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Christian Life Assembly

Living A Life of Radical Generosity - Special Guest Brad Rosenberg

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Locations & Times

Christian Life Assembly

2645 Lisburn Rd, Camp Hill, PA 17011, USA

Sunday 9:00 AM

Mobile Bulletin

We’re so glad to have you join us!We want to help you DISCOVER the incredible life you can have with Jesus, GROW in your relationship with Him, FOCUS your time and energy on your God-given strengths to impact the world, and REACH others for Him.
Living A Life of Radical Generosity
When God is in the equation, all bets are off.
1. A miracle always starts with somebody.
2. Miracles happen in the atmosphere of obedience.
God's prompting + Obedience = The Miraculous
3. When we do what we can, God himself, does what we can’t.
4. It’s all about listening to the prompting & acting in obedience.
5. He gave what he had in his hand and celebrated the miracle the rest of his life.
Final Thought:
Charity says, you can have the crumbs & leftovers from my table, but radical generosity says, I will give you a seat at the table.
2.4 Billion people who live on less than $2.50 a day
16,000 children die every day from dirty water or hunger related issues.
I would rather do God’s number with His help, than my number by myself.