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Search results for: 1 Corintios 6

1 Corinthians 4–6

16 Days

1 Corinthians 4–6
In part two of a five-part, verse-by-verse journey through the Book of 1 Corinthians, we'll dive into chapters 4–6 as we discover what real church looks like and how believers are meant to work through issues together.

[1 John Series 6] Love in an Age of Outrage

6 Days

[1 John Series 6] Love in an Age of Outrage
In this devotional series, pastor Gregg Matte take us on a passage-by-passage journey through the First Letter of John. Practical, biblical, analytical, and spiritual, this series will give a major boost to your understanding of how to live the eternal truths contained within this important book of the Bible. In this sixth episode of the series we will learn how to overcome the deceit of hatred and walk in love.

People of Light, People of Darkness: The Last Apostle | 1 John 4:1-6

5 Days

People of Light, People of Darkness: The Last Apostle | 1 John 4:1-6
John, the last living apostle, wrote a Gospel. And it seems some people were distorting it. John writes to believers caught in the aftermath, bringing clarity and commentary on what he wrote. He shows them what it looks like to be people of light and life instead of people of death and darkness. This plan takes us through 1 John and how to live in the face of distorted Christianity.

Jesus, I Need You Part 6

6 Days

Jesus, I Need You Part 6
It’s important to know Jesus and what is important to Him so we understand our need for Him. Reflecting on what Jesus taught in the Sermon on the Mount, will help us draw closer to Him. This is part six of eight in the "Jesus, I Need You" series by Thistlebend Ministries. These plans can be done in any order. See also" Jesus, I Need You" (companion prayer).

Jesus, I Want to Love You Part 6

6 Days

Jesus, I Want to Love You Part 6
Our society has become increasingly materialistic, with many Christians falling right in line behind the cash register. This plan looks at some of what the Bible says about wealth. Part six of eight in the "Jesus, I Want to Love You" Series, focusing on knowing and loving Jesus more. These plans can be done in any order. See also "Jesus, I Want to Love You" (companion prayer) by Thistlebend Ministries.

Til the Day I Die: A 6-Day Devotional With Fellowship Creative

6 Days

Til the Day I Die: A 6-Day Devotional With Fellowship Creative
All of us knows someone who lost their faith in God. Maybe that’s even you. We pray that this plan helps you build a foundation with Christ to go the distance and experience the beauty that comes from the highs and the lows when following Jesus.

Known by Love: A Six-Day Devotional in 1, 2, and 3 John

6 Days

Known by Love: A Six-Day Devotional in 1, 2, and 3 John
The New Testament books of 1, 2 and 3 John have a recurring theme: love. The author speaks repeatedly of Jesus’s command for believers to love one another. Christian believers should stand apart from the rest of the world, characterized by God’s love. This six-day devotional explores John’s words in his three epistles, offering tangible ways to show God’s love to fellow believers.

Faith & Love: A One Year Bible Reading Plan - Part 6

22 Days

Faith & Love: A One Year Bible Reading Plan - Part 6
This one-year plan will take you on a journey in Faith and Love through the New Testament. We hope that you will be challenged to grow spiritually and be inspired as a follower of Jesus. This is Part 6 of 12.

Exodus: The Call

21 Days

Exodus: The Call
In part one of this seven-part study through the Book of Exodus, we'll explore Exodus 1–6:5.

Extravagant Worshiper

5 Days

Extravagant Worshiper
A 5 day devotion on Isaiah 6:1-8 which traces the prophet’s journey towards being an extravagant worshiper.

Guard the Deposit: A Study in 1 Timothy

6 Days

Guard the Deposit: A Study in 1 Timothy
The first of Paul’s three “pastoral epistles,” 1 Timothy focuses on the church as a “pillar and buttress of the truth” (1 Timothy 3:15). In the letter, Paul commands Timothy to “guard the deposit” (1 Timothy 6:20) by combatting false teachers, protecting the flock of Christ, and structuring the church well. 1 Timothy shows us the incredible privilege of being in God’s church and the high calling of leading it.

Jesus in All of 1 Peter - A Video Devotional

6 Days

Jesus in All of 1 Peter - A Video Devotional
1 Peter is all about Jesus! This 6-day plan will walk you through the book of 1 Peter by reading just a chapter or two a day. Each day is accompanied by a short devotional and video that explains what’s happening and shows you how each part of the story points to Jesus and his Gospel.

Act Justly

3 Days

Act Justly
This week we begin our journey through Micah 6:8 as we learn how to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God. This plan is part 1 of 4 from the Feed God and Justice series.

