Central Community Church

Moses: Journey of Faith - "The Ten Commandments"
Pastor Bob Beckler
Locations & Times
Central Community Church
6100 W Maple St, Wichita, KS 67209, USA
Sunday 8:45 AM
Sunday 10:45 AM
Opportunities to share prayer requests: Share prayer requests and praises at prayer@centralcommunity.church
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1. What’s the purpose for the cage?
2. What’s the purpose of the 10 Commandments?
3. Why are there different forms of the 10 Commandments?
2. What’s the purpose of the 10 Commandments?
3. Why are there different forms of the 10 Commandments?
You shall have no other gods before me. (Fundamental rule)
You shall not make for yourself an idol. (Focus rule)
You shall not use the name of the Lord our God in vain. (Foolish rule)
Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. (Wimpiness rule)
Honor your Father and Mother so that your days may be long in the land the Lord your God is giving you. (Family rule)
You shall not commit murder. (Felony rule)
You shall not commit adultery. (Fidelity rule)
You shall not steal. (Theft rule)
You shall not testify falsely as a witness against your neighbor. (False witness rule)
You shall not covet our neighbor’s house, nor your neighbor’s spouse, male or female servant, livestock, - or anything that belongs to your neighbor. (Last rule)
What are we to be to our Broken World?
Know Christ and Make Him Known!
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