belief and tolerant of others, the path you take doesn’t matter. But Jesus said otherwise: “I am the way and the truth and the life” (John 14:6). So, the central question everyone must one day answer is: Is Jesus the only way to God?

Called To Love

21 Days

Called To Love
This devotional is a 21-day study of John 14-17. These are some of the final teachings Jesus gave his disciples before He was crucified. Some of the greatest life lessons and spiritual truths are found in these passages and we believe they will help you walk closer with Jesus, know His Spirit more, and be effective in the world we are called to love.

Rule Book of Life - the Bible

11 Days

Rule Book of Life - the Bible
Sports officials are charged with enforcing the rules as written. We may not like all the rules but our job is to enforce every rule. Jesus says in John 14:15 - “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” We don’t get to pick & choose what to follow. Let’s look at some verses that help us to stay on the path of “keeping the rule book of life.”

Disciple's Prayer

8 Days

Disciple's Prayer
We know the Lord’s prayer (Matthew 6:9-13), but are we praying the “Disciple’s Prayer”? In John 17, Jesus prays for His disciples, in whom He invested His life. Ultimately He would entrust to them the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) and the gospel's advance (Matthew 24:14). Behind Jesus’ prayer are some principles about how to pray for those we disciple. Here are eight words to help you pray for your disciples.

I AM: Jesus in His Own Words

7 Days

I AM: Jesus in His Own Words
Who did Jesus say he was? Seven times in the Gospel of John, Jesus declares “I AM,” and tells us his true identity. I AM…the bread of life…the light of the world…the gate for the sheep…the good shepherd…the resurrection and the life…the way, the truth and the life…the true vine. Content is adapted from Louie Giglio’s The Jesus Bible, encouraging you to encounter the living Jesus in all of Scripture.

Mantra - Five metaphors for how to live a Gospel life

7 Days

Mantra - Five metaphors for how to live a Gospel life
The Bible is full of powerful metaphors and word pictures to help us not only understand who Jesus is, but who we are and how we can relate to Him. Because when we know who we are, we will know what to do. During this seven day reading plan we will look at five Mantras of Jesus that will encourage, motivate, and direct the church in the years to come.

Deuteronomy Explained Part 2 | The Law Explained

15 Days

Deuteronomy Explained Part 2 | The Law Explained
Have you ever wondered about the Old Testament Law? The Law delivered the foundations of justice and liberty for Israel and formed a covenant between God and his people. But reading the Law can also be a little confusing. Join Through the Word for clear explanation and compelling application as we guide you through God’s Law in Deuteronomy 12-26. Follow along as Moses reiterates God’s rules and renews the covenant.

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