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Search results for: ps 118:8

Psalms 118:26 (NIV)

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord . From the house of the Lord we bless you.

Psalms 118:27 (NIV)

The Lord is God, and he has made his light shine on us. With boughs in hand, join in the festal procession up to the horns of the altar.

Psalms 118:28 (NIV)

You are my God, and I will praise you; you are my God, and I will exalt you.

Psalms 118:29 (NIV)

Give thanks to the Lord , for he is good; his love endures forever.

Psalms 8:6 (NIV)

You made them rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their feet:

Psalms 8:2 (NIV)

Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.

Psalms 8:4 (NIV)

what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?

Psalms 8:8 (NIV)

the birds in the sky, and the fish in the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas.

Psalms 8:1 (NIV)

Lord , our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory in the heavens.

Psalms 8:3 (NIV)

When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,

Psalms 8:9 (NIV)

Lord , our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!

Psalms 8:5 (NIV)

You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor.

Psalms 8:7 (NIV)

all flocks and herds, and the animals of the wild,

Psalms 119:118 (NIV)

You reject all who stray from your decrees, for their delusions come to nothing.

Psalms 50:8 (NIV)

I bring no charges against you concerning your sacrifices or concerning your burnt offerings, which are ever before me.

Psalms 64:8 (NIV)

He will turn their own tongues against them and bring them to ruin; all who see them will shake their heads in scorn.

Psalms 60:8 (NIV)

Moab is my washbasin, on Edom I toss my sandal; over Philistia I shout in triumph.”

Psalms 46:8 (NIV)

Come and see what the Lord has done, the desolations he has brought on the earth.

Psalms 49:8 (NIV)

the ransom for a life is costly, no payment is ever enough—

Psalms 34:8 (NIV)

Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.

Psalms 36:8 (NIV)

They feast on the abundance of your house; you give them drink from your river of delights.

Psalms 58:8 (NIV)

May they be like a slug that melts away as it moves along, like a stillborn child that never sees the sun.

Psalms 47:8 (NIV)

God reigns over the nations; God is seated on his holy throne.

Psalms 44:8 (NIV)

In God we make our boast all day long, and we will praise your name forever.

Psalms 28:8 (NIV)

The Lord is the strength of his people, a fortress of salvation for his anointed one.

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