2 Corinthians Explained #1 | The Heart of Ministry

7 Days

2 Corinthians Explained #1 | The Heart of Ministry
When the Bible is confusing, Through the Word explains it–with clear and concise audio guides for every chapter. Here in 2nd Corinthians, Kris Langham welcomes you to the fight of your life. Like no other book in the Bible, 2nd Corinthians gets real about serving God and brings us to the heart of ministry. And the reality is–ministry is a fight. Part 1 covers chapters 1-6.

1 Corinthians on Work

6 Days

1 Corinthians on Work
1 Corinthians is one of the richest books of the Bible on the topic of work. Paul talks about everything from why he worked so hard as a tentmaker to the fact that there are eternal rewards for how we work in this life. Over the next 6 days, we’ll dive deep into 6 passages from this letter and apply them to the work we’re all doing today.

Tony Evans Teaches On Hebrews

5 Days

Tony Evans Teaches On Hebrews
In this five-day reading plan, Dr. Tony Evans will journey with you through the first section of Hebrews (1:1—3:6) and discuss Jesus: The Superior Person. Hebrews was written to encourage believers to never give up. So, if you have ever faced discouragement in your journey of faith, then this is the book you should study to find encouragement and hope to finish the race of faith well.

Your Kingdom Come: The Case Against Racism

9 Days

Your Kingdom Come: The Case Against Racism
As we desire to see God’s kingdom on the Earth, God calls us to expose sin by bringing it to the light. Rooted in Micah 6:1-8, this devotional invites you to hear a case against racism. Using historical and scriptural accounts, we present challenging truths for us as individuals as well as to us as the Church.

Joy in Christ: A Study in Philippians

4 Days

Joy in Christ: A Study in Philippians
Known as “the epistle of joy,” Philippians is full of encouragement and hope. Although imprisoned in Rome, Paul rejoices at the gospel’s advancement. Philippians reminds us that joy is not dependent upon circumstances. Instead, joy is rooted in the reality that “He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:6).

1 & 2 Thessalonians: Stand Firm in the Faith | Video Devotional

6 Days

1 & 2 Thessalonians: Stand Firm in the Faith | Video Devotional
This 6-day plan will walk you through the books of 1 & 2 Thessalonians. Each day is accompanied by a short video that explains what’s happening in the text. In this plan, you'll learn about the transformative power of the Gospel to endure persecution and live a life of godliness rooted in the hope of Christ's return.

Biblical Success - Finishing Well Part 3 - Running In The Light

5 Days

Biblical Success - Finishing Well Part 3 - Running In The Light
In this plan we will look at the possibility that deception can creep into our lives as darkness disguised as light; based on John 6:23, Luke 11:34-36 and other scriptures contrasting darkness and light. We will close by advocating that intimacy with God in Christ through daily quiet time in His Word, prayer, and contemplation is our best defense against deception; I John 1:7.

Walk in Freedom

5 Days

Walk in Freedom
Because God is the author of truth, His principles for stewardship are true for everyone. Explore His Word and apply it to your life as you answer these 5 questions: Who am I? Where am I from? Why am I here? What do I have? and How do I use what I have? You will experience “life that is truly life” (1 Timothy 6:19) as you Walk in Freedom.

Finding Grace In Ephesians: A 6-Day Bible Study

6 days

Finding Grace In Ephesians: A 6-Day Bible Study
We know God's grace is absolutely necessary for our lives—but once we've encountered Jesus and accepted His path to salvation, it's hard to know what grace should look like shining in and through us. In this 6-day study of Ephesians chapter 1, Stacey Thacker unpacks Paul’s letter and provides insight on how you can apply his teachings to your life today.

The Balanced Bible Reading Plan

365 Days

The Balanced Bible Reading Plan
This plan views the Bible as spiritual nourishment, and just as the best, most enjoyable diet is one of balanced variety, this plan offers daily readings from 6 spiritual "food groups" like this, for example: Each day you will have a 1) CREATION/LAW appetizer, a 2) HISTORY main entrée with a side dish of 3) POETRY and 4) PROPHECY with 5) GOSPELS/ACTS to drink and 6) LETTERS for dessert. ENJOY!

Through the Bible: Ezra

3 Days

Through the Bible: Ezra
The book of Ezra covers the Jewish history following the Babylonian exile. Chapters 1-6 recount how Zerubbabel led the Jews to return and rebuild the temple in Jerusalem in 538 BC. Chapters 7-10 narrate how Ezra led another group to return and restore the practices of Torah as a community in 458 BC. This book gives encouragement to anyone who returns from captivity of sins to freedom in God’s house.  

Against the Flow: Holiness in a Hostile World

12 Days

Against the Flow: Holiness in a Hostile World
Going against the flow is uncomfortable. If given the choice, most of us prefer to go with the flow and to conform. However, Christianity calls us to resist the pull of the world and live out our faith unapologetically. How can we do so? Journey with us in this twelve-day devotional from Daniel 1 to 6 and learn how we can live a holy life in a hostile world.

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