The Summit Church

How To Survive Your Life: Expect It
Discussion Guide: Week 1 How To Survive Your Life
Locations & Times
The Summit Church - Kernersville
4440 High Point Rd, Kernersville, NC 27284, USA
Thursday 6:30 PM
Sunday 9:30 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
Use this space to take notes.
Welcome to week 1 of a new series: How To Survive Your Life.
What survivor-themed show do you enjoy most? (
Survivor, Beary Grylls, Squid Game, Man vs Wild...)
Which one would you be willing to be a participant in?
What survivor-themed show do you enjoy most? (
Survivor, Beary Grylls, Squid Game, Man vs Wild...)
Which one would you be willing to be a participant in?
The true reality of life is that we will all walk through times of suffering, pain, and problems.
Share with your group a difficult time you have survived through.
Share with your group a difficult time you have survived through.
"Life is suffering. The purpose of life is not to be happy, but to find something that sustains you in spite of suffering."
Dr Jordan Peterson
Dr Jordan Peterson
Thinking about the above statement share with your group your current mindset around suffering.
Is it something you expect, an indication something is wrong, or as unfair or unwarranted?
Is it something you expect, an indication something is wrong, or as unfair or unwarranted?
What questions do you ask of yourself or God when you encounter suffering or trials?
Describe what thriving would look like through a trial or suffering.
God uses suffering to refine us. Share with your group how God has used suffering to bring about a godly change in your life.
What two things does Jesus give to us as we endure trials and sorrows?
How have these helped you?
How have these helped you?
Referring to Romans 8:35-37 above, Who makes us victorious in all our suffering?
How does looking at your current trial or suffering through the lens of victory change your ability to endure?
How does looking at your current trial or suffering through the lens of victory change your ability to endure?
Close out your time together as a group praying for the trials you are going through and for God's strength to thrive within them.