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Pennsville Baptist Church

Sunday Morning Service

Sunday Morning Service

Sunday Morning Service

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Pennsville Baptist Church

3298 Richey Rd, Mt Pleasant, PA 15666, USA

Sunday 9:45 AM

Romans 6:6-10
Being Whipped Is A Choice

1. In Romans 1:17 In it (the Gospel) the righteousness of God is revealed from faith unto faith. In Romans 4 Righteousness is Imputed…Romans 6 Righteousness is Implanted…Romans 8
Righteousness is Imparted.
2. You cannot go on sinning as a habit, a way of life…Christ resides in your spirit. We are
plugged into the very life of Christ (4) The believer is engrafted into Christ…His life becomes
3. Wrapped up in an unredeemed body with an unredeemed soul (thinker, feeler, chooser) how
can we triumph over sin?
4. I hear and see Christians who are defeated on a regular basis. They move from one crisis to
another. “I can resist anything but temptation.” Perhaps you can identify with that statement.
5. Can we triumph over sin? You don’t have to be continually defeated. Romans 6:6-10 gives 2 reasons why we don’t have to live in defeat:

Can we triumph over sin? You don’t have to be whipped.
I. A NEW LORD 6:6-8
“Knowing this” v. 3,6,9 know for a fact! Know by experience! Whether I am experiencing
victory or not. Whether I believe it or not doesn’t change its reality. Christians know
this…know this by experience. Let this be carried out in your daily living.
A. The Power 6a
1. That our old man is crucified. Know this our old self was crucified (NASV) We have a new Lord!
2. Old man…this is all that I was ‘in Adam’ before I knew Jesus Christ. This is all that dominated my spirit. (Look at the chart in the bulletin)
3. The word was used in (Col 3:9; Eph 4:22) which speaks of putting off not the old man, but the ways of the old man. It is contrasted with putting on the ways of the new man. The ‘old man’ is all that we were by nature. In the eyes of God the old man was crucified when Christ hung on the cross. It became a reality the moment we believed. This was done by God. Don’t depend on your feelings or faith
4. Jesus Christ in the person of the Holy Spirit imparts the life of Christ. Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation; old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. (II Cor. 5:17)
B. The Purpose 6b-8
That is used 3 times…in order that…we died to the old lord!
1. Liberation In the old nature something that is twisted keeps on working! That the body of sin might be destroyed…The unredeemed soul and body of the believer still has an inclination to sin!
*Destroyed means, ‘to render powerless’ Nullify (Rom. 3:3, 31) Has no value (4:14) Released (7:2, 6) None of these rendering mean ‘destroyed’ as we would think.
*It is not rendered powerless so it can exert no influence. “No longer to exert a controlling force or power.”
*So the reason God has removed us from our union with Adam and joined us to Christ is so the inclinations that operate so strongly in our bodies might no longer control us!
They are still there…they do not have to dominate us.
*Body of sin…The substance of the soul does not change! Our physical body is still unredeemed and physical. Believers potentially have the ability to commit any sin that a nonbeliever can commit!
2. Liberty That henceforth we should not serve sin As I yield to the Holy Spirit the body of sin is rendered ineffective. We don’t have to bow to that bully sin! As I yield to my will, my way, all that this body demands…result: “I Sin!”
*For he that is dead is freed from sin…The death of Christ removed sin’s penalty, but also from sin’s power.
*In God’s eyes our former history is over…MOVE ON!
3. Likeness 8 Thatwe should live with Him This is not only future but NOW. He is talking about the ‘resurrection life’ (v. 4) now! Death is a completed transaction. We have passed into the resurrected life of Christ. We can live to God and for God right now!

Can we triumph over sin? You don’t have to be whipped.
II. A NEW LIFE 6:9-10
Illustration: A Brief History Of Time 1988 Steven W. Hawking “The Black Hole” No one
knows what happens when an object reaches the center, but some have speculated that for
reasons beyond most people’s ability to grasp, an object might shoot through the ‘hole’ and
pass into another time period or existence.
Similarly, anyone who has been united to Christ has died to sin, is on the way to God, and can
never return to his or her former sphere of existence. The same power that raised Christ from the dead is available for us to live moment by moment.
A. No More Death
But he that lives, (he is speaking more than what occurred 2000 years ago) lives unto God
1. We are not controlled by the negative. We are not bound by that which decays and all that is associated with sin.
2. Take off those old grave clothes. Live unto God. Stop living for yourself!!
B. No More Dominion
Death hath no dominion over Him
1. I don’t have to yield to sin’s power. At one time I could do nothing else!
2. As Christ passed from one realm to another, so did we!
C. No More Domination
He died, He died unto sin once.
1. When we decide not to sin, we have the power to carry it out, because Christ lives in me!
2. The emphasis here is not on death. But he that lives, he lives We get all hung up on not doing those things associated with death…drinking, swearing, sex, wrong attitudes, bitterness, hatred, worry, etc. Focus more on living unto God!
3. Who are you living ‘unto’? We’ll speak more of this next week. Who are you yielding to? Where are you pointed…in what direction? Have your compass point toward Him!
4. Spend time with Him. Get to know Him. Fall in love with Him.

I Have A New Lord! I Have a New Life!
Victory is mine! Claim it!

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