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Standing in Humility and Hope

7 Days

Standing in Humility and Hope
Romans 8 is treasured by many Christians, but often misunderstood and misinterpreted. Romans 8 plunges us into the complex world of sonship and suffering, where Paul plumbs the depths of sorrow and scales the heights of joy. This is one of the most challenging and most cheering of biblical chapters. Go beyond simplistic assurance or individualistic salvation and discover the challenging vocation of humanity at the beating heart of faith.

From Creation to New Creation: A Journey Through Genesis With N.T. Wright

7 Days

From Creation to New Creation: A Journey Through Genesis With N.T. Wright
Genesis begins the story of God and God’s people. Throughout history, God’s people have read it to remind themselves of their place in that story. Let Prof. N.T. Wright guide you on this tour of Genesis, opening up new ways to think about this book. Over seven days, discover God’s singular purpose carried from Creation to New Creation, and how Genesis sets the stage for the grand biblical narrative.

Pandemic Prayers: Seven-Day Family Prayer Guide

7 Days

Pandemic Prayers: Seven-Day Family Prayer Guide
As we’re spending lots and lots (and lots) of time with our kids in this season, we have the opportunity to model the priority of prayer in our lives and show them how we go to God no matter what life throws at us.

Answering Faith: A Guide to Galatians With N.t. Wright

7 Days

Answering Faith: A Guide to Galatians With N.t. Wright
One of the earliest documents of the Christian church, Galatians, is written to believers struggling to understand the social dynamics of their new life in Christ. Galatians powerfully explores how Jesus, as Israel’s Messiah, rescues humanity, inviting everyone into a family marked by personal faith that answers Jesus’ perfect faithfulness. Scholar N.T. Wright guides you through the climactic passages of Galatians, providing insight into Paul’s argument for Gentile inclusion.

A Journey From Worry to Confident Hope: Praying Through the Lord’s Prayer

7 Days

A Journey From Worry to Confident Hope: Praying Through the Lord’s Prayer
We often worry when faced with an uncertain future. In these difficult times, prayer connects us to God and energizes us to navigate anxiety with God. Yet, we often do not know what or how to pray. The Lord’s Prayer anchors us to Jesus’ own petition for provision and protection. In this Bible Plan, these familiar words will encourage you to prayerfully journey from troublesome worry to confident hope.

Pioneer: 5 Days Of Inspiration For Risk-Takers

5 Days

Pioneer: 5 Days Of Inspiration For Risk-Takers
For hundreds of years, God has partnered with countless people to go to new places literally, artistically, and spiritually. This devotional gives you practical tools and inspiration to take the next step, push yourself further, and successfully arrive on the new horizons you're called to explore as a pioneer in God's kingdom.

Facing Folly And Evil With The Spirit's Wisdom

5 Days

Facing Folly And Evil With The Spirit's Wisdom
He was hated by mobs. Denied by crowds. Betrayed by friends. And yet, Jesus demonstrated wisdom in the face of evil. This 5-day devotional by Mark Driscoll shows you how to demonstrate spiritual wisdom in your relationships.

Turning Ashes Into Beauty

5 Days

Turning Ashes Into Beauty
Life is messy! Sometimes we need to own the messiness; sometimes, it is just part of living in a sinful world. God takes the struggles and hardships of this world and redeems them. We need to know this truth that God is faithfully at work as we encounter our world. Join Anne Farnum over the next five days and discover what to do with the ashes you hold.

Resilient: Bounce Back When Life Knocks You Down

5 Days

Resilient: Bounce Back When Life Knocks You Down
Has life thrown you a few curve balls? Pushing past fear, hopelessness, and despair isn't easy, but it is possible. Join Robin Terry as she draws on her personal experiences to show you how to use biblical principles to bounce back after life knocks you down. Learn what resilience looks like as you are encouraged to push past your pain to receive the very best that God has for you.

Jesus & Hell

5 Days

Jesus & Hell
There are lots of ideas, opinions, and conjectures about hell. Let’s listen to the Lord who came down from heaven, the One who knows the whole truth about hell. He had a lot to say about it.

A 7-Day Truth Talk

7 Days

A 7-Day Truth Talk
We all have something that keeps us from living fully for the Lord, but Christ wants us to give our baggage to Him so we can follow Him freely. Anne Farnum, author of Pack Your Baggage, Honey, We’re Moving to Paris!, shares healing truths to help find freedom from your baggage.

