Harrisonburg First Church of the Nazarene
The Future Is Now – The Call to Relevance
The Church in 2020 will always face the temptation the run away from danger, but we are called to GO! We are so excited to begin a new series this week. Don't forget...Vision Night is happening Sunday, February 9 from 6:00-7:00pm. Thank you for joining us!
Locations & Times
Church of the Nazarene - Harrisonburg
1871 Boyers Rd, Harrisonburg, VA 22801, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
This week at HFCN
1. We are so excited that IF Gathering will be happening on March 27th + 28th! Women, this is a great weekend of worship, teaching and fellowship and you are invited. The early bird registration date is February 17th, so register online at:
2. Men's Retreat is also coming up in April. Some of you have already begun signing up. Click on the link below to sign up or come see us at the Connect Center if you need assistance!
3. Sunday, February 9, Vision Night 6:00-7:00pm. You are invited by Pastor Adrian to join us for an exciting evening of looking down the road at the next chapter of ministry for HFCN.
February's bulletin---> https://indd.adobe.com/view/9d3393a7-8412-45ea-b23c-d0a1bc3b94d2
2. Men's Retreat is also coming up in April. Some of you have already begun signing up. Click on the link below to sign up or come see us at the Connect Center if you need assistance!
3. Sunday, February 9, Vision Night 6:00-7:00pm. You are invited by Pastor Adrian to join us for an exciting evening of looking down the road at the next chapter of ministry for HFCN.
February's bulletin---> https://indd.adobe.com/view/9d3393a7-8412-45ea-b23c-d0a1bc3b94d2
The early history of the US Coast Guard had a simple but profound motto:
“We have to go out, we don’t have to come back.”
Instead of feeling INSPIRED, COMPELLED, and CALLED, the Church is often defined as FEARFUL and PASSIVE, while being DISCONNECTED and DISENGAGED from our world.
The Church in 2020 will always face the temptation the run away from danger, but we are called to GO!
“We have to go out, we don’t have to come back.”
Instead of feeling INSPIRED, COMPELLED, and CALLED, the Church is often defined as FEARFUL and PASSIVE, while being DISCONNECTED and DISENGAGED from our world.
The Church in 2020 will always face the temptation the run away from danger, but we are called to GO!
Background of Ephesians 2: In the midst of turmoil and division, Paul is calling the Church towards a message of ONE:
•ONE humanity (verse 15)
•ONE body (verse 16)
•ONE spirit (verse 18)
•ONE humanity (verse 15)
•ONE body (verse 16)
•ONE spirit (verse 18)
One Nation (verse 19)
“You are no longer foreigners and strangers.”
Within the church, there is a seat at the table for each and every person.
“You are no longer foreigners and strangers.”
Within the church, there is a seat at the table for each and every person.
One Family (verse 19)
“Fellow citizen’s with God’s people and members of His household.”
Within the church, our identity comes from being a citizen of His kingdom.
“Fellow citizen’s with God’s people and members of His household.”
Within the church, our identity comes from being a citizen of His kingdom.
One Temple (verses 20-22)
“Rises to become a holy temple in the Lord.”
Jesus is the cornerstone, and the church is RISING UP to become His temple, a place where His Spirit dwells.
“Rises to become a holy temple in the Lord.”
Jesus is the cornerstone, and the church is RISING UP to become His temple, a place where His Spirit dwells.
What does it mean for us, the church, ”to rise to become His temple” in 2020?
At HFCN, we are committed to living lives of complete obedience to God. So we sense His love compelling us to worship Him wholeheartedly but, more than that, we will reach beyond our walls to welcome the outsider, the broken, the lost, the hopeless. Our work to bring hope to others through the person of Jesus Christ will make us relevant and valuable in our community.
-HFCN Church Purpose Statement
At HFCN, we are committed to living lives of complete obedience to God. So we sense His love compelling us to worship Him wholeheartedly but, more than that, we will reach beyond our walls to welcome the outsider, the broken, the lost, the hopeless. Our work to bring hope to others through the person of Jesus Christ will make us relevant and valuable in our community.
-HFCN Church Purpose Statement
What does it mean to be relevant?
• We believe that God’s purpose for the church was relevant then.
• We believe that God’s purpose for the church is relevant today.
• God’s purpose for the church is not outdated.
• We believe that God’s purpose for the church was relevant then.
• We believe that God’s purpose for the church is relevant today.
• God’s purpose for the church is not outdated.
Specifically, when we speak of a church that is relevant, we are focusing on three things:
• We are REAL - honest about who we are (and who we’re not)
• We take time to listen, to understand those we are reaching
• We tell our real story about faith in Christ
• We don’t pretend or hype and we aren’t playing games
• We’re not afraid to speak truth to what’s happening today
• We understand that this really matters - eternal life and eternal death hang in the balance
• We believe that we are in the last days and that “waiting till tomorrow” is bad evangelism and bad theology. (Thus, “The Future is Now.”)
• We have hope and we will cannot keep it to ourselves
• We won’t be pushy, but we will have urgency to share the Gospel faithfully.
• We make a meaningful difference.
• We realize that nothing happens apart from the love of Christ flowing through us.
• We don’t expect people to “have their act together” before extending a hand to them.
• We truly care and people know it.
• We’re not intimidated by sin, but we don’t turn a blind eye to it either.
• We are REAL - honest about who we are (and who we’re not)
• We take time to listen, to understand those we are reaching
• We tell our real story about faith in Christ
• We don’t pretend or hype and we aren’t playing games
• We’re not afraid to speak truth to what’s happening today
• We understand that this really matters - eternal life and eternal death hang in the balance
• We believe that we are in the last days and that “waiting till tomorrow” is bad evangelism and bad theology. (Thus, “The Future is Now.”)
• We have hope and we will cannot keep it to ourselves
• We won’t be pushy, but we will have urgency to share the Gospel faithfully.
• We make a meaningful difference.
• We realize that nothing happens apart from the love of Christ flowing through us.
• We don’t expect people to “have their act together” before extending a hand to them.
• We truly care and people know it.
• We’re not intimidated by sin, but we don’t turn a blind eye to it either.
• God’s work will be done through the church (We are His Plan A)
• If the church is irrelevant, it’s not because our marching orders have changed.
• God doesn’t become irrelevant.
• If the church is irrelevant, it’s not because our marching orders have changed.
• God doesn’t become irrelevant.
Bottom Line:
There is no substitute for the church being the church.
There is no substitute for the church being the church.
Giving at HFCN
Thank you so much for your partnership in the Kingdom of Christ!