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Ordinary Faith

What If We Didn’t Go Back

What If We Didn’t Go Back

Jesus is the only thing in life that is worth anything.

Locations & Times

Young At Heart Senior Center

Rock Springs, WY 82901, USA

Thursday 2:00 PM

Tuesday 2:00 PM

Americans are notoriously busy people, consumed by checking off the next thing on the list.

This singular focus on productivity was born in the 1920s. World War I had just ended, giving way to the Spanish flu.

100 years later, we are stuck in the same, all-consuming cycle.
The next 10 years needs a better version of you; a more powerful version, spiritual, Godly, version.

If the next decade requires a tougher, stronger, more patient version of you, what are you going to do to get there?

We can try to resuscitate something that is dead, or embrace something new.

Or, better yet, what if we embraced something old?
The Inheritance of Rehoboam (2 Chronicles 10:1-11:4)
Solomon Was a Hard Act to Follow

He took Israel to heights of wealth and success previously and since unknown.

However, his success came at the detriment of his people.

They were essentially in slavery to the nation.

While Solomon's people enjoyed the wealth and success, they wanted their freedom back.
Rehoboam Rejected His Reality
Rehoboam liked the status quo just fine; if it worked for his dad, it should work for him.

He figured he was King and the people were there for his bidding.

Just like Soloman and Rehoboam, governments are foolish when they believe they can control their people.

The people rose up against Rehoboam and he was preparing to go to war to get his status quo back.
But God Said, “No, it’s time for a new thing.”
Rehoboam had to let go of his status quo and venture into the unknown.

The age of amassing great wealth and comfort was over.

The People of Israel (and now Judah) also began a journey into the unknown.

During this journey, nobody made great choices.

They got caught up in their politics, circumstances, their escapes and they forgot they were God’s people.

That is what would ultimately destroy the Nation of Israel. Forgetting God.
What If This Is Our “Do-Over”?
What if We Stopped Believing in the World?
This world is broken; it promises to meet our expectations, but it never does.

When are we going to STOP BELIEVING in it?

We need a better rule book to guide our lives.
What if We Gave the Rest of Our Lives to God?
We could stop waiting and making excuses.

TODAY is the day of salvation and the day to start living a different way. We could start a cycle of obedience, today.

We could start speaking plainly, but kindly.

We could teach our children a better way.

Blessed are those who hear. More blessed are those who act.
What if We Discovered Real Satisfaction?
Things that serve as an escape to your problems only result in guilt and shame.

The enemy uses these distractions to build strongholds.

Anything without Jesus, will bring no satisfaction.

The will of God is satisfying. The Commands of God are satisfying.

They are rewarding and are your treasure in Heaven.

Don’t spend your life on the wrong things, only to find you have robbed yourself in the end.
We Could Rechart our Future Starting Today
What we are going through is unprecedented.

If we come out of this unchanged or on the same course as before, it will be wasted.

The lesson could be lost, and we would be no better for the experience.

Jesus is the only thing in life that is worth anything.

How could we obey these words today? Talk about that with a friend.
Talk About It...

1. Review 2 Chronicles 10:1-11:4.
2. What do we learn about God in that story? What do we learn about people in that story? What do you think about Rehoboam’s actions? What did he do right? What mistakes did he make? How do people try to breath life into a dead future?
3. Read 1 John 2:15-17, 1 John 3:23. What do we learn about “the world”? What do we learn about God? What could you do this week in response to this passage?
4. Read Matthew 16:24-26. What does this verse teach us about Jesus' expectations of us?
5. Review John 4:34. What does Jesus mean when he says he has nourishment they didn’t understand? What kinds of things “nourish” us?6. What should we do this coming week in response to these scriptures. Name a person with whom you could share your insights regarding this study?
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