Stones Hill Community Church

Fed by Ravens - 2 Kings 2:1-18
Welcome to "Fed by Ravens" - a sermon series on the life and times of Elijah. There are many people in the wilderness with the brook drying up. "Fed by Ravens" is for all those who need sustained. Glad to have you on this journey!
Locations & Times
Ligonier, IN
151 W Stones Hill Rd, Ligonier, IN 46767, USA
Saturday 6:02 PM
We welcome you to Stone's Hill today!
A typical Stone's Hill service has:
* music (so feel free to sing out);
* some announcements (things that are upcoming that you can be a part of);
* a message out of the Bible (God speaks to us through his Word);
* and an opportunity for you to respond to the message (either immediately in the case of a decision that needs to be made OR in the future as you live out the message in your daily life.)
So relax and enjoy your morning! We're so glad you are here!
A typical Stone's Hill service has:
* music (so feel free to sing out);
* some announcements (things that are upcoming that you can be a part of);
* a message out of the Bible (God speaks to us through his Word);
* and an opportunity for you to respond to the message (either immediately in the case of a decision that needs to be made OR in the future as you live out the message in your daily life.)
So relax and enjoy your morning! We're so glad you are here!
2 Kings 2:1-18
God gave Elijah a national platform for 20 years. Elijah was a startling figure in 852 BC. He appeared suddenly and created a national crisis with his challenge and his judgment. And he did his best to stop the slide of national apostasy. He worked so hard to defend God’s honor and turn the nation back to Yahweh. Hard to believe he was a man like us as James says.
Now we’re down to the last day and hours of his earthly life. 2 Kings 2 is our focus today where we read the story of Elijah and how he knew that God was going to take him home to heaven. It’s a dramatic story about how God sends a chariot and horses of fire to scoop up Elijah. And yet, as dramatic as that scene was, we should be more impressed by how Elijah lived his life and his last day – with no regrets.
We started our journey with Elijah in the mountains. From the mountains we went before the king. Then we went with Elijah to the brook, and after the brook we went to the widow of Zarephath. There we stayed with Elijah while miracles continued to happen. From there we climbed Mount Carmel with Elijah where he faced down the prophets of Baal. And after he left Mount Carmel, we followed him into the desert and then into a cave on Mount Horeb. We watched as he called Elisha in dramatic fashion. Then we went with Elijah as he stood before King Ahaziah. Now we've come to the final bend in the road, the last installment of his amazing life story.
Now imagine, in 2 Kings 2, with chariots of fire and prancing steeds blowing fire from their nostrils, as Elijah gets caught up. Imagine being caught up and taken to heaven without experiencing death! Elijah’s time is coming to an end. His mission is about done. It comes time for a transition now. Ironically, everybody knows that this is Elijah’s last day – but we are never told how they know.
There are so many ways we could caption this passage today. Changing of the guard. Passing of the baton or torch. Staying the course. Filling their shoes. Going home. A double portion. Time to say goodbye. Living with the end in view. Getting ready to leave. Your last day on earth.
On the last day of Elijah's earthly life, he does a lot of walking. He starts in Samaria and goes to Gilgal. From Gilgal he goes to Bethel. From Bethel he goes down to Jericho. From Jericho he goes to the east side of the Jordan River. And depending on the roads you take, that made this final walk at least forty to fifty-five miles. His final walk takes him back to the hills and ravines of his boyhood. It also takes us back to strategic locations in Israel’s history as a new nation.
D. Ralph Davis says that this tour has “a deliberate geographical unity.” Elijah is intentionally visiting select places on his farewell tour of remembrance. Retracing Joshua’s journey in reverse. Elijah was re-tracing (in reverse order) the steps of the Israelites as they came into the Promised Land. The journey in this narrative took them to places which were heavy with associations with Israel’s past. Parallels with the story of Israel's entrance into the Promised Land suggest that the writer wanted his readers to connect Elijah with Moses and Elisha with Joshua. Even the meanings of their names is similar: "Elisha" meaning "God saves" and "Joshua" meaning "Yahweh saves.
What happened at these places in Israel’s history becomes pictures of the Christian life. It gives you a framework for understanding life and experience. Listen in the sermon for how these places visited represent key experiences in someone's life.
Elijah spent his last days in the company of his young prophets, the seminary students who were preparing for the ministry in the school that Elijah had founded with his own blood, sweat, and tears. In each of the towns mentioned in our passage, there was a School of the Prophets there. Why did he develop these schools, or seminaries or training institutes in these particular cities? It was because of what happened in the cities. In Gilgal and Bethel and Jericho (and probably other cities and towns as well), Elijah had set up little hometown seminaries where prophets could be trained for the ministry. These were places that have now turned to centers of pagan influence and demonology and idolatry. God will grow you up spiritually in the middle of all this.
