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The Summit Church

Decisions Decisions Week 3: What is God's Will?

Decisions Decisions Week 3: What is God's Will?

Discussion Guide: Week 3 Decisions Decisions

Locations & Times

The Summit Church - Kernersville

4440 High Point Rd, Kernersville, NC 27284, USA

Thursday 6:30 PM

Sunday 9:30 AM

Sunday 11:00 AM

Use this space to take notes.

So far we have talked about pre-sets with decision-making that when applied can lead to fewer regrets.
What do I already know?
What is most like Jesus?

This week we will be exploring What is God's will.
How have you viewed God's will for your life? (Something you had to search for, something you might miss, something God withheld from you?)

Have you ever even considered He has a will for your life?
How have you tried to discover God's will for your life?
Read 2 Peter 3:9 below.
What is God's will or desire for everyone?

What we already know about God's will for us is this:
To trust and follow Jesus
To honor the way of Jesus

The rest is just details.
In thinking about those details, what details are most important to you and why?
God's will is to transform us into a new creation.
Why do you think He is concerned with who we are becoming more than what we do?
Think about your decision to follow Jesus if you have done so. Where have you seen Him transform you in your thinking?

Think about the statement, "The safest place to be is in God's will."
How does that statement line up with Jesus' death?

Share any other examples of people who have been in God's will but have still suffered pain or loss.
God's will may not be the safest place but it is the best place.
Referring back to Jesus' death on the cross, how was that the best place to be?
Even though details shouldn't drive our decisions they are important and matter to God.
Consider your desires,skills, and opportunities that are before you.
Share one or two with your group using these prompts:

Desires-what do you enjoy or find fulfillment in?
Skills- what are you learning or what talents have you been given?
Opportunity- what has God put before you or are you waiting?
How have you seen God line up those 3 areas in your life?

Close out your time together by sharing how your group can pray for you in one of the areas mentioned in your discussion.
(Trust and Following Jesus, Honoring the way of Jesus, Desires, Skills or Opportunities)