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The Summit Church

Decisions Decisions Week 2: What is Most Like Jesus

Decisions Decisions Week 2: What is Most Like Jesus

Discussion Guide: Week 2 Decisions

Locations & Times

The Summit Church - Kernersville

4440 High Point Rd, Kernersville, NC 27284, USA

Thursday 6:30 PM

Sunday 9:30 AM

Sunday 11:00 AM

Thinking back to last week's sermon what decisions have you made this week using the filter of doing what I already know to do?
Who do you naturally turn to when seeking advice or guidance?
What not-so-great decision-making tools have you used in the past to guide decisions? (A magic 8 ball, "Signs", commercials, marketing ads, the throw of a dart etc.)
Talk about the difference between WWJD (what would Jesus do?) and WWJHMD (what would Jesus have me do?).

Which is more challenging in thought and action?

Think about your most pressing decision.
What action or direction would be most like Jesus?
Read through the scriptures below. With each one talk about what Jesus DID and what He would have us DO.
Read the list below and for each one answer the question, What is most like Jesus?
Share one or two of your answers with your group.
In my job/career
In my schedule/time
In my finances
In my relationships
In my next chapter/season of life
In my service to others

How do you see your answers guiding your decisions in these areas?
Is it any different than what you would otherwise do?
Close your time together by sharing where you need to focus more of your efforts to make Jesus-honoring decisions.

1. Becoming familiar with New Testament scriptures on what Jesus DID and what He wants us to Do

2. Applying the filter of What Would Jesus Have Me Do in my decisions.

3. You already know what to do but need the courage and strength to do it. (Prayer followed by action)