Are you ready for inspection day? Are you ready to pass the baton? Leave a legacy? Say a final goodbye? Make the transition? Change the guard? I’ve been trying to get you ready for 20 years. Are you ready to cross the Jordan? Keep your eyes on Jesus like Elisha did with Elijah. Don’t blink.
2 Kings 2:1-18
God gave Elijah a national platform for 20 years. Elijah was a startling figure in 852 BC. He appeared suddenly and created a national crisis with his challenge and his judgment. And he did his best to stop the slide of national apostasy. He worked so hard to defend God’s honor and turn the nation back to Yahweh. Hard to believe he was a man like us as James says.
Now we’re down to the last day and hours of his earthly life. 2 Kings 2 is our focus today where we read the story of Elijah and how he knew that God was going to take him home to heaven. It’s a dramatic story about how God sends a chariot and horses of fire to scoop up Elijah. And yet, as dramatic as that scene was, we should be more impressed by how Elijah lived his life and his last day – with no regrets.
We started our journey with Elijah in the mountains. From the mountains we went before the king. Then we went with Elijah to the brook, and after the brook we went to the widow of Zarephath. There we stayed with Elijah while miracles continued to happen. From there we climbed Mount Carmel with Elijah where he faced down the prophets of Baal. And after he left Mount Carmel, we followed him into the desert and then into a cave on Mount Horeb. We watched as he called Elisha in dramatic fashion. Then we went with Elijah as he stood before King Ahaziah. Now we've come to the final bend in the road, the last installment of his amazing life story.
Now imagine, in 2 Kings 2, with chariots of fire and prancing steeds blowing fire from their nostrils, as Elijah gets caught up. Imagine being caught up and taken to heaven without experiencing death! Elijah’s time is coming to an end. His mission is about done. It comes time for a transition now. Ironically, everybody knows that this is Elijah’s last day – but we are never told how they know.
There are so many ways we could caption this passage today. Changing of the guard. Passing of the baton or torch. Staying the course. Filling their shoes. Going home. A double portion. Time to say goodbye. Living with the end in view. Getting ready to leave. Your last day on earth.
On the last day of Elijah's earthly life, he does a lot of walking. He starts in Samaria and goes to Gilgal. From Gilgal he goes to Bethel. From Bethel he goes down to Jericho. From Jericho he goes to the east side of the Jordan River. And depending on the roads you take, that made this final walk at least forty to fifty-five miles. His final walk takes him back to the hills and ravines of his boyhood. It also takes us back to strategic locations in Israel’s history as a new nation.
D. Ralph Davis says that this tour has “a deliberate geographical unity.” Elijah is intentionally visiting select places on his farewell tour of remembrance. Retracing Joshua’s journey in reverse. Elijah was re-tracing (in reverse order) the steps of the Israelites as they came into the Promised Land. The journey in this narrative took them to places which were heavy with associations with Israel’s past. Parallels with the story of Israel's entrance into the Promised Land suggest that the writer wanted his readers to connect Elijah with Moses and Elisha with Joshua. Even the meanings of their names is similar: "Elisha" meaning "God saves" and "Joshua" meaning "Yahweh saves.
What happened at these places in Israel’s history becomes pictures of the Christian life. It gives you a framework for understanding life and experience. Listen in the sermon for how these places visited represent key experiences in someone's life.
Elijah spent his last days in the company of his young prophets, the seminary students who were preparing for the ministry in the school that Elijah had founded with his own blood, sweat, and tears. In each of the towns mentioned in our passage, there was a School of the Prophets there. Why did he develop these schools, or seminaries or training institutes in these particular cities? It was because of what happened in the cities. In Gilgal and Bethel and Jericho (and probably other cities and towns as well), Elijah had set up little hometown seminaries where prophets could be trained for the ministry. These were places that have now turned to centers of pagan influence and demonology and idolatry. God will grow you up spiritually in the middle of all this.
Are you ready for inspection day? Are you ready to pass the baton? Leave a legacy? Say a final goodbye? Make the transition? Change the guard? I’ve been trying to get you ready for 20 years. Are you ready to cross the Jordan? Keep your eyes on Jesus like Elisha did with Elijah. Don’t blink.
Fed by Ravens - 2 Kings 2:1-18
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