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Search results for: anger fool

Proverbs 29:11 (NIV)

Fools give full vent to their rage, but the wise bring calm in the end.

Job 5:2 (NIV)

Resentment kills a fool, and envy slays the simple.

Proverbs 12:16 (NIV)

Fools show their annoyance at once, but the prudent overlook an insult.

Ecclesiastes 7:9 (NIV)

Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools.

Ephesians 5:6 (NIV)

Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God’s wrath comes on those who are disobedient.

Proverbs 29:9 (NIV)

If a wise person goes to court with a fool, the fool rages and scoffs, and there is no peace.

Proverbs 19:11 (NIV)

A person’s wisdom yields patience; it is to one’s glory to overlook an offense.

Proverbs 29:10 (NIV)

The bloodthirsty hate a person of integrity and seek to kill the upright.

Proverbs 19:10 (NIV)

It is not fitting for a fool to live in luxury— how much worse for a slave to rule over princes!

Proverbs 20:2 (NIV)

A king’s wrath strikes terror like the roar of a lion; those who anger him forfeit their lives.

Job 5:3 (NIV)

I myself have seen a fool taking root, but suddenly his house was cursed.

Proverbs 20:3 (NIV)

It is to one’s honor to avoid strife, but every fool is quick to quarrel.

Proverbs 27:4 (NIV)

Anger is cruel and fury overwhelming, but who can stand before jealousy?

Proverbs 29:12 (NIV)

If a ruler listens to lies, all his officials become wicked.

Proverbs 27:3 (NIV)

Stone is heavy and sand a burden, but a fool’s provocation is heavier than both.

Proverbs 29:8 (NIV)

Mockers stir up a city, but the wise turn away anger.

Ecclesiastes 7:8 (NIV)

The end of a matter is better than its beginning, and patience is better than pride.

Ecclesiastes 10:3 (NIV)

Even as fools walk along the road, they lack sense and show everyone how stupid they are.

Job 5:1 (NIV)

“Call if you will, but who will answer you? To which of the holy ones will you turn?

Proverbs 26:10 (NIV)

Like an archer who wounds at random is one who hires a fool or any passer-by.

Proverbs 12:15 (NIV)

The way of fools seems right to them, but the wise listen to advice.

Ecclesiastes 10:4 (NIV)

If a ruler’s anger rises against you, do not leave your post; calmness can lay great offenses to rest.

Proverbs 15:1 (NIV)

A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

Proverbs 15:2 (NIV)

The tongue of the wise adorns knowledge, but the mouth of the fool gushes folly.

Proverbs 12:17 (NIV)

An honest witness tells the truth, but a false witness tells lies.

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