Valley Real Life

Reset | Might As Well Be You
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Valley Real Life
1831 S Barker Rd, Greenacres, WA 99016, USA
Thursday 6:00 PM
Someone is going to do the thing you want to do. It might as well be you—Shea Serrano
Arrogance = Our Pride + Our Ignorance
Confidence = God’s Competence + God’s Confidence
Confidence = God’s Competence + God’s Confidence
God is good and He is good at what He does.
Visible Image of the Invisible God
Supreme over creation
Creative-Created Everything
Head over the Church
God lived in Him
This is a snapshot of the COMPETENCE of God.
God is good and good at what He does…and we were made in his image.
3 Things to notice from this passage:
Tov vs Tov Meod (Good vs Very Good)
More literally translated “Good” vs “Complete/Perfect”
We were put to work and God rested
He doesn’t let you cook dinner if he thinks you’ll burn the house down.
He could have created everyone through dust and bones. But he chose to create life through marriage and families.
The story starts in a garden and ends in a city.
Move Away from Resolutions and Goals and move toward “Calling”
“How do I know my calling?”
Moses knew his calling because the burning bush told him
David knew his calling because he was anointed by Samuel
Paul knew his calling from an encounter with Christ on the road to Damascus.
You know that thing. That idea in your head? Or that dream you have? But you don’t entertain or tell people about it because it’s too outlandish.
Because no one wants to read what I have to write…
That not a “real” business idea…
You don’t have the time to go back to school
You don’t know enough Bible to LEAD the study…
Are you being led or are you being driven?
When Jesus drives, he drives out demons and people out of the temple.
But he leads by still, quiet waters. When he leads you follow.
How do I know where he’s leading?
Know God
Be who he’s called you to be.
Be a person who is merciful, kind, humble, gentle, patience, loving, thankful, forgiving, who worships as a representative of Jesus.
Do what he’s called you to do.
You were made with the competence and confidence of the Almighty God.
If it’s your idea, your carry the burden. But if it’s your calling—his burden is easy and his yoke is light. In other words, “If God orders the food, he pays the bill.”
God is going use someone to rescue his people.
He is going to use someone to kill Goliath.
He is going to use someone to write a book that brings people to him.
He is going to use someone to lead a small group of 8 kids that creates ripple effects in the lives of hundreds, if not thousands.
He is going to use someone to accomplish his will—Might as well be you.
Next Step Questions: Do you find yourself knowing more about God than actually knowing Him? What is THAT THING that God is calling/leading you towards?
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