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7 Days

Join us in our 7-day devotional on God's gift of JOY.


7 Days

Do life’s greatest joys take root in great pleasures, or is there something deeper going on? In this compelling 7-day plan, discover a surprising truth within the Christmas story. Emmanuel, God with us, enables true joy to grow in the soil of our pain.

Joy - Experience Joy This Christmas

14 Days

Joy - Experience Joy This Christmas
'Tis the season to be Jolly and Joyful because we have the most incredible, good news story headlining our lives: God came to earth to show His love for us and laid down His life so we could enJOY life with Him! As we enter the season of Christmas, let’s make time to get together and celebrate all the reasons that we have to be joyful.


7 Days

As children of the Most High God, our lives are meant to be marked by contagious, unceasing joy. We’ve been given a new nature of joy in Jesus. In this 7-day plan, you’ll discover new found joy as you learn to abide in God, and allow the Holy Spirit to bear the wonderful fruit of his presence in your life. 

Relentless Joy

5 Days

Relentless Joy
Relentless Joy is a 5-day Bible plan that will take you through the book of Philippians to learn how to experience lasting joy even in the face of challenges.

Cultivate Joy

5 Days

Cultivate Joy
Joy. Most people want it. Few people have it. In this study, we’ll talk about what joy is and what it is not. By the end, you will have a deeper understanding of joy and how to practice it in your life (the keyword being practice). Along the way, we’ll discover some key truths from God’s word that will help us along this journey.


5 Days

Joy is a fundamental part of the Christian faith. And your joy grows through encountering God and meditating on His Word. The following verses, when memorized, can help to increase the joy in your life! Let your life be transformed by memorizing Scripture

Defiant Joy

5 Days

Defiant Joy
Has your joy disappeared like water from a dry well? Your bucket scrapes the bottom but all you bring up is dust. Joy is a gift from God. It’s not something you can earn or manufacture, and you don’t have to fake happiness to be a “good” Christian. Discover the joy of receiving joy, even as you hope for the fullness of joy to come.

Rediscovering Joy

14 Days

Rediscovering Joy
The year 2020 was a year filled with lows that promoted stress, fear, and doubt. This 14-day reading plan helps you rediscover the joy of God's Word. Written by: Laurie Nichols

Joy – Discovering Joy in Pain

7 Days

Joy – Discovering Joy in Pain
Do life’s greatest joys take root in great pleasures, or is there something deeper going on? In this compelling 7-day plan, discover a surprising truth within the Christmas story. Emmanuel, God with us, enables true joy to grow in the soil of our pain.

Pandemic Joy

7 Days

Pandemic Joy
This devotional offers timeless words of reassurance for seasons of life's uncertainties. Looking beyond the news headlines of fear, this devotional plan encourages readers to focus on the certainty of the Good News we have in Jesus Christ, from whom a 'pandemic of joy' overflows, bringing blessings even in the most challenging of times.

Maximum Joy

5 Days

Maximum Joy
All of us desire to be in a relationship. It is the way we were created. People need people. Some more than others. As believers in Jesus Christ, we are in a relationship with the Lord. However, the ultimate goal is not only to be in relationship with the Lord but to experience fellowship with Him as well. In this plan, we’re going to focus on the writings of the first epistle of John to explore the difference between relationship and fellowship. In doing so, we will learn to live with Maximum Joy . 

Cultivating Joy

6 Days

Cultivating Joy
If joy is an essential feature of the Christian life, then why are so many Christians so miserable? Pastor Christopher Wright invites us to begin experiencing joy in the ordinary moments by living “in step with the Spirit.” When we dig deep into the Word of God and walk by the Spirit, we grow in Christ-likeness and learn to cultivate joy. 

Stir Up Joy!

6 Days

Stir Up Joy!
Did you know that God created you with the longing to have joy? Your desire for joy was purposely put inside you by the Creator. Joy is in you, but it has to be stirred up. This devotional includes scriptures, prayer, and songs to help you access the joy within you. Complete this 6-day plan to stir up the joy in you!

Joy and Strength

10 Days

Joy and Strength
Set out on a 10-day journey to find overwhelming peace, a peace that only comes from resting in God's joy and relying on His strength and loving resources every day.


5 Days

Joy is here –– in the middle of the struggle, in our everyday lives, and in the places we least expected. Start finding joy in the big and small this Christmas season.

Real Hope: JOY

7 Days

Real Hope: JOY
“Joy is the settled assurance that God is in control of all the details of my life, the quiet confidence that ultimately everything is going to be alright, and the determined choice to praise God in every situation.” (Rick Warren) As you read these devotions, may you be encouraged that even if things in your life aren’t lining up as you’d like, you can still experience true Joy!

Jump for Joy

4 Days

Jump for Joy
We can sometimes see our days as a day-to-day dredge leaving us tired, overwhelmed, and depleted. God wants so much more for us. God has given us life — a life to be filled with joy if we allow it. In this 4-day plan, learn how to seek joy often.

Joy Upon Joy, with Charles Spurgeon

7 Days

Joy Upon Joy, with Charles Spurgeon
This advent devotional allows hassled Christians to daily redeem the busiest month of the year using seasonal reflections by the "Prince of Preachers," Charles Spurgeon.

Rooted Joy: The Secret to Finding Deeper Joy

5 Days

Rooted Joy: The Secret to Finding Deeper Joy
Depression, anxiety, and loneliness are on the rise. God created us to enjoy relationships, both with Him and with friends. In the book of Philippians, the apostle Paul showed us how to prioritize deep connections with Christ and our friends to find joy despite challenging circumstances. Join author Becky Harling in discovering the practical secrets of deeper joy in this reading plan.

A Jolt of Joy

31 Days

A Jolt of Joy
The Bible tells us that "in His presence is fullness of joy" and that "the joy of the Lord is our strength". Joy isn't simply another emotion; it is a fruit of the Spirit and one of the best weapons in your arsenal to fight against discouragement, depression, and defeat. Learn what the Bible has to say about joy, and strengthening yourself to become a defiantly joyful Christian.

Recovering Your Joy

5 Days

Recovering Your Joy
If you want joy in your life, you have to find a balance in your schedule. Pastor Rick shares how you can readjust your input and your output so that your giving and receiving helps you recover your joy, not lose it.

Joy Over Anxiety

3 Days

Joy Over Anxiety
We live in an anxious world. With increasing busyness, sickness, stress, defeating news, and more, it's hard to prioritize joy today. In this 3-day Bible Plan, you'll learn how to turn your anxiety into joy.

Full of Joy

6 Days

Full of Joy
Ever feel like you’re walking around tired, worried, sad, and just kind of blah? God has more for you—He can give you joy! This Bible Plan will help you choose joy at full volume in any situation. It will help you understand why the Good News of Jesus is something to celebrate!

Generosity Brings Joy

28 Days

Generosity Brings Joy
Find out why the generous life is the most fulfilling life through 28-day study, Explore what living generously looks like as it pertains to our relationships, time, talents, and treasures and discover how God can use our generosity to spread the gospel and change lives.

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