First Free Church

Undivided: Dealing with Offenses
John Richardson
Locations & Times
First Free Online
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:45 AM
Watch live!
Watch our live stream every Sunday morning at 9 and 10:45 am! Response
We want to keep you informed as we make decisions on how to respond to the coronavirus outbreak. We are monitoring the situation very closely, and are making decisions that prioritize the safety of our congregation and community. We will give updates on our website at, on our Facebook page, and via email. If you don’t get our emails and would like to, visit Prayer Gathering
In troubling times, prayer is an avenue to peace, comfort, and hope. Pastor John Richardson will guide this interactive experience as we pray for our community, our nation, and our world. Coronavirus is causing more than just physical illness – it is increasing anxiety and isolation as well. We know that prayer is a powerful tool, and so we will gather together online to pray. Join us on April 2 at 7 pm for online prayer time. Friday Services
On April 10, we will be gathering together online and remembering the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for our salvation through an intimate time of meditative music, devotion, and communion. Before the service, we will send out instructions on how to prepare communion at your home. Times (online services only): 2 pm, 4 pm, 6:30 pm Sunday Services
Join us online on Sunday, April 12, at 9:00 am or 10:45 am for a joyful celebration of Jesus’ resurrection and the hope that we have in Him. Even with all of the craziness and uncertainty in the world, we still have a lot to celebrate. Jesus’ work on the cross is not uncertain. His resurrection is not uncertain. Our hope in Him is not uncertain. Let’s rejoice! Times (online services only): 9 am & 10: 45 am're Hiring!
We’re hiring a part-time Receptionist/Accounts Payable Clerk. This individual will offer a warm welcome to all who contact the office and provide support to the Accounting Team. To learn more, click the link below! Team
We’re looking for volunteers to join our Photography Team! To get involved, fill out the form at and Directory
We’re building a digital directory that will launch soon and we need your help to make sure our information is up to date! If you’d like to be in the Directory, please opt-in at If you prefer to not be in the directory, please still update your profile - it helps us to communicate more effectively with you! volunteers needed!
Our AWANA ministry is booming! We have 14 kids on the waitlist and need more adult volunteers. If you have free time on Wednesday evenings and a heart for children, please contact for information on serving!
Groups at First Free
Groups at First Free are a place to belong. Groups provide an environment for discipleship and study. They give opportunities for hospitality. They help us to grow and learn about God, the Bible, ourselves, and each other. Groups do not supplant the church, but they provide a setting where believers can more fully realize what it means to be the church. To learn more and find your fit, click the link below! Team Counseling
Life often includes challenges that are too big to face alone. Our lay Care Team Counselors are trained to walk alongside and assist people who are in need of hope, care, and direction. Counselors are available by appointment every Wednesday evening - email Trails Partnership Backpack Program
We are partnering with Carman Trails school to help support some of their students who face food insecurity. To help, please bring non-perishable, shelf-stable items (not canned, because of weight) to the hampers at the entrances to the building. Suggested items include fruit cups, prepared pasta meals, chicken/tuna packets, etc. Thank you for your generosity!
Parking Lot Volunteers Needed!
Guest Connection is looking for people to serve as the first point of contact for our guests in the parking lot. Our parking lot volunteers provide a safe and welcoming environment for our church family, and have a lot of fun! For more information, email
RightNow Media
Ready to grow in your faith? First Free has launched RightNow Media - it’s like the "Netflix of Video Bible Studies" and has a HUGE library of faith-based videos aimed at helping you grow. You can access the videos wherever you want (on your phone, computer, at home on your TV) and with whoever you want (alone, with your spouse, with your small group). Log in and look around!
Didn’t get the email? Check your spam or visit
Didn’t get the email? Check your spam or visit
SOS - Servants On Site
God uniquely gifts every person for service, and SOS is a way to serve by using your maintenance skills on minor jobs such as painting, plumbing, electrical, carpentry, etc. To get involved, contact Tom Siener at 636.779.2160 or
Our sermons and Preparing for Worship emails are now available as podcasts!