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Easter People: A 4-Day Easter Devotional

4 Days

Easter People: A 4-Day Easter Devotional
As we take a look at some different people who were impacted by the Resurrection, you will come to realize that's our story - we are Easter people and we have access to the power of the Resurrection in our daily lives. The resurrection isn’t just a moment in time, it’s a whole new state of mind.


5 Days

Easter is what our faith is founded on- it’s the center of Christianity and the ultimate example on display of God’s love for us. This week, we will countdown to Easter by talking about the events leading to Jesus’ death and resurrection.


7 Days

Walk through the Holy Week reflecting in prayer on the events that transpired when humanity was offered a relationship with the Living God. Through Jesus’ death and resurrection, we receive a new life in Him! He is Risen!


8 Days

Journey through Holy Week and experience Jesus' final week on earth. This day-by-day guide follows Jesus’ footsteps from Palm Sunday to Easter. Each day Kris Langham walks you through the Word with background and insight to bring the story to life. Explore this climactic moment in history for yourself, and grow together with others through the discussion questions provided for group reflection.

Easter: Comeback

8 Days

Easter: Comeback
Jesus was the most important person who ever lived. His birth, life, work, death, and resurrection literally changed the course of history. It's the center-point of time and the most important moment in history. Each year on Easter, we remember how He died for our sins and celebrate the greatest comeback of all time. Journey with us for eight days as we follow Jesus from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday!

Easter Artifacts

5 Days

Easter Artifacts
What artifacts do we have that support the amazing events of Easter? This 5 day devotional walks you through five significant artifacts and the role they play to show us the reliability of the events of Easter week.

Celebrating Easter.

5 Days

Celebrating Easter.
When we celebrate Easter, we recognize that Jesus took our sins to the cross. He died and rose again to pay for our sins! Even though by God’s grace, we have heard the message before, we can still appreciate the wonderful truth of the Lord’s plan for our eternal salvation. This six-day devotion series will lead you through the Easter season celebrations- from Palm Sunday to Ascension.

Easter Hope

4 Days

Easter Hope
On Easter, we celebrate the hope of new life that Jesus brings into each of our lives, and even more, into the whole world. The earth-shattering thing that happened on this day changes everything. In this four-day series from Words of Hope, consider the life-changing hope of Easter as we read John's account of Jesus' death and resurrection.

Exploring Easter

7 Days

Exploring Easter
Easter is a very special time of year for believers in Jesus. This year, why not take some time to journey with Jesus from His preparation, to His crucifixion and His rising? Each day we have something new to learn from the story of Easter, let’s never allow the greatest act of love in history to become dull or familiar.

Easter Vocations

4 Days

Easter Vocations
The vocations represented in the characters of the Easter narrative can teach us a lot about God and how our work is a means of co-laboring with the Risen King. In this four-day plan, we’ll look at the vocations of the disciples at Gethsemane, Joseph of Arimathea, Peter, and Jesus’s first followers to draw out applications for our own work today.

Why Easter?

5 Days

Why Easter?
What’s so important about Easter? Why is there so much interest in a person born 2,000 years ago? Why are so many people excited about Jesus? Why do we need him? Why did he come? Why did he die? Why should anyone bother to find out? In this 5-day plan, Nicky Gumbel shares compelling answers to those very questions.

Celebrate Easter

15 Days

Celebrate Easter
Dive into the Easter story and discover how God showed His love for us through Christ Jesus. The story of Easter is not about eating chocolate but it’s a time to worship Jesus and celebrate that He is risen!

Happy Easter

15 Days

Happy Easter
In this 15-day high school Easter devotional, you’ll find out what Easter really means for your faith by going past the eggs, chocolate, and pastel colored baskets. You’ll find out what Easter really means for your faith.

Road to Easter

4 Days

Road to Easter
The story of Jesus’s path to the cross is important for all people to consider—especially followers of Christ. This series is framed around the roads Jesus took en route to Calvary and beyond. Each day’s meditation points to the essential purpose of Jesus’s journey and what we must learn from it in order to fully appreciate the significance of the cross and the resurrection.


3 Days

Easter comes once a year, but God meant for us to live it daily. God created you and me in His image, and He ‘lent’ us a designated time upon earth, as we are ‘meant’ to fulfill a purpose. God ‘sent’ Jesus as a sacrificial lamb to cleanse us of all unrighteousness. Easter is a great time to take spiritual inventory so we can live our purpose!

Easter: Heaven Knows

7 Days

Easter: Heaven Knows
Heaven knows what you need. We need the cross and the resurrection to bring peace, purpose, and joy to our lives. It’s from a relationship with Jesus that we can live with motivation and comfort, because we know that He goes before us in all things. Yield to His Lordship today, or surrender afresh to Him. He is worthy and knows just what you need.

Abiding in Easter

47 Days

Abiding in Easter
These daily devotional thoughts will hopefully stimulate your spirit during the Easter season and cause you to worship Jesus daily. We will focus on Jesus, His Deity, His Lordship, His Power, His fulfillment of God’s plans and His love for us...

Easter With Hope

5 Days

Easter With Hope
Easter is a time in the year to remember a moment in history that changed the world. Here at Hope 103.2 we want to reflect on this story, explore what it truly means and discover how we can apply the truth's that we learn to our everyday lives.

The Easter Experience

6 Days

The Easter Experience
Based on the cinematic study The Easter Experience, this devotional will leave you thinking Easter changes everything. Themes include redemption, forgiveness, compassion, and love.

Unlocked Devotional: Easter

8 Days

Unlocked Devotional: Easter
During Easter, we remember one of the most important days in our lives. The day Jesus rose from the dead. The day hope was restored. The day that changed the world. Dive into this eight-day devotional plan with essays and fiction that will help you strengthen your relationship with Jesus. Geared toward high schoolers.

The Easter Story

16 Days

The Easter Story
The crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus are described in the four gospels. This Easter read about how Jesus endured betrayal, suffering, and humiliation on the cross before changing the world through the hope offered by His resurrection. A short video illustrates part of the story for each day of this plan.

Journey to Easter

14 Days

Journey to Easter
Easter is a bittersweet time. It is a time filled with retellings of Jesus’ death on the cross, followed by the miraculous news of His resurrection! If you are looking to learn more about these events and why Jesus had to die on that cross, follow along with this bible plan and be inspired by the incredible sacrifice that was made for you and the incredible promise that it was!

Easter: I Am

8 Days

Easter: I Am
Who is Jesus? Discover what Jesus says about Himself and what that means for your life as we explore the eight powerful "I am" statements found in the Gospel of John.

Easter Really Happened!

3 Days

Easter Really Happened!
Easter is more than a story. It’s history. It really happened, and that means you are greatly blessed by God because of it. Jesus lives, and so do you!

The Hope of Easter | 5-Day Easter Reading Plan

5 Days

The Hope of Easter | 5-Day Easter Reading Plan
Experience and share the life-changing hope of Jesus' resurrection, through a 5-day reading plan “The Hope of Easter”! Our Daily Bread's newest special edition will offer strength and encouragement in the midst of uncertainties, mess, problems, illness, and suffering. The power of the risen Christ who wins over death will always give hope for the believers, no matter what the circumstances.

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