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Living Changed

7 Days

Living Changed
Do you often compare yourself to others or to society’s standard of what it means to be a woman? What if instead, you defined yourself by what God says about you and learned how to battle those creeping lies of the enemy? This plan will help you live each day with hope and confidence in Christ, knowing your identity rests in Him alone.

Living Changed: Provision

5 Days

Living Changed: Provision
We serve a generous God who promises to provide for our every need. Even though He doesn’t grant wishes, He does still work miracles. God delights in giving us gifts because He cares deeply about us, even down to the smallest detail. This 5-day plan will explore stories of God’s provision, build your faith, and encourage you to put God first in your finances.

Living Changed: Forgiveness

6 Days

Living Changed: Forgiveness
Many of us are walking around, nursing wounds from the things people have said or done. We continuously struggle under the weight of that baggage because we’re unwilling or unsure how to forgive. This plan isn’t about letting someone off the hook or making others feel better. It’s for you. It’s about learning how to forgive so that you can heal, find freedom from your past, and begin living changed.

Living Changed: Purpose

5 Days

Living Changed: Purpose
Have you ever wondered what God created you to do or asked Him why you’ve been through certain experiences? You were uniquely created for a custom-built role that only you can fill. Even if you feel lost, or you’re hesitant to move, this 5-day plan will help you trust God, so He can lead you to your purpose.

Living Changed: Embracing Identity

6 Days

Living Changed: Embracing Identity
With so many voices telling us who to be, it’s no wonder we struggle with where to place our identity. God doesn’t want us to be defined by our career, marital status, or mistakes. He wants His opinion to be the highest authority in our lives. This six-day plan will help you internalize what the Bible says about who you are and truly embrace your identity in Christ.

Living Changed: Spiritual Warfare

5 Days

Living Changed: Spiritual Warfare
As Christians, we have the power of Jesus Christ living inside us, but so often, we surrender that strength to the one who opposes us. There is a battle happening all around us, but we’re not helpless. We can choose to use our God-given authority to fight for ourselves and for our loved ones. This plan will introduce you to your spiritual weapons and get you ready for battle!

Living Changed: At Christmas

5 Days

Living Changed: At Christmas
In all the holiday hustle and bustle, it can be easy to lose sight of why we’re celebrating. In this 5-day advent plan, we’ll dive into the promises fulfilled by the birth of Jesus and the hope we have for the future. As we learn more about who God is, we’ll discover how to live through the holiday season with hope, faith, joy, and peace.

Living Changed: In Marriage

5 Days

Living Changed: In Marriage
There’s no such thing as the perfect marriage because marriage is the joining of two imperfect people. But with God’s help, you can have a great marriage–not by asking Him to fix your spouse, but by asking Him to do work in your heart. This 5-day plan will help you find healing, peace, and confidence in Christ so you can love your spouse well and transform your marriage.

Living Changed: After Divorce

7 Days

Living Changed: After Divorce
Divorce grieves the heart of God. He hates seeing us in pain and holding onto guilt, shame, and fear. Despite our mistakes, He longs for us to accept His grace and know we are valued, cherished, and irreplaceable. No matter your circumstances, this plan will help you find healing from your divorce, so you can live the redeemed life God has for you—one full of hope, joy, and purpose.

Living Changed: With Confidence

5 Days

Living Changed: With Confidence
Is there something you feel like you were made to do, but you’ve let fear hold you back? When we believe that God is the all-powerful God described in the Bible, we can live with confidence that only comes from Him. This 5-day plan explores Bible stories that will help you know God more and inspire you to live boldly for Him every day.

Living Changed: Through Grief

5 Days

Living Changed: Through Grief
Losing a loved one is utterly heartbreaking. It’s a terrible pain that no one can understand unless they’ve been in your shoes. This 5-day plan was written by women who have experienced loss and want to help you find comfort and peace in God’s Word. While this plan can’t help you accelerate the grief process, we believe it will help you endure the everyday hurts and give you hope.

Living Changed: Trusting God

5 Days

Living Changed: Trusting God
Even when we know God is faithful, it can be hard for us to live open-handed and fully trust Him with our lives. We want to understand why things happen, and we want to be in control. This 5-day plan will help you see more of who God is, what He’s done, and what He wants for you so that you can begin to trust Him more.

Living Changed: Conversations With God

7 Days

Living Changed: Conversations With God
Many of us want to have a closer relationship with God, but we don’t know where to start. When other people suggest prayer, it feels too formal, intimidating, or ineffectual. This plan will help readers know God more intimately and experience the power of prayer as each day gives tangible examples of how to have more meaningful conversations with God.

