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Delhi Alliance Church

Do Good

Do Good

For many of us, we heard from childhood to 'be good'. Then we came to church and heard about grace - God's favor because we cannot be good enough. So what does it mean for Christians to do good?

Locations & Times

Delhi Alliance Church

16178 NY-28, Delhi, NY 13753, USA

Sunday 10:30 AM

Sin in this verse is not willful and intentional.
We must recognize the burden of temptation and struggle against the flesh.
Law of Christ = responsibility to the entirety of Jesus’ teachings; summarized by ‘love God / love others’.

We are not superior to others.
Two ways we can fail to help our brothers:
1. Become conceited and think it too low a task to help someone
2. Look from ourselves to another and compare
Those best able to sustain another are those proven to be sustained in trials of their own.
If someone selfishly withholds what he has, God will not multiply and bless; while if we share what we have, God blesses.

We will grasp hold of the life fulfilled that serves others and is pleasing to God:
- when we refuse to be subject to law and rely fully on God’s grace
- when we refuse to use grace as a license to supply our own desires
- when we rely on the Holy Spirit to lead us to accomplish our responsibilities to Christ
A Christian’s responsibility is to do good to all people. This starts at home and then extends to our neighbors.