Trash Talk

5 Days

Trash Talk
There’s a lot of negativity that comes at you each day — things you have no control of. But you can take a lot of trash out of your life by reducing your trash talk when it comes to anger, lying, judging and more.

If You’re Terrified, You’re on the Right Track: A 5 Day Guide to Finishing for God’s Girls

5 Days

If You’re Terrified, You’re on the Right Track: A 5 Day Guide to Finishing for God’s Girls
You’ve heard the term "faith walking" a million times. It sounds fun, purposeful, and exciting, but what happens when your knees are shaking, your mouth is dry and the fear of doing the very thing God asked you to do is enough to keep you in bed all day? Learn how to push through the fear and show up as God’s girl in every situation!

God's Name: Devotions From Time Of Grace

5 Days

God's Name: Devotions From Time Of Grace
God's holy name matters more than anything in the world, and he wants you to think a lot of it.

Say No to Anxiety and Fear

3 Days

Say No to Anxiety and Fear
We live in a very stressful world. There’s a lot to be anxious and worried about – a lot be afraid of. But God does not want you to live in anxiety or fear. One of the main themes of the Bible is to “fear not.” Jesus came to deliver us from fear and give us His peace. Here are some practical ways to say no to anxiety and fear.

Creation: Devotions From Time Of Grace

3 Days

Creation: Devotions From Time Of Grace
This reading plan shows you that God's creation reveals a lot about him.

Prayers For Purpose

5 Days

Prayers For Purpose
Purpose pushes many of us to try harder, work longer, search further and aim higher. But sometimes purpose is a lot closer than you think. In these five guided prayers by Bruce Wilkinson and Heather Hair,pray toward your purpose with enthusiasm and belief.

Kingdom Men Rising: King Me

4 Days

Kingdom Men Rising: King Me
In checkers, each piece has an ultimate goal: to be made king. That kingship comes with a lot more freedom and a lot more responsibility. In the same way, God has given every man the responsibility to lead in various parts of their lives, either on a personal level or on a much larger scale. It’s time for men to rise up and take on the responsibility of Godly leadership.

How The Shepherd Rescued The Sheep

7 Days

How The Shepherd Rescued The Sheep
A shepherd takes care of a flock of sheep. The shepherd feeds, guides, and protects the flock from danger. But what if a sheep gets lost? This devotional tells us the Easter story which brings us hope. It is the greatest story in all of history.

Real Hope: Contentment

5 Days

Real Hope: Contentment
Life has a way of throwing us curve balls. Things may be on track then all of a sudden the unexpected happens and we stand surrounded by the pieces of things that were. We also live in a world where there is a constant striving for more. So as Christians, how can we live our faith out when life throws you curve balls and in the world of ‘more’?

Healthy Eating, God's Way by Healthy by Design

5 Days

Healthy Eating, God's Way by Healthy by Design
Food is not the enemy! It's a gift from God and the sooner we can accept this truth and fix our focus, the sooner we will be free from the bondage of food. In this devotion, you'll discover that what you're really craving is something a lot more satisfying than food and a lot more delicious and nutritious, for not only your body, but also for your soul and spirit.

Finding Rest in the Midst of Stress

5 Days

Finding Rest in the Midst of Stress
A lot of times people live extremely busy and stressful lives. They work tirelessly trying to meet certain goals in order to better their livelihood. Although this is not a negative desire, the process can cause a lot of stress that can be difficult to manage. If you find yourself overwhelmed with stress, I want to share with you some helpful tips to find true rest in your everyday life.

Get Encouraged and Stay Encouraged!

4 Days

Get Encouraged and Stay Encouraged!
It’s easy to get discouraged in today’s world. But life is a lot better when you’re encouraged, and a lot harder when you’re discouraged. We can learn how to encourage ourselves in the Lord, especially in hard situations. Being encouraged strengthens and blesses us and those around us, and — as we’ll see in this plan — sometimes it’s even a matter of life and death. Being encouraged matters!

When You Don't Know What to Say to God

5 Days

When You Don't Know What to Say to God
Sometimes we don’t know what to say to God. We know we can tell Him anything. But there are times when we can’t seem to collect our feelings, gather them into a neat, tidy package, and offer them to God. But God isn’t looking for neat, tidy packages. He’s just looking for our hearts. These simple prayers will help you connect with God when it feels hard.

The Fatherhood of God

3 Days

The Fatherhood of God
One of the things a lot of people have battled with over the years is the understanding of who God is. This plan aims to shed light on the consistent nature of God.

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