Covenant Baptist Church

The Truth Is, Giving Is Getting
Pastor Brian begins part 8 of the What Is Truth series - The Truth Is, Giving is Getting. Join us as we learn why giving brings us the greatest blessings.
Locations & Times
Covenant Baptist Church
1350 E Industrial Rd, Mt Vernon, MO 65712, USA
Sunday 10:10 AM

The Truth Is, Giving Is Getting
Why are the principles of Christ's kingdom (e.g., "the first shall be last," "turn the other cheek when someone strikes you," "it's better to give than to receive," "whoever gives his/her life for Jesus will find it") so different from this world's?
Focus Points
Four biblical instructions for getting the most out of life:
1. Give forgiveness to find freedom.
Four biblical instructions for getting the most out of life:
1. Give forgiveness to find freedom.
2. Offer trust to get assurance.
3. Be generous to receive the greatest blessings.
4. Offer your life to Jesus that you might truly live.
Response Questions
1. How does your willingness to forgive others benefit you?
2. In what ways does faith in the midst of uncertainty bring assurance and peace?
3. Why did Jesus say "It is more blessed to give than to receive"?
4. Knowing that suicide is absolutely unbiblical, what did Jesus mean when He said, "Whoever loses his life for my sake will find it"?
1. How does your willingness to forgive others benefit you?
2. In what ways does faith in the midst of uncertainty bring assurance and peace?
3. Why did Jesus say "It is more blessed to give than to receive"?
4. Knowing that suicide is absolutely unbiblical, what did Jesus mean when He said, "Whoever loses his life for my sake will find it"?
Give Here
Can't be with us in person but feel led to tithe or give? Use the link below to conveniently tithe from the comfort of your home.