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Search results for: Matthew 1:18-2:9

People of Light, People of Darkness: The Last Apostle | 1 John 2:18-27

5 Days

People of Light, People of Darkness: The Last Apostle | 1 John 2:18-27
John, the last living apostle, wrote a Gospel, and it seems some people were distorting it. John writes to believers, bringing clarity and commentary on what he wrote. He shows them what it looks like to be people of light and life instead of people of death and darkness. This plan in the series takes us through 1 John and how to live in the face of distorted Christianity.

Birth of Jesus - The Video Bible

3 Days

Birth of Jesus - The Video Bible
The story of the birth of Christ read and illustrated directly from the pages of Scripture. Plan starts in Luke 2:1-17 then transitions to Matthew 2:1-12. The plan ends with Christ's teachings found in Matthew 11:28-30 and John 3:16-18. This plan is illustrated scripture courtesy of The Video Bible, read by actor Max McLean with permission by Biblica.

Disciple's Prayer

8 Days

Disciple's Prayer
We know the Lord’s prayer (Matthew 6:9-13), but are we praying the “Disciple’s Prayer”? In John 17, Jesus prays for His disciples, in whom He invested His life. Ultimately He would entrust to them the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) and the gospel's advance (Matthew 24:14). Behind Jesus’ prayer are some principles about how to pray for those we disciple. Here are eight words to help you pray for your disciples.

Jesus In All Of Numbers - A Video Devotional

18 Days

Jesus In All Of Numbers - A Video Devotional
Numbers is all about Jesus! This 18-day plan will walk you through the book of Numbers by reading only 1-2 chapters a day. Each day is accompanied by a short devotional and video that explains what’s happening and shows you how each part of the story points to Jesus and his Gospel.

Preeminent: A Study in Colossians

4 Days

Preeminent: A Study in Colossians
While imprisoned in Rome, Paul warns believers to remain vigilant against false teaching by beautifully expounding on the cosmic Person of Christ. Jesus is “the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything He might be preeminent” (Colossians 1:18). In response to Christ’s preeminence, Paul commands his readers to “seek the things that are above where Christ is…and not on the things that are on earth” (Colossians 3:1-2).

Jesus In All Of Matthew - A Video Devotional

22 Days

Jesus In All Of Matthew - A Video Devotional
Matthew is all about Jesus! This 22-day plan will walk you through the book of Matthew by reading only 1-2 chapters a day. Each day is accompanied by a short devotional and video that explains what’s happening and shows you how each part of the story points to Jesus and his Gospel.

The Prayer Request of Christ; "Making an Impact Through Sending Prayers."

5 Days

The Prayer Request of Christ; "Making an Impact Through Sending Prayers."
When Jesus said that the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few, he also provided the initial step for solving this dilemma. “Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field” (Matthew 9:37-38, Luke 10:2, NIV). This plan examines how praying “sending prayers,” enables followers of Jesus, to have an impact in advancing the gospel.

Killing It: A Study Of 1 Corinthians

10 Days

Killing It: A Study Of 1 Corinthians
Follow along as we reflect on the idea that #KillingIt  is "killing us." This series will be inspired by the first 2 chapters of the book of 1 Corinthians, looking at Paul's intro into how to live a life in the way of the cross. "For the message of the cross if foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God." 1 Corinthians 1:18

Christmas: God With Us

25 Days

Christmas: God With Us
In this 25-day Advent devotional, we'll look at the story of Christmas, starting with Genesis all the way through Matthew and Luke 1 and 2 and explore what it means that Jesus is Immanuel, "God with us."

Eden, Exodus & the Empty Tomb

4 Days

Eden, Exodus & the Empty Tomb
In the Eden, Exodus & The Empty Tomb bible study, we’re going to take a closer look at Genesis 3, Exodus 12, and Matthew 27-28 and trace four essential themes in each story: 1. The Captive; 2. The Child; 3. The Sacrifice; 4. The Mission. Prayerfully, through this study, you will grow in your understanding of the significance of Jesus' resurrection!

Made to Belong - 5 Practices to Cultivate Community in a Culture of Loneliness

5 Days

Made to Belong - 5 Practices to Cultivate Community in a Culture of Loneliness
Many of us deal with loneliness and isolation. You are not alone in this. We are all asking, "Who is my community and where do I belong?" The Bible shows the significance of belonging from the earliest parts of our human story—God designed us to be relational beings, made to belong to God and others. We are created in community—“let us make man in our image” (Genesis 1:26)—and for community—“it is not good that the man should be alone” (Genesis 2:18). In this 5-day reading plan, you'll unlock five practices to cultivate biblical community.

Made to Shine

10 Days

Made to Shine
Did you know that YOU were made to shine? The Bible says that God made you in His image (Genesis 1:27). You are a unique image-bearer of God and He has planned good things for you to do with your life (Ephesians 2:10). That’s right! You were made to shine (Matthew 5:16)! In this study, we will look at different character qualities that can be used to shine God’s light and share God’s love with the world.