Living Changed: Mom to Mom

7 Days

Living Changed: Mom to Mom
Being a mom is the most rewarding role we’ll ever play, but the road to and through motherhood is a challenge. It’s full of insecurities, trials, humbling moments, and opportunities to trust God. In this 7-day plan, seven moms from different stages of life share their experiences and hard-fought wisdom on motherhood.

Living Changed: Overcoming Spiritual Warfare

6 Days

Living Changed: Overcoming Spiritual Warfare
We make plans for almost every area of our life—except where it matters most. As followers of Christ, we have an enemy who wants to steal, kill, and destroy, but God gave us the power to fight back. With God’s help, we can build a strategy to win over the warfare we face. This plan will give you new tools against the enemy’s attacks, preparing you for what’s ahead!

Living Changed: As a Single Mom

6 Days

Living Changed: As a Single Mom
The job of a single mom is tough and sometimes lonely, but it’s also the most important role you’ll ever play. The truth is, God has chosen and equipped you to lead your family. In this six-day plan, you will discover resources and scripture to heal from your past, be encouraged in your present, and find hope for your future.

Living Changed: In the New Year

4 Days

Living Changed: In the New Year
With each New Year comes a new chance for a fresh start. Don’t let this be just another year that begins with resolutions you won’t keep. This 4-day plan will guide you in reflection and give you a new perspective so you can make this your best year yet.

Living Changed: When You’re Single

5 Days

Living Changed: When You’re Single
We all have expectations of what our lives will look like. Maybe you expected to be married by now, but instead you feel lonely, lost, or hopeless. The truth is, you don’t have to be married to find joy and live out your calling. This 5-day plan will help you live with purpose today and give you hope for the future.

Living Changed: When Your Birth Story Didn’t Go As Expected

7 Days

Living Changed: When Your Birth Story Didn’t Go As Expected
We all have a picture of what we think our pregnancy and birth will look like. When it goes differently, it can be heartbreaking. Whether you had a difficult delivery or your little one needed a NICU stay, your story matters to God. This plan, from a NICU mama, will help you grieve the birth story you didn’t get to experience and find hope and healing for the future.

Change A Day, Change Your Life

3 Days

Change A Day, Change Your Life
We cannot live for yesterday, as it has already occurred. We cannot live for the future, because it is not here yet. The only moment in time we have is right now. We only have today. We need to change our perspective and think in terms of, “What can I do today?”. If we can change today, we can change our entire life.

An Alphabet for Change: Observations on a Life Transformed

5 Days

An Alphabet for Change: Observations on a Life Transformed
Only God can change hearts and bring about life transformation, but we definitely play a part in the process. In An Alphabet for Change, Steve Hallblade provides 26 attributes and practices that we can all learn to mature in our lives. This reading plan will introduce you to the first five and hopefully encourage you to grow and deepen your relationship with Jesus.

When Life Changes

7 Days

When Life Changes
If you are facing challenges that have you scared to death…If you are facing change you never saw coming…If it’s time to find courage you have never needed before, and never wanted to need… this devotional is for you.When God says, “Go,” we must face our fears, our excuses, and ourselves—it’s time to go wherever He leads. 

God's Word Changes Lives

5 Days

God's Word Changes Lives
Great things happen when God's people study the Bible. Why? Because God's word changes lives. In this reading plan, we will see how transformative God's word can be when we study, apply, and share it with others. Start this plan, and let God's word change your life!

Changed: Next Steps for a Changed Life

6 Weeks

Changed: Next Steps for a Changed Life
After your decision to accept Christ as your savior, you have been forever changed. The old is gone. You are a new creation. No matter if you are a new follower of Christ or have been following Him for a long time, this plan will help you gain a better understanding of who you are in Christ and what it means to truly be a follower of Christ. Gaining a better sense of your identity in Christ will help you move forward and take your next steps to accomplish all that God has called you to do.

Life-Changing Prayers By Michael Youssef

7 Days

Life-Changing Prayers By Michael Youssef
Life-Changing Prayers - A Seven-Day YouVersion by Michael Youssef. God loves using ordinary people like you and me in extraordinary ways. But there’s one factor that makes God’s “ordinary heroes” stand out: they are people of prayer. In the days ahead, we’re going to listen in on seven simple, life-changing prayers from ordinary heroes of the Bible. Once we learn to pray as these men and women prayed, our lives and our world will never be the same. 

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