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John 6:47 (NIV)

Very truly I tell you, the one who believes has eternal life.

John 6:40 (NIV)

For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day.”

John 6:4 (NIV)

The Jewish Passover Festival was near.

John 6:42 (NIV)

They said, “Is this not Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? How can he now say, ‘I came down from heaven’ ?”

John 6:43 (NIV)

“Stop grumbling among yourselves,” Jesus answered.

John 6:46 (NIV)

No one has seen the Father except the one who is from God; only he has seen the Father.

John 6:44 (NIV)

“No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day.

John 6:45 (NIV)

It is written in the Prophets: ‘They will all be taught by God.’ Everyone who has heard the Father and learned from him comes to me.

John 6:49 (NIV)

Your ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness, yet they died.

John 6:41 (NIV)

At this the Jews there began to grumble about him because he said, “I am the bread that came down from heaven.”

John 6:48 (NIV)

I am the bread of life.

John 6:9 (NIV)

“Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?”

John 6:11 (NIV)

Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. He did the same with the fish.

John 6:51 (NIV)

I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.”

John 6:54 (NIV)

Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day.

John 6:56 (NIV)

Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in them.

John 6:60 (NIV)

On hearing it, many of his disciples said, “This is a hard teaching. Who can accept it?”

John 6:7 (NIV)

Philip answered him, “It would take more than half a year’s wages to buy enough bread for each one to have a bite!”

John 6:13 (NIV)

So they gathered them and filled twelve baskets with the pieces of the five barley loaves left over by those who had eaten.

John 6:35 (NIV)

Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.

John 6:15 (NIV)

Jesus, knowing that they intended to come and make him king by force, withdrew again to a mountain by himself.

John 6:19 (NIV)

When they had rowed about three or four miles, they saw Jesus approaching the boat, walking on the water; and they were frightened.

John 6:29 (NIV)

Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.”

John 6:30 (NIV)

So they asked him, “What sign then will you give that we may see it and believe you? What will you do?

John 6:36 (NIV)

But as I told you, you have seen me and still you do not believe.

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