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Dewey Community Church

3/29/20 - Words of Comfort: The Plan of God

3/29/20 - Words of Comfort: The Plan of God

Locations & Times

Dewey Community Church

16 3rd St, Dewey, IL 61840, USA

Sunday 9:30 AM

Sunday, March 29, 2020

In light of public health and safety requirements, and with prayerful guidance from the Dewey Community Church Board of Elders, it has been determined that all activities in the DCC building will remain on hiatus through at least Wednesday, April 8. This includes Sunday morning activities in addition to Wednesday evening "Connections."

You can listen to this week's sermon online at

Visit our YouTube playlist for songs of comfort and peace to bring you into a time of worship:

During this time of staying home, Pastor Neal is emailing a daily devotion (Tuesday-Friday), along with a Sunday email called DCC@Home. If you are not already receiving these emails but would like to, contact the church office at
The Plan of God
Isaiah 40:1-5
Regardless of our life circumstances, as a child of God, we can be confident that God has a plan for us. In Isaiah 40:1-5 we discover 3 aspects of God’s plan for His children.
I. God's plan for his child flows out of His love for us (v 1-2).
II. God's plan for his child is unstoppable (v 3-4).
III. God's plan for his child will allow others to see the glory of God (v 5).

I. God has a plan to save mankind.

II. God has a plan to sustain and bless his children.
Remember to Pray: For Mike & Heidi R. as they continue to care Heidi's father, Elmer in their home... for those in our congregation who are in assisted living facilities and nursing care facilities and are unable to leave the facilities or have visitors due to health concerns... for those who are experiencing for the first time the twin challenges of working from home and homeschooling... for Nik H. and Chase V. who are serving overseas in the U.S. Army... that healing will come to those in our network of relationships who have contracted Covid-19... that our government leaders will have wisdom and heed good counsel as they make decisions which impact our communities and nation...that a cure for the coronavirus will be quickly forthcoming... that the unprecedented steps taken in our country will slow the spread of the coronavirus... that the good news of the gospel will spread rapidly during these days... that our missionaries serving overseas will be kept safe as they labor abroad.
The DCC Board of Elders met this past Tuesday (March 24) and determined that Wednesday evening "Connections" would remain on hiatus through at least Wednesday, April 8. In addition, the Sunday morning activities on April 5 have been cancelled.
A Special Word of 'Thanks!' to Emily, Ben, and Jonathan Harrison for opening this pastor's eyes to the possibilities and to the means of more fully utilizing the benefits of the information super-highway. Emily has been responsible for digitizing our Sunday bulletins and making them available online. She has also worked to make DCC communications available more easily and seamlessly by migrating our email distribution to MailChimp. This has provided a greater ease and flexibility of distribution. Ben & Jonathan are responsible for getting the video of today's sermon on the website and making it possible for future sermons to be posted on the church website as well. Please take the time to express your gratitude to all of them.
New Address: Dave & Rose B. have moved to the Villas of Holly Brook in Rantoul, check the DCC@Home email or contact the church office for their address.
Associate Pastor Survey: Within the next several days an email will be sent out to to the DCC family. The email will have a survey attached which the Elder Board invites everyone in the congregation to fill out. The information gleaned from the survey will be used by the Elder Board to revise (if warranted by the survey results) the current Associate Pastor job description and to help guide the congregation moving forward. We would ask that you print the survey and fill it out either as couples or as individuals. If you don't have the resources to print it please contact the church office and a hard copy will be mailed to you. After you have completed the survey you may mail it to the church office (P.O. Box 21, Dewey, IL 61840) or drop it off in the 'black box' which will be located on the table just inside the carport entrance. If you do not have access to email, please contact the church office and a paper copy will be sent to you.
It’s That Time of Year Again - VBS TIME! As we tentatively and prayerfully move forward with planning Vacation Bible School we ask that instead of the paper copies of the VBS Volunteer form, you fill out an online version (link below)! This year’s theme: Concrete and Cranes-- Building on the Love of Jesus! is based on Philippians 1:6, I am sure of this, that He who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Jesus Christ. God willing, His work will be done through you, June 8-12 at this year’s VBS. Please pray and complete this form by April 5th! If you have any questions, please contact Megan H. and Susie K. (check the DCC@Home email or contact the church office for their contact information).

Here is the link to the online survey:
DCC Email Sign-Up: Several means of accessing information from DCC are available via email. These include: 1) Pastor Neal's devotionals; 2) a weekly link to the DCC digital Sunday bulletin; and 3) other news, announcements and prayer requests. If you would like to be included on one, two or all three of these lists, please email the church office at
An Online Church Directory is being produced for the DCC family utilizing Instant Church Directory Online ( If you would like to be included in the directory contact the church office and an information form will be emailed to you. You can fill it out and return it to the church office. (Feel free to include only the information you are comfortable sharing in the directory.) In addition, you can email a family/individual picture to for inclusion in the directory. Access to the directory will only be available to those included in the directory.

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