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First Immanuel Lutheran Ministries

5, 7:30, 9, 10:35am ONLINE Worship - Cedarburg

5, 7:30, 9, 10:35am ONLINE Worship - Cedarburg

Locations & Times

First Immanuel Lutheran Church

W67N622 Evergreen Blvd, Cedarburg, WI 53012, USA

Saturday 5:00 PM

Sunday 7:30 AM

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:35 AM

LSB 729 I Am Trusting Thee, Lord Jesus
1 I am trusting Thee, Lord Jesus,
Trusting only Thee;
Trusting Thee for full salvation,
Great and free.

2 I am trusting Thee for pardon;
At Thy feet I bow,
For Thy grace and tender mercy
Trusting now.

3 I am trusting Thee for cleansing
In the crimson flood;
Trusting Thee to make me holy
By Thy blood.

4 I am trusting Thee to guide me;
Thou alone shalt lead,
Ev’ry day and hour supplying
All my need.

5 I am trusting Thee for power;
Thine can never fail.
Words which Thou Thyself shalt give me
Must prevail.

6 I am trusting Thee, Lord Jesus;
Never let me fall.
I am trusting Thee forever
And for all.
Text: Public domain

Pastor: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
All: Amen.

Pastor: Jesus began His ministry by proclaiming, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the Gospel!” (Mark 1:15) Almost 2,000 years later, His call to us remains the same. Many things can keep us from responding to God’s loving call in Jesus: pride, fear, insecurity, anxiety, being busy or distracted. But the time is now; God’s Kingdom is drawing close. Jesus invites us to leave behind our baggage and immediately follow Him. What are you waiting for? It is time for us to repent:
People: Jesus, we have made many excuses for not following You or doing what You ask. We don’t live out our faith because we feel we have no time, no energy, no money, no help, or no one there for us.But we know we are the problem. We are the ones who need to change. We need your power and love, because on our own we are doomed to fail. Without your love and intervention, we would be lost forever. Encourage our hearts and strengthen our spirits, so we may live in the light of your loving call. Amen.
Pastor: The kingdom of God has come in your life as you rely on Jesus for all things. We don’t have to make our way to God, because God has made His way to us. Believe in the Gospel of God- Jesus died for your sins and rose from the dead to declare victory for all of us over all things. You are forgiven and victorious in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit:
People: Amen!

Pastor: Heavenly Father, we thank You for the gift of Your Son Jesus, our Savior. Give to us Your Holy Spirit, that we may listen to Him and gladly follow by faith. We pray this in His powerful name.
People: Amen.

Philemon 1:10-20

Mark 2:1-12

I believe in God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth.
And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended into hell. The third day He rose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty. From thence He will come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Christian Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.

SERMON- What Are You Waiting For? // Why are You Waiting to Forgive?


1. Recall a time where someone said something that seemed crazy. What did they say?

2. Read Mark 2:1-2. Jesus loved being in homes, because it is such an important place in our lives. Whose house do you enjoy being in?Why?

3. Read Mark 2:3-5. The paralytic’s friends were willing to do whatever it took to see Jesus. What are some things you’ve done, or seen others do, on account of faith?

4. Read Mark 2:6-8. Why do you think it is so hard to understand forgiveness as humans?

5. Read Mark 2:9-12. If you were in the room, how would you have reacted to this miracle?

6. Jesus knew that the paralytic had a deeper need than physical healing; he needed forgiveness. Where do you need to know God’s forgiveness in your life? Let Jesus speak that to you today.
“Amazing Grace”………………LSB 744

1 Amazing grace—how sweet the sound—
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind but now I see!

2 The Lord has promised good to me,
His Word my hope secures;
He will my shield and portion be
As long as life endures.

3 Through many dangers, toils, and snares
I have already come;
His grace has brought me safe thus far,
His grace will lead me home.

4 Yes, when this flesh and heart shall fail
And mortal life shall cease,
Amazing grace shall then prevail
In heaven’s joy and peace.

5 When we’ve been there ten thousand years,
Bright shining as the sun,
We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise
Than when we’d first begun.

Offering Opportunities

Please follow the link as God leads you to support First Immanuel financially, that we may continue to bring the message of Christ to Cedarburg, Saukville, and the surrounding neighborhoods!<br>
Prayers/Lord's Prayer

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven; give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen.
“Amazing Grace”………………LSB 744

1 Amazing grace—how sweet the sound—
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind but now I see!

2 The Lord has promised good to me,
His Word my hope secures;
He will my shield and portion be
As long as life endures.

3 Through many dangers, toils, and snares
I have already come;
His grace has brought me safe thus far,
His grace will lead me home.

4 Yes, when this flesh and heart shall fail
And mortal life shall cease,
Amazing grace shall then prevail
In heaven’s joy and peace.

5 When we’ve been there ten thousand years,
Bright shining as the sun,
We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise
Than when we’d first begun.

First Immanuel Lutheran Ministries Website

Worship Online with Us!

<br>I am pleased to invite you to join us for worship online. We have made it very easy for you to connect to our Livestream.&nbsp;Our regular services will be streamed at their normal times:Wednesday Lenten services&nbsp; - 11:00 am and 6:30 pmSaturday evenings&nbsp;-&nbsp;&nbsp;5:00 pm Sunday mornings&nbsp; - 7:30 am; 9:00 am and 10:35 am (contemporary) Please stay connected to&nbsp;;and like our&nbsp;Facebook page&nbsp;as we will give updates concerning online Bible studies and materials you can use with your family.&nbsp;&nbsp;In the meantime, to receive for our Passage and a Prayer devotion, a devotion for the day that is emailed out 3 times a week, Let us continue to build faith rather than fear!&nbsp;Your Servant-Leader,Pastor Raasch

Weekly Update

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