New Testament in a Year: January

31 Days

New Testament in a Year: January
This is part of a series that will take you through the entire New Testament in a year. Each month's plan covers a specific book(s). January completes Matthew, then focuses on Ephesians, Philippians, 2 Thessalonians, and 2 and 3 John. The plan is designed to be used with a small group of friends. Read the daily passage first, reflect on one or more questions, and try the engagement practice.

The Nine Beatitudes of Jesus

10 Days

The Nine Beatitudes of Jesus
God has ordained you for greatness. But some attitudes ought to be developed in you before you can get to that height of greatness God purposed for you. In this plan, I’ll help you cover all the nine beatitudes Jesus spoke about in Matthew 5:1-12.

Being P.R.A.Y.E.R.F.U.L.

9 Days

Being P.R.A.Y.E.R.F.U.L.
One of the greatest struggles many Christians face has nothing to do with the avoidance or rejection of any one sin, but rather with the neglect of intentional, meaningful prayer. Setting aside the time to pray can be a challenge. What’s more, making sure to pray the right way and for the right reasons (Matthew 6:5-18) can be just as challenging. “Being P.R.A.Y.E.R.F.U.L.” is designed with such challenges in mind.

Into The Arms Of God

5 Days

Into The Arms Of God
In the Trust Fall series, Pastor Gregg Matte takes us on a passage-by-passage journey through the Second Epistle of the Apostle Peter. The purpose of this series is to show us that we can fall back with confidence into our God’s safe arms. In this first reading plan of the series we learn that God has created us equal and with the same great opportunity of knowing Him. 2 Peter 1:1-2

Christmas: The Divine Interruption

8 Days

Christmas: The Divine Interruption
When Jesus was born into human existence, it was the most epic interruption to human history that has ever happened. God loves us enough to punctuate history in human skin; not as a king, president, or noble warrior, but as a helpless newborn. This reading plan studies the people surrounding Christ’s birth and their response to (or role in) this divine interruption on the timeline of history.

Growing as an Enneagram Two: The Helper

5 Days

Growing as an Enneagram Two: The Helper
The Enneagram is an ancient personality typology. The theory behind it is that a person assumes one of nine personalities in childhood as a reaction to discovering the world as a scary, unkind place, and thus unlikely to accept their true self. This devotional is designed for Enneagram Twos, also known as the Helper.

God's Dream For Your Life

19 Days

God's Dream For Your Life
The Bible says in Matthew 9:29, “According to your faith let it be done to you.” That’s the key to the great adventure of following Jesus Christ. God says, “You get to choose how much I bless your life. You believe, and I’ll do it. You believe, and I’ll bless.” Join Pastor Rick for this series on how to believe in and be faithful to God’s dream for your life.

Motivation For The Great Commission

7 Days

Motivation For The Great Commission
Perhaps you’ve heard someone talk about the Great Commission to “disciple the nations” (see Matthew 28:18-20) this way: “Jesus had only one plan—His disciples—and if they didn’t do it, it wouldn’t get done!” One might respond, “I feel like it all depends on me!” Let’s look to God's Word to better understand how we might live in light of the Great Commission as disciplemakers and help others do the same!

One Question Bible Study: Spiritual Growth

3 Days

One Question Bible Study: Spiritual Growth
When we grow closer to God, we help those around us learn more about him. These verses help us deepen our understanding of God and his will for us. This plan is an abbreviated collection from the One Question Bible Study Series and focuses on life-giving passages with a single reflection question to ponder.

Living on the Other Side of Fear by Matt Bromley

4 Days

Living on the Other Side of Fear by Matt Bromley
We all have dreams and things we want to do with our one life – but for most of us, fear is something that keeps us from going there. In this four-day plan by professional big-wave surfer Matt Bromley, you’ll find answers to two big questions: How do we face our fear, and what happens when we do it?

Spiritual Growth - Trust Fall Series

5 Days

Spiritual Growth - Trust Fall Series
In the Trust Fall series, Pastor Gregg Matte takes us on a passage-by-passage journey through the Second Epistle of the apostle Peter. The purpose of this series is to show us that we can fall back with confidence into our God’s safe arms. This third reading plan of the series shows us what God expects us to add to the foundation of our faith to grow and be fruitful. 2 Peter 1:5-11.

Journeying With Jesus - 40 Days Lent Devotional

40 Days

Journeying With Jesus - 40 Days Lent Devotional
‘Journeying With Jesus’ is a Bible plan to help us walk with Jesus through the last two chapters of Matthew. We stop to focus on Jesus' last days on this earth and what that means to us. How does that change who I am and Whose I am today? We will take time to dwell on Scripture and “bring it home” with questions that make us consider where we are on the journey of knowing Jesus.   

Everything For Life And Godliness - Trust Fall Series

5 Days

Everything For Life And Godliness - Trust Fall Series
In the Trust Fall series, Pastor Gregg Matte takes us on a passage-by-passage journey through the Second Epistle of the Apostle Peter. The purpose of this series is to show us that we can fall back with confidence into our God’s safe arms. In this second reading plan of the series we learn that God has already given us all that we need for life and godliness through Christ. 2 Peter 1:3-4.

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