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Christ Wesleyan Church

June 9, 2019

June 9, 2019

Join us for our primary worship service each week on Sunday.

Locations & Times

CWC Milton: The Auditorium

363 Stamm Rd, Milton, PA 17847, USA

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:45 AM

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Sitting in the Dark

A. Jonah was swallowed up...
1. What was this great fish that swallowed Jonah?
Was it a whale…was it a shark…or was it a specially prepared fish for that moment?
The sperm whale is up to 70 feet long with a large enough esophagus to hold Jonah.
The great white shark could hold a 6-foot blue shark for days without digesting it.
Or God could have provided this special fish for just this moment.
2. There are several supposed accounts of those swallowed by a whale. James Bartley was one of those.
3. This would not be the first account of God using animals to fulfill His will.
· Noah used a dove and a raven to determine if the floods had receded.
· Balaam’s donkey saw an angel and stopped in his tracks. When Balaam beat the donkey, the donkey spoke to Balaam.
· Elijah was fed by ravens that supplied his food.
· Daniel survived when God closed the mouths of hungry lions.
· Pastor Paul in the Middle East survived Isis through an attack of lions on Isis.
B. When Jonah hit bottom, he prayed...
"Nothing clears the mind like the certain knowledge that you will be shot in the morning." - Samuel Johnson
1. Jonah cried out for help.
2. Jonah knew that God had placed him where he was and was not going to blame anyone or anything else.
3. Jonah was ready to look to God for his help.
4. Jonah believed he was going to die and knew God was his only hope.
5. Jonah’s life was ebbing away and God had his full attention.
6. If he survived, he vowed to fully serve the Lord.
7. Our salvation lies in nothing else but God.
C. Jonah's prayer was a Psalm...
1. Jonah knew Scripture as his prayer was very much a Psalm.
· "Your billows swept over me" [2:3] Compare with Psalm 42:7.
· "I have been banished" [2:4]. Compare with Psalm 31:22.
· "engulfed me up the neck" [2:5]. Compare with Psalm 69:1.
· "my life was fading away" [2:7]. Compare with Psalm 147:3.
· "To Your holy Temple" [2:7]. Compare with Psalm 18:6.
· "to worthless idols" [2:8]. Compare with Psalm 31:6
· "Salvation is from the Lord" [2:9]. Compare with Psalm 3:8
2. Knowing God’s Word is no guarantee to following His will…that requires obedience.
3. God always speaks through His Word.
4. God guides our thoughts by His thoughts.
5. God’s Word becomes a cleansing agent to our mind.
6. God’s Word is a compass to all our life.
D. God delights in rescuing His children…
1. How long has it been since you honestly talked to God? A great introspective question is, “Lord, show me the truth about myself.” When we pray, little by little, the Holy Spirit will show us our weaknesses, our faults, our mistakes, our bad attitudes, our foolish words, our pride, our arrogance, our need to be in control, our need to tell others what to do, our desire to have our own way, our anger, our bitterness, our lack of mercy, our lack of love and our lack of compassion.
2. God had to stop Jonah in his tracks to get his attention. Does God have your full attention? Or are you distracted by life, work, family, etc.?
3. God delights to rescue us from impossible situations. Are you in a place where you know that only God could rescue you? Are you willing to let Him do His complete work in and through you so that can happen?

Prayer Requests

Need prayer support? Our prayer team prays for your requests throughout the week. We love to hear how God has answered prayer! If you have a praise that God has answered a prayer and worked in incredible ways, share it with us.

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