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Gateway Church Geelong

Sunday November 10th

Sunday November 10th

Sunday November 10th

Locations & Times

Gateway Church Geelong

175 Moolap Station Rd, Moolap VIC 3224, Australia

Sunday 10:30 AM


Pastor Phil Ward


Growth Track

If you want to know more about Gateway and what we believe or you have a heart to contribute and volunteer. This course is the way that you get involved and serving in every area across the church! NOVEMBER 3 & 10. 2 week express course for pop up services.

Prayer Requests / Praise Reports

If you have a prayer need we would love to stand with you. All you need to do is fill out the form at the following link - our team is ready to pray!


As part of our services, we love that we have the opportunity to give to the work of the Kingdom through the church. Here is a link to online giving.

Gateway Sermons

You can catch up on all of our messages on our website.

1. “The Eyes of God” ---- “To “SEE”
A Word of Wisdom
A Word of Knowledge
The Discerning of Spirit
2. "The Mouth of God” ----To Speak!
Interpretation of Tongues
3. "The Hand of God” ----To Do!
Gift of Faith
Why are they called “Motivational Gifts?”
They are called “Motivational Gifts” because these are things that motivate people’s actions and behaviours.
These are the gifts that God has built into us and made part of us to be used for the benefit of others and for His glory.

1.) PROPHECY: (V.6)“if God has given you the ability to prophesy, speak out with as much faith as God has given you. ---(Grow in this Gift ---Increase in Faith in this Gift)
That’s how much importance the Apostle Paul put on the “Gift of Prophecy” – Shouldn’t we do the same?

The bible says: There will be an increase in this “Gift of Prophecy” in the last days. (Joel 2:28-30)
One who loves to serve others; a doer; meet needs, frees others (think Martha)
One who loves to research and communicate truth. Researcher; clarifies truth, validates information.
The teacher is wired by God to go to the word first.
Example: Apollos in Acts 18:24-28 (TPT)
- He was powerful in the scriptures, Passionate about Jesus
- A convincing teacher, He was fearless, He was teachable
- He was a tremendous help to the believers and caused them to increase in Faith.
- He was fervent in spirit.

4.) ENCOURAGING GIFT: ---Characteristics of an Encourager:
They love people and are very relational. They inspire people to come out of themselves.
They relate well to strangers --- They make excellent evangelists.
Exhorters are excellent communicators and good at resolving conflicts
They are diligent, full of love, faith and good works.
They love doing things without being noticed.
Extra Notes
5.)GIFT OF GIVING: - “Give with liberality or generously”
Example: Barnabus) “

King David’s generous gift to God’s house -1 Chron 29:3,5,6,9,17 (NLT)“And now, because of my devotion to the Temple of my God, I am giving all of my own private treasures of gold and silver to help in the construction.

Then he went on to say in V.5. Now then, who will follow my example and give offerings to the Lord today?”
6 Then the family leaders, the leaders of the tribes of Israel, the generals and captains of the army, and the king’s administrative officers all gave willingly. 9. The people rejoiced over the offerings, for they had given freely and wholeheartedly to the Lord, and King David was filled with joy.

David finished up saying V.17 “I have watched your people offer their gifts willingly and joyously.

Givers LOVE to give and want to see the work of God go forward and succeed.
6.) LEADERSHIP GIFT: Do it with diligence
People with this Gift are usually people of vision who can see the overall picture and have long range goals.
They are good organisers and have the ability to motivate others.
They just want to see the Job done

Example: Nehemiah (Nehemiah 2:6, 11-16)

They love to help broken people and show them God’s love.
They identify with those in distress, comforting them, being strong in empathy.
They are safe people to be with, they draw others to themselves.
Compassion motivates them to action ---they weep with those who weep.
Note these words: “confirm,” “the end,” and “blameless”

1.) The word “confirm” (Greek -bebaioo) means to befirm, stable, durable, or unshakeable.
· It’s a picture of someone standing firm on his feet.

2.) The word “end”(telos in Gk) in V.8 doesn’t mean the “end” of the age
· It means to become fully mature and ripened to the end.

3.) The third word is the word—“blameless”—(Greek anegkletos)
· It means holiness and personal integrity.

You combine these words together and this verse would paraphrase:
“These gifts make you fit, firm, and unshakeable. They put you on your feet spiritually and lead you into new levels of maturity. Ultimately, these gifts will work to produce an unimpeachable (Trustworthy) character in you”
Notice what Peter said, “every single person, no one excluded, has a GIFT.

First Steps

If you want to know more, have just decided to follow Jesus or need resources to start your journey.