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Abiding Savior Free Lutheran

January 26, 2020 Worship Service

January 26, 2020 Worship Service

“Great Questions” Acts 16 ~ Pastor Kirk Flaa

Locations & Times

Living Word Free Lutheran Church

7901 S Meredith Ave, Sioux Falls, SD 57108, USA

Sunday 8:00 AM

Sunday 9:30 AM

Sunday 11:00 AM


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SERMON: Acts 16 “Great Questions”

“One of the best ways to learn is by asking questions. What are questions in this text and what are we to learn in their answers?”

1. Why was Timothy Circumcised?

2. How Will God Guide Me?

3. How Do I Deal with a Hopeless Situation?

4. How Do I Get Out of This Mess?

“When the question is ‘how do I escape the mess of sin?’ there is only one answer—believe in the Lord Jesus!”
1. What is the most difficult question you have ever been asked? What is a question you have had, but have never had it answered? How would Pastor Flaa answer the question “who will win the Superbowl next week?”
2. Paul endeavored to never put a hindrance or stumbling block in the way of the Gospel. Although he would in no circumstance compromise or ‘tone down’ the Gospel, he rightly recognized the importance of love over liberty, and the principle of doing what was necessary in order to advance the mission of the Gospel. How is that specifically depicted in this text? What principles can we learn from this? Are there examples of this in our church fellowship or of your life? Read the following passages as you respond: Romans 14:1-23, 15:1; 1 Corinthians 9:12, 19-23; Philippians 2:1-4.
3. Review Paul’s experience in verses 9-10. I trust all of us would appreciate that type of clarity in our decisions! In this case, we don’t know if this clarity came as a specific word of prophecy or through a deep, internal conviction, but regardless, God made His will known to Paul and his group. What principles can help us know whether we are being guided by the Lord as make certain decisions? Read the following passages and discuss how God offers guidance to us: Psalm 19:8, 25:4-5, 19, 119:105, 143:10; Proverbs 3:5-6, 14:12; Jeremiah 10:23; John 14:26; Acts 16:6-7; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; James 1:5-6.
4. Why did God allow the missionaries to undergo so much trial and opposition? In this chapter, what had they done to “deserve” such harsh treatment? What do we learn from their example? How does this encourage and challenge our own witness?
5. Share in your group a situation in your own life that was especially difficult, hopeless, and/or exceptionally “messy”. How did you deal with this circumstance, and how did it turn out? What would you do different and what would you do the same? Did you apply any of the principles we observe in Acts 16?
6. Identify the radical changes that came to the jailer as a result of the Paul and Silas sharing the word of the Lord (vv. 29-34). Share with your group changes that have occurred in your life as a result of the word of the Lord and believing in the name of the Lord Jesus.

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We are a Christ centered community, whose heart is to be a place where individuals are knowing Jesus Christ, growing in Christ, and going out into the world with Christ, in order that lives would be transformed by the gospel and God would be glorified.